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Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1994, p. 5

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Whitby Froc Press, Wednesday, October 26,1994, Page 5 Durham students' skills at provincial average Reading, and writing skills of Durham Reion separate school students compare favourably with other Ontario Grade 9 stu- dents. Local resuits of province-wide testing conducted* during the 1993-94 school year indicato that the reading and writing levels of Durham Catholie students are no better or worse than students, elsewhere in Ontario. The reading and writing test was administered to ail Grade 9 students in English and French language achools. Each student's, overaîl perfor- mance was evaluated by spe- cially trained teachers, according to two scales describing six levels of reading and writing. Student responses to the read- ing booklets and the work sub- mitted in the writing portfolios were evaluated on a six-point scale. Level 6 is superior perflor- mance; level 5 proflicient; level 4 comrtent; level. 3 adâequate; îever 2 limited, and level 1 dependent.- Lvels 3, 4 and 6 are con- sidered to ho in the expected range of performance' for Grade 9 stu dents whie levels 1 and2 are holow the expected level. Level 6 is hoyond what nor- rayj would ho expected of a gGrae 9 student., Tepercente f turham stu- dents at or awbve level 5 in writing is 12 per cent, with the Social refiorms focus of survey provincial average 14 per cent. Students at or above love] 4 lis 52 per cent,~ compared to 50 per cen p:rovincially. The figure for those at or above level 3 18 .95 per cent locally and 93 per cent province- wide. .Durham students at or above level 6 in reading is eight per cent down three per* cent from the ôntario average. Those at or above levels 4 and 3 are 39 and 91 per cent respec- tively. Provincially the figures are 4 and 9 per cent. According to a school board press release, the local resuits are "comparative to provincial norms.n. However, the board will ho developing "action plans» to im- prove prograins and to help in- dividual students improve their reading and writing sIilis. 'Mhe action plans developed will address areas of concern across the curriculum," the release states. .Raisinig funiidsformisigkids An ife skater who is cross- ing Canada té raise funds for the Missing Children Society of Canada 18 getting help from Owasco Volkwagen of Whitby. Jeno Kenderessy of Montreal began his journey on Sept. 9 from the west coast and aims te arrive in St. John's, Nfld. some- time in November. Owasco 18 providin the sup- port vehicle for Kenderessy's journey that will include a stop in Whitby next Tuesday, Nov. 1. He wilIl m ~ ke a presentation at St. Bernard choo. Anyone w o' wishes te, make a donation or order special Cad- bury chocolate packs te, selI in support of the iAe skating tour can eall 1-800-661-6160. The society is a non-profit organization that searches for ,runaway and abducted children. A case registered by the socioty can cost anywhere from $10,000 te, $60,000. To date this year, the society has spent about $300,000 for investigation and search for mis- sing children. <~ NEVER AÇA IN!I A local student is seeking the opinions. of youth and teachers on proposed social security reforms. Chandra Hunter, a former winner of the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, is asking for input from teachers, youth groups, student councils or individuals. Three youth organizations -- TG Magazine, Students Commis- sion and Generation 2000 -- have joined forces to dtermine the youth perspective. Theywýill make a report that sumniarizes student opinion on the proposed reformns, and the report will ho prètsented to Lloyd Axworthy, federffl Minister of Human Resources, on Dec. 30, 1994 for consideration. "There will not ho an indivi- dual, family, government depart- ment, agency or sehool that isn't going to ho afeacted by what will. ho comprehensive changes to the very social fabrie of this country we have ail cone to take for granted " is how the future rode- sign of the social security system was recently descrihod by Alex Shepherd, MP for Durham riding which includes north Whitby. For those wishing to state an oPinion, Hunter says they should include name, sehool/organiza- tion, address and telephone/fax nuihors,, and send to 347 Bay St., Suite 800, Toronto, M5H 2R7, or fax to 416-777-2713. .9 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION POPPY WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT November 4th Io 111h, 1994, 18 hereby proclalmed as 'Poppy Wek In and for the Town of WhItby. Cizens cf Whtby are encouraged to support the valuable communlty work of the Royal Canadian Leglon. DATED ai Whitby, Ontario this 26th day of October, 1994. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR ~.::~z4M PTO A Now to December 30, 1994 Savo LJTQ ON LENNOX 1110H EFFICIENCY PROPANE FURNACES and have a cosy Canadian wintcr! Choose the Lenmox G-21 in the Lennox G-26 Up-Flo series for excellent performance, reliability and ovcr 90% eff icicncy! 1 Yoar Root FREE * ON ANY RESIDENTIAL PROPANE WATER HEATER fromn Superior Propane installed ini your home by Dccember 30, 1994. at the samne time as any new High Efficiency Propane Fumace fromi Superior Propane. Choose from several models and sizes - they ail heat water up to 2 1/2 imes faster than comparable electric water heaters! H ot water, warmn home - suddenly the coming winter doesn't scem so bad. So hurry inad Add More Joy with dlem mad efficient Propane. 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