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Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1994, p. 14

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Page 14. Whtyfreo Presý, WedJnesday,,NovembeiZ 1994 Whitby Chamber of Commnerce asks...b CANDIDA TES wv What ia yuur first priority if you get elected, where wilI yuu put your eneries? How can you help ease the m*credibly high sense ai cynicism current experienoevd by the electorate at ail three levels?. 4 t- 1~ CENTRE WARD John Doistra Shirley Scott NORTH WARD Don Mitchell Rikidier Brian VWick EAS-T WA RD Dennis Fox Derek'Glass JoAnne Prout Dory Smnith ~*1 ~i The firat priority is aiways working to leap taxes as iow as possible while being progressive for aur town. To accompiisb that, I wili continue to search for external dollars available to us. During my present term, this council and I have worked ta hold ta a $13 tax increase in 1992, a zero per cent increase in 1993, and a 1.2 per cent decrease in 1994. My rirat priority would be ta work towards a fuly open democratic governrent which would represent the majori ty of the people. Had sucb a gavernment been in p la ce, three ao Witby's moat sign ificant problems (Wbitby General Hospital, Lynde Marsb, DBIA mandatary tax) would hava ataod a better chance at being reaolved ta the satisfaction of the electorate. My energies would be directed to uphaiding the principies of demnocracy and ensuriingý that centrc ward residenta are weii represented on a Fui-time basis. The firat priarity of any councillon must ha a seriaus commitment to dam g eveny aspect or the job wali. IL requires a hast of decisions avar a numbar of years whicb have major impacts on individuals andc(tLe community at large. You must ha praparad, tbougbtFul and fair. Sing la issue candidates are a racipe for jpoor Egovernment. Havi ng said that, the management orFthe Brooklin development, reconstruction and dawntawn redevelopment bas and will continua ta hae my rirat priority. Witb the Town of Whitby gowing at the rata tbat iL bas in the past, it is very di FFcut ta limit ourselves te, ana firaL priority. Emargency services would derinitely take precadanca ovar nan-emnergency services. Rcreatianal services nead ta ha addrassad, along witb well-planned developmnent of land use. With this in mind, i will work diiigantiy ta ansure the hast value for your tax dollar. As davaiopment in Brooklin accelerates, thera will heaa naed for mare commercial floor spaca. The existing residents oF Brooklin wsnt ta sea th is davlopment in the axisting commercial ares instead of in strip plazas in the new devaiopment areasa. My first priority wîll ha ta baip co-ordinate expansion plans of the existing commercial property owners, and bel p tbam through the bureaucratic red ta pe, so tbey can keep pace with the increased demsnd for goods and services. The existing marchants must keap pace with increasin g demand or- the potential custamers will geL in ta the babiL oF shopping in othar areasa. The actions oF the ederal and provincial governments create the real cynicism. I think ît's fair ta say there are less intense Felings of cy ici sm directed at tbe local level oF government. Tbe reason for that is I, along with the mayor and other councillora, work closely with the people we represent. I helieve electorate cynicism prevails because many candidates seeking office oFen rnake unrealistic capigipromises soieiy or the purpose of otaining votes an .e bfrrmises made beor he election are neyer Fulfilhed . TUh eFollowing are two waya I would alleviate the cynicism: first, I vow not ta make any empty promises; second, I will be a Ful-time representative witb no time contraint due ta other job commitments. Consequently, 1 will have the ime ta research and address citizans' concerna. t Politica is the art of bard chaicea batwaeen conflicting demanda, a procesa which inavitahly generatas some dia- satisfaction. Thare is also a tandency, somewhat media- driven, ta treat politicians generically: ia, "aIl politîcians are alike." Wbile amotionally satisFýying, this is as intallectually invalid as helievin g ail immigrants or Christians, etc. are alike. The resuLt ist bat un happines witb any levai transFers acrosa tbe spactrum. I should not ha Judged hy the actions of federal or provincial politicians, or Toronto trustees, but solely by my actions and those oFWhitby council wbicb I endorsed. 