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Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1994, p. 43

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 26, 1994 , Page 43 National Block Parent WVeek Locl pograiiakes neighbourhoods safer You may kriow where your children are at il1 p.m., but do you know where they are nt 1 p.m. -- while you're at work or waiting at home -- or Saturday morning, after soccer practice ends and they walk the three or four blocks home? Do you and your children know what they would do or where they would go if they ran inte trouble going te, and from, acheol, a fiend's house, or even while trick-or-treating? That's where the Block Parent program cornes inta focus and what National Block Parent Week, Oct., 24-31, is aIl about. For over 25 years, the Block Parent prograni has been working effectively and efllciently in communities accross the country, protecting the children and niaking neighbourhoods a safer place. Ontario alone has more than 300 Block Parent communities, with 115,000 homes displaying the red and white Block Parent sign, while. Whitby and Brooklin boast 1,50Ã" Block Parent homes.. Early identification, of the Block Parent logo is an important element of the program's success. To this end, execudtive members of the Whitby/Brooklin Block Parent program visit area schqols, educating. and informing the prîmary grades of the significance of the Block Parent sign. Placed in a window, it tels children and adults that this is a «safe house' and that they will receive immediate help for any emergency. Thog the use of stories, videos, coleuring sheets and safety gaines, children are familiarized with streetproofing, safety and the Block Parent program. Prn "The Block Prn Program complements the work of the police departinent,' saysSgt. Gwen Cutier of Durham Regional Police. "The Wihitby/Brooklin Block parent committee is doing an excellent job of reinforcing streetproofing ta the school children. 'We are fortunate te live in a safe community," adds Sgt. Outler. "Luckily, it is flot necessary to cail upon the services of the Block Parent committee too often. However, it is reassuring ta know that they are there when needed.'- Last year, 289 incidents ruiig the assistance of Block Prnswere reported te the Ontario Block Parent prograrnis board of directors. Six were reported by Whitby/Brooklin Block Parent prograni chair Lynda Drake. Drake feels that the educational aspect of the program has been very beneficial in keeping the local incident rate se low. .Our volunteers work hard ta, ensure the school children understand a Block Parent house is a safe place te go in times of trouble." She agrees with Sgt. Cutler that Whitby* and Brooklin are areas of low crime rates. enable the children ta travel safely te and frem achool." For more information on becoming a Block Parent and/or joining the executive committee, "Nevertheless, we are always looking for more Block Parents as net everyone is available at the sanie time." "We appreciate the'support of the community in our efforts," says Drake, whe cites the enthusiasm of the commidttee membera ia making the prograni a success locally. 'There again, we are in need of more committee members toasasist in visiting the schoola in aur rapidly growing areas.l Volunteers are aise required te help with delivering signs, picking up application forma, community awareness activities, etc. ,It doesn't take much time, perhaps only a haif-hour a week," reports Drake. The Block Parent program's efforts are also endorsed and supported by the local achool boards. "The board endeavours te provide a safe achoël envirenment for ail of our students and that includes a young person's journey ta and fromn school,"' says Kevein Ashe, chair of the Durahm separate school board. 'We (the board) recognize that* Block Parents provide a safe haven and contact Drake at 666-1203. A - WhitbyfBrooklin Block Parent display will be at the Whitby MMIl, Saturday, Oct. 29, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTICE is hereby given ta the municipal electars of the Town of Whitby that whereas more candidates have been nominated ta each ai the follawing offices than the number required ta fi such offices, poils will be held an the dates and at the times and places stated in this notice for the purpase ai electing the holders of such offices: OFFICES FOR WHICH OILS WILL RF: HELD (a> Combined office ai Mayar and Regianal Councillar, one ta bo elected by genoral vate ai the electars ai the Town et Whitb *'; <b) Cambuined office ai Regional and Town Councillor, three ta be elected by generai vote af the electors ai the Town ai Whitby; (c> Office af Town Counicillor, North Ward <Ward 1), ana ta be elected b y ward vote af the North Ward electars ai the Town ai W hitb y; (d) Office ai Town Councillar, Centre Ward (Ward 3), one ta be elected b y ward vote ai the Centre Ward electars ai the Town ai Whitby: (e> Office ai Town Counicillor, East Ward (Ward 4), one ta be elected by ward vote ai the East Ward electors ai the Town ai Whitby; (f) Office ai