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Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1994, p. 28

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es eurq, boerUJiodool«Ita ubW,<0q w cbjiw Page 2e, Whitby Free Pres, WeiesdaY, November 16,1994 Amnesty forum a By Sarah Goemans Wednesday, Nov. 16 marks a very significant step for the students and staff at Father Leo J. Austin in the fight against human torture worldwide. The Amnnesty International Action Forum will be held in the resource centre at Father Leo J. Austin Secondary Scbool, 9:30 a.m. to,2 p.m. The event promises te be a milestone for high achool amnesty groups withidn Durhanm Region and Metropolitan Toronto. Ton students are expected from each of 15 schools, as well as the teacher moderators, the first time these groupa have interconnected. Sehool h eads and poitical memnbers are also expected te attend. Amnesty International is a group whose aimn is te protect people from being persecuted, beaten, tortured and often murdered due te their beliefs. For years, these groups have written letters on behaif cf prisoners cf conscience, working te save thom and protect their rights. The cost of the event is $7 per person. The schedule of events includes three guest speakers. Hillary Holmes is an Amnesty International youth coordinator who will share her ideas about group organization and fundraising. Sheldon Fisher is an Anmnesty speaker who will speak about global polities and the importance Of Amnesty International. The third speaker is Faustino Lombe, a refugoe from Zambia who was released through the efforts cf Aminesty. Ho will be discussing bis personal experiences as a prisoner cf conscience -- participants Will hear first-hard the conditions undor which prisoners are living. Between speakers, there will be sessions in. which groups can discuss what they have just heard. For more information, feel free te, contact Cathy McDonald, Diane Rtose, or . Jobanne Bentley at (905) 666-2010. L jA Theresa Magee1 FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN (n honour cf Regionai Literacy Awarement, we are sponsoring the first «'Croate-an- Introductory-Paragraph Day.' So knock yourselves eut. Les petits bobos d'Austin vont aller a la ville magnifique de St. Conat, Quebec. Now, for our anglophone audience, the Grade 9s are planning a trip te St. Donat, Quebec. Skiing and various cultural activities are on the itinorary cf fun. Ooh la la.1 Spealdng cf foreign affairs, the cafeteria is holding Mexican Food Week in recognition of International Food Festival Month. Cet in Uino now for frijoles, burritos, enchiladas in a delicious tequila -- we mean, guacamole -- sauce and nachos. OIe! Students Of varying ethnocultural backgrounds auditioned Sunday for the Connections Club's iesta Night. Ethnie music, drams and dance will be showcased at the annual event. On the criminal front, Grade 12 law students appeared in court Iast week. They were arraigned on charges of enrolling in HLW 4Al and were remanded in Ms. Riccuto's custody until June. Ooh law law! In the fourth edition cf Wildcats on Ice, Mr. Peever's junior boys' hockey team. beat the (hockey) pants off Anderson 5-1. With a team like that to entertain us, wbo needs the NHL? Remembrance Day ceremonios were beld on Nov, il te bonour Canadian soldiers and their beroc deeda. Bapipes, cadets and serene readings created a reflective and sombre atmosphere. Members cf Austin's acclaimed Amnesty International Club were te, hold an action forum ail day tedy. evra chools attended the woropand listened te speaker Faustino tome whom Amnesty helped release. Now the time bas corne for the final curtain -- well, for this week, anyway. In the ineantime, remember if it's not Baroque, don't fix it. 'Handouifs' author visîts A group cf students at Anderson CVI will got an opportunity tomorrow (Thursday) te spend a day witb tbe author cf a play tbey are rehearsing. James Reaney, playwright and p rofessor emeritus at the University cf Western Ontario, will visit the scbool and bold worksbops for bis play 'Handeuffa?.' The play is the final part cf a trilogy Reaney wrote about tbe tragie evonts surrounding the deatha of members cf the Donnelly family in southwestern Ontario. Reaney, wbo bas a play currently running at Stratford, bas agreed to work witb the young cast and teachers producing bis play. Reaney will meet witb the scbool's staff at a luncheon. Students are working te, produce the Canadian play that has a very mature theme. 