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Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1994, p. 14

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Page 14. Whitby Free Press, We&iesday, November 16, 1M9 TEA, AUCTION The Rose of Durham Victorian Tea and Auction will be held in the Cullen Gardens banquet room on Tuesday, Nov. 22,. 7 p.m. Bid on a favourite item (brin g Sour loonies). Refreshments will e available. For tickets, cal 432-3622. There will be no tick- ets at the door. JUVENILE ARTHRII'S The Arthritis Society has recently organized the Juvenile Arthritis support group. Meeting are held at the Grandview Rehabilitation and T7reatment Centre, in theý conference room. Meetings are held every other month, the next meeting on Monday, Nov. 21 from 7 te 8:30 p.m. The tepic will be 'Ability OnLine Support Network , a computer network that put children and adolescents with disabilities in touch with each other. For more information, cal Patricia Brightwell at 434-7032;ý Katherine* Crawford or Robyn Heaney at the society offlice 434-7221. D1WALI United South Asians of Dur- ham Region will'present 'Diwali' on Saturday, Nov. 19, 7 p.m. te midnight, at Ajax Hi gh Schoel, 105Baly St. E., Ajax. The program includes dinner, dance, music and kids' plays (Diwali, or 'Festival of Lights,' is the most important festival for Hindus around the world and will-be celebrated Nov. 3). Tickets ($10 for adulte, $5 for children aged 6 te 12) are available by calling Ramesh Syai at 905-430-0055 or Ramesh M ajithia at 905-579- 3060. GIV DIVE Eacth year the volunteer association at the Whitby Mental Health Centre endeavours te give each patient a Christmas gift. Anyone wishing te donate te the gift drive (items such as socks, slippers, small boxes of candy or choclates plus personal items for ladies and gentlemen) can deliver te building 30, volunteer services between 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For further information cal 668-5881 ext. 5323. rNon-profit communt rop whlch are aecIn Whilby or have a, subetmWtalWhlby- memwferh4ÃŽ niay.,. page et no cost. F ewla»,1Ulspe l 'PEOPLE AGAINST PORNOGRAPHY' store recenuy. Thie demonstration -was picketed outside an Oshawa aduit video held during Wluie Ribbon Week. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres POVERTY A'community forum about poverty will be held on Thurs- day- Nov. 24, 7 te 9 p.m., at L'lliance, 707 Simcoe St. S., 'Oshawa. Guest speaker is John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. A panel- will offer various perspectives on child poverty, and answer ques- tions. F or more information, cal Anna Buchanan at 721-6167 or Diane Garvin at 433-4100. - zoos, cW t sow CH[)I'fMA MAGIC BAZAAR The Catholic Women's Longue of St. John the Evangeliet Catholic Chunch presents its bazaar, 'Christmas Magic,' on Nov. 19, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m., at St. John the Evangeliet Parish Centre, 903 Giffard St., Whitby. The bazaar will featune baked goods, a teani room, ' Big 25,' country cnafts, white elephant as well as -knitted and sewn items. Proceeds will go the parish and other charities. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Catholic Womnen's Longue of St. John the Evangeliet Catholic Church presents its Christmas Magic Bazaar on Nov. 19, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m., at the St. John the Evangeliet Paish Centre, 903 Giffard St., Whitby. The bazaar will feature baked goods, a tea roomn, Big 25, country crafts, white elephant, as well as knitted and sewn items. Proceeds will go te the parish and other charities. BAZAAR Westminster United Church Women (UCW) Wll hoid a bazaar at 25 Manning Rd., Whitby, on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1 te 4 p.m. There will be home baking, novelties, crafts, candy, sewing, knitting, white elephant, tea ron. Cail 576-8218 or 576-261FL for more information. CRAYT SHOW The llth annual Christmas craft show will lie held at Col. J.E. Farewell Public School, 810 McQluay Blvd., on Sunday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will be more than 40 tables of crafts. Admission is free. Proceeds go to school projecte. 1CRA.FT & BAKE SALE Palmerston Avenue Com- munity School will hold a craft and bake sale on Nov. 26, 9 a.m. te noon. Rentai fée per table is $15 plus a donation of a craft or bake item. For further information cali 666-0959. WGH AUXILTARY BAZAAR The Whitby General Hospital Auiliary wiIl hoid a Christmas bazaar and bake sale, Thursday, Dec. 1, 10 a.m. te 4 pm., in the hospital lobby. ;For more information caîl Jean at 430-2572. SENIORS' BAZAAR The Windsor Place Seniors will hold a bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will ho a white elephant and bake table, crafis, grab bage, raffle (includes $100 grocery hainper) plus 20 other prizes, penny raffle, guess- how-many-cins contest and refreshments. CHMISTMALéSBAZAAR A Christmas bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., at 681 Dnipro BIvd., Oshawa. Free admission. Ukrainian food wilI ho served and will also be available for takeout. BAZAAR Durham Region Community Cane Association caregiver relief aduit day prograni is hosting their second annual bazaar, white elephant table and raffle on Thursday, Dec. 1, 1 te 5 p.m., at 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 and 20, Ajax (corner of Clements and Westney Rond).