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Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1994, p. 36

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W e geq , er ,es edoloO , ysbeonboW .,âcloil e1 \d1i W page 36, Whitby Free Prees, Weckiesday, October 26,1994 Sarah Maikin TRAFALG AR CASTLE Another week bas flown by at .Trafalgar Castle and bas it been an entertaining one. This past week was National Chemistry Week and our ver)' own Mr. Davis was going berserkc over it (and I mean that ia the nicest way). At every lunch we bad a draw for a chemistry grab bag, and rm sre that the students wbo were hnoured enough ta, win bags ,bave enjoyed them. We have also been amused by the many attempta made by both students and teachers at telling good 'Mole' jokes. Let me give you an exam pie. This was tald by two of our senior students: "Who was Avogadro's favourite Trafalgar Castie student?" "Sarah Moîkin!" (notice my name at top). Whew! We had to hold back the tears of <>laughter on that one. We also had a contest ta see who can guess the number of moles in a cylinder of sucrose, the contest won by Becky Yeagen in Grade 9. On Thursday, we had an auction for a 'Mole Cake' and after a frenzied bidding spree, the cake went to the highest bidders, Angela Efthimiou and ber lunch table, for $50. On Friday before we had lunch, Mr. Davis enthralled us witb his amazing excpertise in chemistry fireworks, and thankfully we did not ail g.t blown' away into the next universe. In the concert hall we are proud to have on exhibit the world's (?) largest periodic table, 10 meters long anid four energy levels high. In the coming weeks we will be planting more than 500 tulips that staff and students have bought in memory of family and frienda who served or died in the great wars. Ail of our Trafalgar girls are looking forward ta, our upcoming dance. Several of our brother schools have been invited and we are ail raring ta, go. Paula King ANDERSON C.V.I. Anderson bas been busy this last week. Last Thursday we held the junior awards night, and Friday ail of last year's gracia returned for commencement ceremonies. Congratulations ta, all the grads and winners of al the special awards of distinctions botb nights. Don't forget to, buy your yearbooks now, se your memories of Anderson will be with you after you leave ACVI. Just $30 lets. you remember your high achool years forever. Ail this week we bave a Josten Ring representative in the front foyer. So if you want a scbool ring, corne out and pay a visit. The music department is basting a pot-luck musical dinner tonight. Anderson's most talented musicians will be playing and singing for you while you eat a delicious meal. If you are interested in supporting our music department, cali in and reserve seats, at just $5 per person. Corne out and enjoy yourself. Activity carda are still on sale, so pick yours up and get involved in ail the extra clubs and teanis that make Anderson se interesting. And don't forget ta dress up next Monday for Halloween. There will be prizes for the best costumes. Stefanie Antunes ST, CHARLES GARNIER Salut. It seems that' the middle of Octaber is as usual, a bectic time of the year for most students who are Jinvoved in a variety of activities. Members of the student council are very busy preparing a monstrous- Halloween dance. You'Ii pay less at the door if you .come dressed up, and there will be a prize for the, best costume, se start making those ghoulisb outfits. Our junior boys' volleybali ¶ team ranked first at a t preliminary bOSSA taurnament -in Bowmanville. Congratulations. guys, and good iuck next week in the second leg of tbe bOSSA tournarnent in Courtice. Our junior girls' basketball team is in Timmins for the "Tournoi franco-ontarien." We wisb them the best. One thing ta e note is tbat the students' support during games and most certainly the practices have paid off. Many thanks to M. Lambert and M. Auger, the coaches of these two teams, for their time and great dedication ta their achievements. Mi students are gearing up for their mid-termn exams which begin Oct. 31 and end Nov. 3. Good luck and good studying. A la prochaine. Crafts & col lecti bes at Sinclair The first annuai Crafts and Coilectibles show will be belci at Sinclair Secondary Scbool, 380 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby, on Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admniss ion is $2 at the door for the show, wbicb bas a wide assortment of vendors. 'Green' school MARAH PERALTA and Kenny Swan were sohool was named lenvironmentatly green' two of the Saint Marguerite D'Youville for completinq,100 environmenital- projeots. students celebrating recently after the ht by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press il[@ Sarah Goemans FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Good evening (imagine a Transylvanian accent), Austin Werewolves. Welcomne ta the first officiai Halloween column. Read it -- if you dare. A new chapter of the Vampires of Canada Association bas starteci up at Austin. If you bate garlic and wooden stakes but love Type O and immortality, this club is for you. The first meeting will be beld Oct. 31 at rnidnigbt in the crypt. BYOC (bring your own coffin). A superb multi-media eveat waa held in Austin's gym last week. Entitled 'Above and Beyond,' it containeci thrilling scenes from top movies and portions of hit songs pronxoting tolerance and going 'Above and Beyond' ta help our fiends in need. Thanks to Ms. Riccuto and the Connections Club for a great presentation. There was much hoopla among various Austin basketball teams lat week. The junior girls bad the pleasure of inflicting losses on not one, not two, but three teams beginning at a weekend tournament at' Seneca Coliege. The Lady Wildcats won 40-31 against Mayfield and 50-39 against Senator O'Connor. Bowmanville lost 38-48 at Austin during the Austin Atbletic Associations first buy-out on Thursday. Bowmanville's streak continued as they fell under the midget girls' claws 24-77. Per.eymna and Dunbarton were brought to thpir knees during the Dwyer invitational Tournament. Onice again the midget girls triumphied 57-15 and 62-5zô respectively. Why can't the mumrny go out tanight? He's tied up at the moment. That's just an exam pIe of the many jokes the Witch, Warlock and Zombie Alliance have cookt'd up for their convention. in the abandoned cemetery full of restless spirits, located under gym A. Cauldrons, bats, newts and books of spelîs will be available at -the door. The boys' soccer teams kept the baIl rolling last week. Senior Wildcats clobbered G.L. Roberts 4-1 and Peremya 3-2. Perernya felI victim to the junior team as well, 2-0. Tonigbt Austin welcomes the Broxbrun rugby team, ail the way Englanci, ta play a series of games. We hope the boys will be able ta cope without afternoon tea, fish and chips and crisps. Guys and ghouls, time is running out ta put together your costume for tamorrow night's Halloween dance - it's sure to be a real scream. So start practising your Monster Mash steps ta the vocal stylings of Smasbing Pumpkins, we want you aIl to look gourd on the dance Iloor. Trustee candidates at K. Rowe open forum The Kathleen Rowe Memorial Public Scbool Parent Scbool Community Association will hast an open community forum on Tuesday, Nov. 1. This is an opportunity ta hear and question the candidates running for the two -Whitby trustee seats on the Durham Board of Education. The forum is co-sponsored by the Durhanm Elementary Teachers' Association and will begin at 7 p.m. The school is locateci at 1125 Athol St. in Whitby. --.In the meantime, rememfber when trick-or-treating, ta wear brigbt clothing, carry a flashligbt and, most importantly, neyer eat your candy before having it checked by an adult. Happy haunting. A ____ HISTORICAL FEATURE in the WMhy Free Press 1. When the old House of Refuge at 300 High Street was restored in the 1 970s, where did the bricks for the repairs corne f rom? 2. Who off icially opened the Myrtle Methodist (now United) Church on Jan. 31, 1909? 3.Why did Peter Perry corne to Whitby f rom Lennox and Addington counties in 1836? 4. How long was the building, now occupied by the Silver Thimble Quilt Shop, used as a bank? Answers on Page 42 This teature provided by 'ONCDX%. C:

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