'Play' evening Henry Street H-igb Scbool will prosent 'An Evening cf One-Act Plays,' Nov. 16 and 17, 7 p.m., in the Henry Street cafeterium. ickets, for $3, are available at the door or in advance by cafling Nancy Marsh at 668-2731. TÃ"P STUDENTS1 honoured recently, at Ecole Seconda Garnier. From left from the last year were at an awards- assembly aire Catholique Charles t, Sara Martin, Sophie D'Auzac, Lynne Lamarche »and Jean-Fran- dois Bigras-Lavergne were among the award winners. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Chesea Balzan i~HENRY ST. H.S. t was an unfortunate day for Henry students wben on Nov. 4 the staff basketball tenm won a close 18.16 ganie ngainst our student team. Last Tuesday and Wednesday the Hawks hockey teain participated in a five-game teurnamont. In the first game tbey were defeated 6-5 by Markvilie, but tbey came bnck te win their next three games. In the championsbip game tbey won 3-2. What a beautiful way te start the season, boys. The junior girls' basketball team, romained undefeated for yot another senson wben they finisbed longue play witb a 42-31 win last Wednesday. The win over Sinclair gives them an impressivo 11-0 record for the season. Good luck in the playoffs. As the season for girls' basketball and boys' volleyball cornes te a close, girls' volleyball and boys' basketball teams are practising bard in preparation for thoir seasons. Don't forget that our student council is selling t-shirts and sweatshirts. Check the display case outside the student council office for details. Also, if you are interested in selling chocolate mints or cbocolate-covered almonds, make sure you visit the student council office to get your boxes. Tonight and temorrow nigbt at 7 p.m., «'The Evening cf One Acta' will be beld once again. You will bo able te see tbis varioty cf pînys in tbe cafeteria for $3 in advance or at the door. A reminder for co-op studenta, Mcnday is a Refiective Learning Day and your outline for your major project will ho due. Graduating atudents are reminded that the univorsity application deadline is fast approacbing. Make a guidance appointment now so you don't leave it te, the last minute. They are due on Dec. 2. until Chistmas. Have a good week and shopping days if remember, just over a month Sundlays. That's 37 you count Stefanie Antunes ST. CHARLES GARNIER Encore une fois salut. Mid-terms are now completed, and students are gearing up for the second baîf cf the firat semoater. On Nov. 14 we had the opprtunity te ut our studios on bold for a cou'ple cf bours te boat the Bluff Theatre Company's presentation of 'Les Mercenaires.' This theatre company is presenting one of the tbree productions tbey've created since tbey began in 1990. The play teaches teens about the realities of the ninoties. We anxioualy await this production, and would' like o t tank in advance ail those involved in setting up the play. Beginning this week, I will ho dedicating a portion of my article te the many students of Saint-Chanles-Garnier wbo bave realized outatanding achievo- monts, both in the academic field as well ain their private lives. This week I would like te speak te you cf Serge Nadeau, who bas managed te, win medals for cur scbool for the past four consecutive years. HiEs sport is tennis. In bis firat year at Saint-Charles-Garnier ho won a gold in junior in bis second year ho won a bronze in senior; in bis third year ho won -- once again -- a bronze in senior, and just recently this yoar (his fcurtb year) ho won the silver in the xnen's singles. As well as being an accomplisbed member of the OTA (Ontario Tennis Association) in the bigb intensity tennis performance prograni, ho bas aise nianaged te maintain steady part-time empîcyment at McDonald's and afcor only one. year was promoted te crew traîner. On tep of al bis extra-curricular activities, ho bas always maintained a 75 per cent plus average, and ho is working on accomplisbing this once again. Serge, ail the students would like te tbank you for representing car scbool so well and for being auch an outstanding student and apecial fiend. Here's te you, Serge. A la prochaine. Lookin' good Dr. Robert Thornton Public Scbool in Whitby was second in the Durbam -Board of Educa- tion'a 'Hey We're Looking Good This Summer Conteat.' Fifty participating achools were judged in early Auguat on a variety cf criteria including absence cf litter and weedis, plant growtb and design cf gar- dons.- Thcrnton was one cf six area. winners and second ovoral bebind Valley View Public Scbool, Ajax-Pickering. milestone'

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