- Everyone welcome. Proceede go te the day program. For further information caîl (905) 427-2315. CANADIAN CLUB The Canadian Club of Durhamn Region will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. at the Holi- da Inn, Oshawa. Ã"zuest spekaer will be Liza Copeland, graduate in psychology and author of 'Just Cruisin,' about her six-year eail- ing trip around the world. For more information, caîl 655-4530. COFFEE HOUSE Christian Singles Coffee House will be held at the Christian Life Centre, Rossland and Ravencroft roads in Ajax, on Saturday, Nov. 19, 7 p.m. For more information cail Verna at 728-9720. DANCE Whitby Professional Firefighters dance will be held Saturday, Dec. 3? 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whidtby. Ceet is $25 per couple, includes midnight buffet, door prizes, spot dances. Al proceeds go te Whitby minor sports. For ticket information cali 668-3314. CANADA MUSIC WEEK The week of Nov. 21-28 is declared Canada Music Week. The Oshawa and District branch of the* Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association will be celebrating by sponsoring a recital featuning mnusic by Canadian composers performed by students of ORMTA members. The recital will take place at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. YWCA WORKSHOPS The Oshawa YWCA is offeing three workshops in December. On Thursday, Dec. 1, 7 te 9 p.m., cteate your own gift wrap and cards. On Saturday, Dec. 3, 9 a.m. te .4 p.m., is basketmnaling for beginners. On Wednesday, Dec. 7, 7:30 te 10 p.m., create a Christmas centrepiece made from naturels materials. To register for one or ail of these workshops, cal 576-8880. SEMJNAR An astrology seminar, 'How the Energy of the Pianete Affect our .Iàves,' wiIl be heid on Thursday, Nov. 24, 6:30 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, iret floor, 33 King St. W.,'Oshawa. Leader is Joan Ann Evelyn. No charge. To pre-register cali(905) 725-9179. The seminar is sponsored by the First Oshawa ITC Club. SCHIHRNIA The Ontario F'riends of Schizophrenics (Durham chapter) su pport group meets tonight (ednesday), 7 p.m. i n building 30? auditorium (use rear entrance), of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. The video 'Shattered Dreame' will be shown. For more information, caîl 686-7430. MATTHEW STEPHENSON (Ieft), Sean Dick (middle) and Alexander Dotzko of 7th Whitby wiIl be among 300 Beavers from Whitby taking part in a 'Skydome Sleepover' on Nov. 26 to celebrate the 2Oth anniversary of the stant of the B!eaver-program inthe s§coutingmoent oklr Kinsmen, Lio ns and Optimists, Whitby -Khrns -nard* Lioness ail donated to help defer,,the cost « of theeet expected to attract 10,000- people. Photo by JeremfY, Dresai. Whtby Fri eieu MT The Firet Oshawa ITO Club, -whlch hbelpe develop" confideinee îé,11i spes! ngtnd leader- u-'lîiIp*Ill meet onT-uesday, Nov'. 22, ,l p.m., at the Michapl Starr Buifldin in Oshawa.'For. more information on the no-cosrain ing, cali 725-9179. CHLDJRIIPROGRAM< The Childbirth Education Association of Durham offers a program flor expectant' parente, 'Choices for Chuldbrth,'.choosing whate right for your prenatal care and.childbirth, on Monday, Nov. 28,'7 to 8:30 p.m, at the Ajax Public Library, 65 Harwood Ave. S.-.Everyone wel;come. For motl-einformation.câll!420-3890 ONE PAREbT FAMILlES The One Parent Fainilies Asso- ciation of Oshawa, will meet on Tueoday, Nov. 22, 8 'p.m., at 432 Simcoe St. S., f or coffee, cards and conversation. Ail single parente welcome. For more infor- mation, cali 432-2684 *or 728- 1011., WORKING TOGETIIER On Saturday, Nîov. '19,: 9:30 a.m. to 4 'p.m., the ;Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. is holding a workshop thât will begin to move Durham's vision for its children and families to reality. The vision- describes "a healthy, caring c èommunity where CELIAC The Canadian Celiac Associa- tion will hoId a support group- meeting on Thursday, Nov. 17 a t Courtice North Public School.. For more information, caîl Lnda at 666-1993 or Cassandra at -728-8531. CHTMS BAZAAR The Perry Terrace Christmas bazaar and lunch will be- held "on Saturday, Nov. 26, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 200'Pery. St., Whitby. Many varied itemns for gifts and home decorations.

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