1 can only do my hast. 1 cannot contrai anyone's levai of cynicism. Eaing the efects of political c icism is lika digging a bale -- the deeper you dig, the Ionga«r iLtaka il] 11in. As iL stands,,we have a d ap hale! I would suggast stop digging, turn around and fil the bale witb an approachable, honeat an d raliahia politician. To raduce cynicism, ana bas ta make a concarted effort ta open communications. Candidates nead ta talk ta their constituants at open forums, and through regular nawsletters. This will help the electars understand baLLer the job accomplished by their representative. An effective reprasentative will listan careFully to the wants and needa of their ward's residents and reflect these ideas on the council. Attendanca at community socials. business openings and organizationa aevents would also help ta keep the candidate in touch witb the community. ___________ I i My firat priority is ta maintain "fiscal rest raint." As chairman aF finance for the last thrae yaars, I am proud of cauncil's record in this aras. 1993 -- zero par cent tax increase, 1994 -- 1.2 par cent tex reduction! I want ta maintain that trend. Keaping the rinancial aspects in mmnd, the community also requires much naeded Facilities, namely, additianali ice acilitias and a new main hranch librany. I beliava that with community su pport, bath iitives can ha realizad and I want ta workta make that happen. Actually there are four issues oF major importance that the new incaming council needa ta address: 1. Ensure Whithy hoapitel namains a Fuli services hospital. Wa juat witnessed a good example in Port Perry as ta why this is necassany. 2. Hait the devlopment in the Lynde Mansh ares. If davelopment cannot ha sta pad outright, then we naed ta negotiate s much wicier buffer zona. 3. Whtyneada at laast twa more ica pada. Wa kcap =iown new housing developments ta ha built but ara not building any new aciliies ta accammodate aur naw residents. 4. Our essantial services aucb as fine, olice and ambulance ara unden-funded, under-staffed and under-equipped. The livea of aur residents depend on these services oprating at peak performance and efficiency. My piaities include sddnassing planning and davelopment, witb a special emphasis on the growing concentration oF higb density develapment occurring nortb of Rossland Road; and haw that impacts on the social, aconomic and anvronmental future of Whithy. 1 will bring Ful-tima, open, naspansive naprasentation ta the east ward and the Town oF Whithy. Responding ta the concerna of Whithy residents will ha my number ana concern. My firat priority iF alacted lies in the future oF aur children. I haliave in the nouriahmant oF aur moat valuable commadity. Whitby neada ta ha cammitted ta training that will guarantea jobs. Open opportunities ta new and axisting business thua encouraging commercial and industrial davlapments. I helieve once we create the vision, thair awaraness in such issues as a haalthy environment, saFe neighhourhood and wiae govannmant spanding will ha successFully desît witb. Ancd aur youth will play a major noie in gettin g us througb t basa wugh imas, but moat oF al tbay will hava the knowledge, akîlîs and courage ta lead the uture genaration intoaa more sacura, progressive, saFe place ta iva and work witb dignýty- At the ime, I too eal cynical about politicians and plitical decisions, particularl y at the provincial and Faderai lavaIs or government. Hawever, thera is no point in sllowing thosa Felings La overshadow good bard- warkïng politicians who maka good decisians. 1 heliave the Town of Wbithy bas had a long histony of having good government. Our presant counicil bas continued that tradition. For many years 1 have used the slogan 'Honasty, Integrity. Expenience,' I beliave that I asding by exampla should encourage the public La respect the political system more. I admit this is going ta ha very difficuit due ta the track record of aur presant politicians. Howaver, it's not impossible. You need to convince youn constituants that you care about and want their viaws and input on major issues and that you will respresant the wishas of the majority whan you cast aour vota. Sure moat people have heard ail this haFora, but i f you actually put iL inta practica then the people will begin ta start trustîng thaîr elacted rapresentativea again. This is nat gaing ta happan overnight, it's going La ha a long bard proceas. My goal is ta carry into puhlic liFe the samie commitment ta honesty an d ollow-through that I ractic y persoal and proFessional liFe. By m ing a sincare effort ta delîver what I promise, the rasult will ha relieF oF the cynicism, at leasat at a local levaI. I believe 1 can case the sanse oF cynicismn by saylng wa the electars can't accomplish and or maka the necessary changes demandud or a progressive community. The alectarates neea to acknawl edge that as elacted offliciais our promises, bopas and good intentions will ha empty, except -- the community is active, communicative and Isuppaortiva, and bave the rasourcas aF solid irepresantation and commitment hy elacted officiais that