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Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1994, p. 44

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Page 44, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 9, 1994 SCAL A HIL CAE I OON IAART~U4Tj CUISCIA SPCE ............. .E RV.E...FR...T...R.......EN.O.SA HOUSECLEANING - residentiai and offices. Reasonable rates. References. Some Thursday and Friday a ppointments available. Cali 728-5622 after 6pm. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY.' Re-upholstery of antiques. Alil kinds of recavering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 yearsi experience. 430-7568, Whitby. STEAM CLEANING - carpet & upholstery by Darnin M urton. Serving the Durham Region for 10 y ears. C a Tet cleanîng any 5 rooms $79.99; liv., din.. ha2 $34.95, uphoistery cleaning sofa, chair. loveseat oniy $64.95-. Cali for a free estimate or book your appoîntment today. Alil workmanship guaranteed. Caîl 666-8590 CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byran St. N. - Pearson Lanes. Come see me for ail your sewing needs. Tues. - Fni. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. Cali 430-6550. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Ho>me Repaîr. Quality work. interior/exterior. Over 20 years expenience. No job too smaii. Free estimnates 1-80-423-0823. I MACNEIL'S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY & Reflnishing, fumiture repair. Serving the Durham area for 25 years. 430-4585. FALL CLEAN-IJPS, eavestrough cleaning & carpentry work. Excellent rates. C ail 430-6280. VOUR WEDDING DAY creates many memories - preserve those special moments with Bernan Photography. Caîl 668-5527. STEAM CLEANING - car pet & ulpholstery by Darrin M urton Serving the Durham Region for 10 Sears.aret cleaning an y 5 rooms 799:liv.,' din, hal [$34.95-, uphoistery cleaning sofa, chair, loveseat only $64.95-. Cal for a free estimate or book your appointment today. Ail workmanship guaranteed. ¶ Caîl 666-8590 THE MOBILE HAIR SERVICE - n-home hair care by icensed stylist at reasonabie rates. Cail 668-76'10. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive quaiity portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, cldefamilies. Packages from $29. Also: weddings tram $469, christenins rups, boudoir,. oepy & estoration, anniversaries, promational. No GST! 427-9164. PAINTING - prafessional -painting & walipapenng. Intérior/exterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too smaii. For good pnce & good work oeil George at 725-7870. Free estimate. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN- experienced in residential, 'commercial & industrial work 24 hour service cails. Phone Tomi at 668-7852 for free estîmate DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complete resideniai & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceilings. Caîl Dieter for a free CARING MOTHER will provtde a happy environment for your child Nutrtous lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks. crafts. stories). Thickson & Rossland. Ask for Debbîe 404-0815. RELIABLE MOM WILL PROVIDE loving care in smroke-free, pet-free home in West Lynde. Prefer over 1 year Please cail 666-5777 EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 is avaiable to provîde full/part-time daycare in my home. Lots of activities & TLC Nutritîous meais & snacks Non-smoker lntrepid Dr (Rossiand/Anderson) area. Please caîl 666-2685. EXPERIENCED & reliable mother will provide daycare in my home Any age welcom e.Close to AndersoniRossland Cal Mary 430-0011 LOVING MOTHER of 8 mos old would ltke to care for, your chîld full/part-tirne or before & after school. Fun-lovîng. non-smoking envîronment. Meals provided Glenhîll Dr (Dundas/Thickson area). Reasonable rates Cal 430-0345ý EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available TLC crafts stortes. songs. outing s and more Just like nursery SChool ini a home environment. Come in us Dundas and Thickson Cal 430-71179 PLAYGROUP (DROP-OFF) Kindergarten preparation. a ges 2ý- Mother of 1, ECE training Crafts/computer/ piano/snack & much more Mot-Fr.. 9-1 lamr 1-3pm. $4/hr Cal 430-6347 Speciaiizing in Early Chiidhood Education. (tF14.. For Peace of Mnd. Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 BROOKLIN - large furnished bedsitting roorn for December 1. Close to shopping. Cali 655-5539. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - large. clean self-contained rooms for rent. Close to transit & shopping. Available immediately Cail Haro[d 619-2981 (local). DOWNTOWN WHITBY - clean, quiet, fully fumished room in private home. Privileges include kitchen use. cable & parking. Suit mature, working male. -$90 weekly. Firstllast. 668-3640. WHITBY - male/female roommate wanted to share 4 bedroomn house. laundry, parking facîlities. $350/mno. Caîl Rick at 430 7103. ISHOP IN THE C LASSIFIEDS!I You'Il save time and money t you shop the ads in the clas ted sectiont irst! Il s the place Iot ind the bg bargains you're looking for. . ....... FOR... R..... APTS. FOR RIENT, downtown Whitby. 1 bed $525 includes ail utilities. 2 bed $650 + hydro Both include frdge & stove. Firstlast. References required. Cali 905-623-1013. WHITBY - CLEAN ONE hedroom apt. located in quiet. restdentia; area Suttable for single person. non-smoker preferred Available irnimedtately $495 +. nydro Cai; 668-3011 days or 668-6818 eventngs & weekends THORNTON/ROSSLAND - brîgnt. ,lean 1 bedroorn basernent apt. carpeted ktchen. stove & frdge Nurî-srtokirny workînig persoris $565!mo. uttîties included Cal evenings 725-7474 APTS. FOR RENT. WHITBY - Dundas & Cochrane 3 large totaly renovated 2 bedroom apis Close ta schoois transit & shopping Available tmmediately Cal! Harold 619-2981 (locai) 1 BED. BASEMENT APT. in central Vhtby. $600/nio inclusive, large living ,orcrtn wtth fireplace. lawiidry facîlîttes on premises Avaiable jan 1,95ý Cali Brad or Jen 905-668-257't-, MARYIADELAIDE. OSHAWA smaili1 bedroom apt avaiable înmnediately ircludes frîdge. stove. iitilttes & parking Suit mature workîng single $550 & $575 neg 668-3640n NORTH OSHAWA (north of Oshawa Centre> - 2 bedroom quiet & clean anpt.. hardwood floors & carpet. $645/mo. Caîl 430-0643. WHITBY CENTRAL, near downtown core Frid ge, stove, heat & utilities included. $528/mo. Phone 668-5988 WHITBY - bachelor apartment Parking, utilities. cable & laundry lacilities unicluded. Quiet, working female preferred. First & last. $450/mo. No pets. 666-9453, COMING EVENTS- WORKSHOP FOR INVENTORSI Salur- day, November 191h, Holiday Inn, 360 Iroquois Road, Oakviiie. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., $125, Cail toli-ree 1-800-265-4559 ta register. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START VOUR OWN home-based busi- ness! Watkîns Is lodays bosi business opportunityl For FREE Inormation con- tact - ndepondent Marketing Direclar, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK 57H 4Z6 (1-800263-2999). DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE: Repair vehicie paint chips and rust spots. Also do rust proolng, dolailng and more. No experionce required, fuliraining Inciud- ed. Your invosiment brtngs a hlgh relurn. Chlp Ropair Sysiems Il. mnc., #3 343 Forge Rd., S.E., Calgary, Aberta T2H 0S9. (403) 258-3200, Fax 258-3245. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for oxecu- ives, owner/managers la earn liltime royalties tram long distance lelecommuni- calions subscrlbor base. derltied trainers and marketing coordinatars la assisl. Recording 1-800-700-3994. NEED EXTRA CASH? StarI your own business selIng a NEW expanding ineofa cosmotics la triends, relatives and noigh- bours. EXCELLENT PROFITS WITH NO TIMES OR MINIMUM ORDERS. For FREE Inormation send soit addressed stamped envolope ta VIKKI COSMET- OCS. Box 328. Sunderland, Ont. L0C 1iHO. CAREERTRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE af Vancouver allers correspandence cours- os for the certiticato of Counseling Stud- ios ta bogin the 151h ot the manth. For brochure phono: 1-800-665-7044. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Leam Incamo Tax Prepara- lion and Baokkeoping by correspon- denco. Eam your certiicate now. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Ser- vices, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario N5W 5R6. 1-800-665-5144, aver 20 years af tax training oxporience. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the South- western School ai Auctioneerlng. NexI Class: Nov. 19-25. Information., contact: Southwestem Ontario Schooi of Auction- ooring, R.R.#5, Woodslock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMPLOVMENT OPPS. REQUIRES 3rd VEAR OR LICENCED autobody technlcian. G.M. experienco preterred. Contact Stan Johns, Body Shop Manager, phone 403-532-9333. WE WANT OUALIFIED DRIVERS, dame in, pull up a chair and sip a cotteo. We'li review wth you aur new driver compen- sation package and show you aur new direction and locus. Loi us show you that by worktng togethor we can grow togelh- or. Must have a minimum ai 2 years or RETAIL SPACE for lease. Excellent downtown Whitby location. Cali 905-623-1013. -RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a *alierflar 66 -6 1 150,000 miles experience ta quaiity. N. Yanke Transter Ltd. 'Service wiih prido, North America wide.* Cal ChrIs Berry 1- 800-667-7988. FOR SALE GREAT CHRISTMAS STOCKING STUFFERS, order now. individuai cook- books on soups. italan, seafood dinners, coltee, snacks. $4.90 each, postage $1.40. Phone (519) 749-3850, 24 hours. Choque, VISA/MC, Elgin House Kichens. SALES HELP WANTED,, $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a loI oi money selling chocolale bars ln your area ln your spare lime. Noihing la pay In advance, fast deiivery 1-800-38-DELUX MISCELLANEOUS,'- MORTGAGE $$$ availabie! Fast action on residentiai propeiles, collages, lots & construction, Ati home owners may quail-' ty. dali 1-800-265-2694. Barham Invesi- ment Corporation - Norh York, Ontario. We make houso caiis! PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond wilh unallached Christian peoplo across Canada for companionshtp or marriago? S.A.S.E. Free Information. Stalo age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, dhase, B.C., V0E 1iMO. IMPOTENdE EASILY correcled. Over- came all ereciion problems caused by aging, surgery, medicalions, diabolos oic. Gel the tacts: Performance Medical, Box 418, Vaiemounl, B.d. VOE 2Z0. 1-800- 663-0121. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/iimeshare? Wei l ake fiI Americas largosl, oldesi resaie ciearlng- houso. Rosort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Tîmoshare reniais needed. dail 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS QUONSET BUILDINGS . . . Annual Fac- tory Direct Wintor Sale. No Middleman. 21x34 $1,998.00. 25x44 $2,736.00. 32x48 $4,264.00. 34x54 $4,898.00. 40x5B $6,394.00. 40x66 $7,298.00. Ends oplionai. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS 25x305$2.179.00. 33'x36' $3.741 .00, 35x505$6,037.00 , 42'x56' $7,157.00, 45*x66' $7,894.00, 48'x80 $10.588.00, 50'x1OO' $14,970.00. Many 10 choose tram. Ends oplionai. Future 1-800-668- 8653. SP.A.1.-TECH STEELBULIJST. Top Qualtiy Siraighlwaiî Wood/Steel AtVSlteei Buildings. CSA Certiied, Work- shops, Barns, Arenas. Stables. Etc. Large or Smaii, Coniraduing & Financing Avaitabie, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. *It's Affordable e Its Fast a It's Easy - One Bill Does It Ail * Nortl'ern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Westecm Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $38(0 National Packages Availahle Caîl thîs paper for dctails! .6 *d: 5 0 â'::ý668: 059 ff fou rs.. ay:,.:, o,:,:ý p CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE' "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Countr" Everyone Needs To C 4muniAwe Better than chiselling your thoughts in stone, put thcrn ini the ciassifieds! That's the easy way ta tell and seil! Whitby Free Press 668- 6111I 40 %

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