Member ai the Durham Board ai Education, two te be elacted b y general vote ai the public school electoral graup ai the Town ai Whitby; (g> Office ai Member ai the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate Sahool Board, three ta be elected by genaral vote ai the saparate school english-Ianguage electoral group ai the Town ai ,Nhitby; (h) Office ai Member ai the Durham Regian Roman Catholia Separate School Board, two ta be electedi by general vote ai the separate school irench-language electoral group from the combined municipalities ai the City ai Oshawa, the Town of Whitby and the Townships ai Brock and Scugag; and, (i) Office ai Whitby Hydro-Electric Commissioner, four ta be elected by general vote ai the electors ai the Town ai Whitby. ADVANCE POLIS Advance poils will be heid on Saturday, November 5, 1994 and Wednesday, November .9, 1994, at the Whitby Municipal Building. 575 Rossîand Road East, Whitby. irom 10:00 a.m. ta 8:00 p.m. for the purpose ai receiving the votes ai those electors who expect ta be unable ta vote at the regular poilis. REGULAR POILS Regular pols wiIl be held throughout the Town on Monday, November 14, 1994, from 10:00 a.m. ta 8:00 p.m. Every elector should receive a voter notification card in the mail advising ai the location ai the poîling station where he or she is ta vote. Should you nat receive a card by Navember 5th, please caîl the Cîerk's Office for the location ai your palling station. PROXY APPLICATIONS Electors may vote by p raxy. Forms for this purpose are available at the Off ice ai the Town Clerk. A persan wha has been appainted as a voting poxy may apply ta the Clerk not later than 4:30 p.m. in the aiternoon ai November 14, 1994 ta receive a certif icate ta, vote by proxy for the pollinq subdivision in which the persan appainting the voting praxy is enitled ta vote. DATED this 26th day ai Octaber, A.D., 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER The Corporation of the Town of Whîtby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontaria LUN 2MB Phone: <905> 668-5803 National Community Safety And Crime Prevention Week TAKE NOTICE THAT October 30 -,Navembu.r 5, 1994, is hereby praclaimed as 'National Cammunity Saiuty and Crime Prevention Week" in and for the Town ai Whitby Citizens ai Whîtby are encouraged ta support the valuable community work ai Canada's National Safety Council. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 26th day ai October, 1994. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR TOWN OF WHITBY 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOTICE TO ELECTORS Copies ai the List ai Electors showing the names ai ail persans entitled ta vote in the November 14, 1994 Municipal Elctions n the Town ai Whitby have been posted at the following locations: Ashburn General Store, 8990 Ashburn Road, Ashburn Fire Hall, 201 Brack St. S., Whitby Smithson's Whistle Stop, 9550 Baldwin Street, Myrtle Station roquais Park Recreation Complex, 500 Victoria St. W., Whitby Post Office, 2 Pnice Street, Brooklin Post Office, 200 Dundas St. E., Whitby Senior Citizens Activity Centre, 801 Brack St. S., Whitby Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby Whitby Public Uibrary - Main Branch, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby Whitby Public Ubraz - Rosslandi Branch, 701 Rosslai Rd E., Whitby Whitby Public Library - Brooklin Brandi, 8 Vipoid Road, Broodlin If you wiiI be 18 years ai age or aider on or befare November 14, 1994; are a Canadian citizen; and, have been a resident ai Whitby or the owner or tenant ai land in the Town or the spouse ai such owner or tenant at an y time durîng the peniod ai September 6, 1994 ta October 14, 1994 and are not atherwisa disqualiiied by Iaw iram vating - check the ist posted at one ai the above locations or phone the Clerk's Department at 668- 5803 ta ensure that your name is on the List ai Electars. If your nama has been omitted from the List ai Electors you can make application ta the Town Clerk for a certificate which wili allow you ta vote. If. when you go ta the poli on election day, you ind that your name is not on the poîiing list you may make a déclaration that you are a qualified elector and you wiIi then be entitled ta vote. VOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT! DONALD G. McKAY CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER The Corporatian ai the Town ai Whitby 575 Rossland Road Easi Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phane: (905) 668-5803 Unless otherwis oted, parking on streets wilhin the Town 0f Whitby cannot e=ee three (3) hours. How you choose to pay tribute to a life lived or make an expression of remembrance is a personal choice. Your Municipal Cemet 'ery serving the Town of Whitby and, surrounding area. Located on the east side of Highway #12, north of Taunton Road. For information please eaul: 905-655-3493 G oV.ESUl.4DE MUNICIPAL CEMETE 1RY NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS Advance Poils, Regular PoilIs and Proxy Applications

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