are accauntahie and Fcused on the needa oF the commun ity. Then 1 balieve positive changes will bappanad and trust and confidence in elacted of-ficiais at aIl levais will ha rasolved. Durham Repion lbas apparently lagged bebind other regons in the GTA, in funding and i eonomic developmeDt and gmwthA What are pour views on a regionally framed economic developmeut offle as opposed to municipal economzic development? Durham Raglan was la gnbehind in 1993, but has moved ahead i n 1994.' lfurha>mRgan is the fastet fro-win g region in the GTA at the present ime. The labour Foce has grown 58 per cent in the last 10 years in Durham Reion over other areas in the GTA. Durham oe'n has te lowest rate of unemployxnent rate in the GAO Durham Reglan bas the Iargest increase in building parmits in the GTA. With ail or these actors as evidence, iL is difficult ta comment on a need for change in this ares. I believe a municipal economic affice is better positioned than a regional one ta recogniza and address the economic needs of individual municipalities. A marketing and economic department competes for new investment in an ever-increasing campetitive market- place. In addition a marketing and economic department maintains, promotes and stimulates existing businesses. Wha better ta Focus in on this important task than a well-mativated, informed and aggressive.staff with a persona] touch, situated within t he municipal structure? The maintenance of bathi regional and municipal ecanamic offices is vital for economlc growth. The beat part of tawn government la that you live with your votera, and they can (and do) express thair mooda very directly. The fartber governnient is removed the lesa accountahie and aatisfactary it is. While I enâorse regional trategies, they abould be dane by individuai municipalities pursuant ta provincial guidelinea. We have anc to many levais of government now. The question of whtber Durham Region is lagging behin d otber ragions in terma oF ecanamic development s trictly in th eeys of the eholder. A regiona ly framed economic ofice would give a, lurger c out ini aecuring- funds for econoniic develapmant, whereasaa municipal office would give mare concise application of Funda. Bath offices deserva menit. Possibly a comman bond between them would ha baLer. Further atudy is required heFore aound judgment on ither ia given priority. Changing the emphasis of promotion oF economic development From municipal ta regional, would ha advantageous whan advertiaing outaida the region. Pooling money rom the participatin g municipalities in Durham would buy a rnuch more e ITectîve advertising camPa ign. Any increase in economic activity in the region will have a positive inancial affect on al or the oth Fer municîpalities. iThe Town or Whitby has an excellent economic and development department which has served our community extremely well. Even during these tou.7h economic times, Whitby was stili attracting businesses iand growtb. I agree that, regional co-apera Lion could be ibenelici al. However. your question impI ies that our own Town department would be eliminated. I would neyer support such a move. In a regional rramework, how jwould Whithy be assured of its proper promotion and growth? The T own of Whitby should be the master of its own destiny -- not the Region or the GTA. I féel it's going toi be necessary for ail areas of Durhanm Region to work together closely as a team iFr we hope ta attract new business and industry ta our region. Whithy must retain contraI aF its economic and social planning to protect iLs uniquenasa, economiC potential and ability to competa. This can't happen when planning takes place exclusively at a regional level. Although cooperation with nei zhbouring communities is necessary, Further regionali zation erodes local autonomy and identity, and removes the individual even further from the decisions. To return aur fair share or funding ta Durbam, the Region needs ta find a stronger joint voice or lohhy through cooperation hetween nunicipalities. If Durham bas laggad behind the GTA on Funding and economic development and grawth, I believe it's Lime we implemented the t e or programas that will move us Forward. 1 have conl idence in the residents of Whitby. Once given the opportunity ta serve, togethar we will be able toi put Forth innovative ideas that will put us in the forefront. Having said the aboya, I know we can work with the municipal economic development to achieve our goal. That in no wa y would prevent us developing a regionai rramework tha t could bc the envy oF our allies in the GTA. 1 strongly believe unity is the assential ing-redient ta overaîl success. ç---Mwd - - ý -- -ý - - =1114% - -

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