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Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1994, p. 29

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VWhIly Fme9 Press, WedneBdy, November 16; 1994 -jPage29 %" îe.,O Janis Leering ANDERSON C.Vmi. HENRY STREET High Sohool honoured its graduates recently. Principal Ed Grant rosswith raduates (rear, from left Josh osre (aleictonan, Jen Stein (Mayor's Medal), Kathleen llowland (second, aca- demic and Whitfield Trophy), Karen Janushewski (first, academic, top QAC student) and (front) Smita Vaki I (third, academic and highest acadeicfrm Grade 9 to graduation). Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Timo is running out. 'Brigadoon' tickets are still on sale, just $5 for students and $7 for adults. There is reserved seatingf, but the bleachers have been fixed, se, that should mean more comfort than last year. Yestorday 'Handcuffs' tickets also becamne available at $7 each. Seating is first-come-first-served. The play will run Jan. il te 14. The ' Handcuffs' crew is holding a fun fundraiser with a Trivia Night on Nov. 22. There will be four people per toam. Tickets are available, but try te, sign up with Mr. Trites beforehand. Also, tomorrow will be a very special day for the Handcuffs cast since James Reaney, the ' man who wrote the play about the Donnellys, will spend the day at Anderson working with the cast. Thank you, Anderson, for making our'first blood drive a success. We had 110 donors, many doing it for the first time -- but not last -- time. Three-on-three basketball has already begun. This tournament started Monday and runs through Dec. 2. Congratulations te the senior boys' soccer team who finished first in LOSSA, beating McLaughlin 4-1 in the final. They have now qualified for the soccer playoffs in the spring. The midget boys! volleyball teamn was te play yesterday against Dunbarton in the semi-finals. If they won, they go te the LOSSA finals on Nov. 17. The midget girls' basketball teami played against Pickering in our gym, and temorrow the junior teami wilI be at Pickering and the seniors at Dunbarton. The ASAA held its annual sport-a-thon last Friday. A good time was had by ail, and sportsmanship abounded. Prom tickets are on sale for the rest of the month. A $50 deposit is required. Go to room 212 for more information. Dance tickets have aIse been on sale, and this is Anderson's one and only dance this year. The date is Friday, Nov. 18 and it 18 boing presented by MuchMusic. ickets are on sale at lunch, in the front foyer. Our apologies to Angela Porter. We mixed up our Angelas last week in our column. Angéla Porter was actually the talented winner of our airband contest, with her crowd-pleasing Prince act. She is now $75 icher for contributing toward school spirit. Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Thispnast week at Sinclair has been fllf activity, a busy one for us Celtics. There have been numerous events and sports activities are well on their way. If anyone wants te see a performance of .'Joseph The Aniazing Technicolor Dreamncoat' or 'Showboat,' permission forms are available in the resource centre. I urge you ah te set quickly since thene is only limited seating. As well, if you wish to work in the resource centre there is a great demand for wonkers. If you are interestod, see Mrs. Cotten in the library as soon as possible. Oui- junior girls' basketball teamn played an excellent gamo against Exeter hast week. Good luck at the fast approaching LOSSA teurnamnent. Our- midget girls looked awesome against Exeter, winning 62-29 after returning from a 12-point deficit at half-time. Congratulations te Devon Christie who recently represented Sinclair at OFSAA. This is an extraorcinary achievement because only two per cent of al runners eveny make it te this event. Deon placed in the top 200. Our theatre club's fi-st production titles have been chosen. There will bo two productions: «But Listen,' starring Rob Merry and Sarah Wilson, and 'The Girl in the Mini-or,' starring Holly Van Bossom and Rachel Reddick. These productions will be *~-&jStephanie Summers ~ TRAFALGAR CASTLE Classes resumed on Tuesday after our mid-termn break. Most of the girls spent their days off finishing assignments, doing homework and catching up on lost sleep. Ail of the athletic teams have finished for the first-term but the girls are anious te begin the second toi-m. There will ho volleyball tryouts for midget, junior and senior teanis starting in the next few weoks. Although the first termn sports have finished, the girls are kept busy preparing for house plays. Many heurs have been spent memorizing lines, making costumes and stage-setting. Al the girls' hard work and effort will psy off at our annual House Play Night on Nov. 23. On Tuesday night, Trafalgar held ' Career Night.' Representatives from many different professions came te school and talked te the students. This gave everyone a chance te learn about a career in which they had some interest. With oppotunities te ask questions and discuss job opportunities the night was very- informative and successful. Life at Trafalgar is kept very busy with the semi-formal on Saturday night. The dance is held in the main hall surrounded by its elegant stained glass windows. This is one of the big social events of the year and overyone is looking forward te it. performed Dec. 1 to 3 and the cost will be $6. As well there will be a special matinee performance on Wednesday, Nov. 30 in periods C & D. Tickets are available frcm Ms. Hughes for $3 with a SAC sticker, $4 without. Congratulations, Sinclair, we raised $993.86 for the United Way. This is an excellent achievement. This past week our student representatives were chosen. Our Grade 9 rep is Devon Christie, Grade 10's is Attia Eaidi and Grade i1s is Shannon Helmer. Our athletic captain is Kahley Gallagher, spirit leader is Tom Jones, and arts rep is Alexandria MacDonald. There will ho a trip te, the Holocaust Centre on Nov. 16. If you are interested, see Ms. Young or Ms. Ross. The trip costs $5. There wiIl be a trip on Wednesday, Dec. 7 to experience the éxciting sport of rock dlimbing. The trip costs $40. If interested, pick up a permission form in the phys. ed. office as soon as possible since spaces are filling up quickly. The following students have been nominated for student of the week for September and October. These students walked nearly two miles in not-so-good weather after their bus was cancelled: John Houston, Glenn Curley and Ainanda Heron. Until next week, keep busy and have a good week. "EXTRA-HEP TUTORING SERVICES Guaranteed Resuits! Cali for a free brochure (905) 668-7841 The Optimist Club of Whitby is sponsoring an essay contest entitled 'Freedom, Our Most Precious Henitage.' Any high school sophomores, juniors or seniors from Whitby are eligible te participate, according to Chandra Hunter, club chair for the event. The purposo of the contest is te, encourage students te define their thoughts and express their opinions on the issue of freedom through propen use of the written language. The local club will select a first-, second- and third-place winner in its contest, and the first-place entny will automatically be fonwarded te the district competition where it will be judged against other entries from the central district. The first-place district winner will receive an expense-paid, four-day trip te the Freedonis Foundation in Valley Forge, Pa.L for the Freodom and Leadership TOOTH TALK Test your Bacterial Score: Among other things like improper diet and bad oral hygiene, cavities are caused by bacteria. A simpleStèst to determine the level of these Mutans Streptococci at the dentist office is now available. A sample of your saliva is collected and affer forty-eight hours of incubation the colonies of bacteria are counted. This test is called CARIESCREEN! by Dr. Girish Hattay Conference in July 1995. The first, second and third international essay contost winners will receive scholarships in the amount of $5,000, $3,00 and $2,000 respectively. Ail essays must be original and submitted by Dec. 5 te the Optimist Club of Whitby. For further information contact Chandra Hunter at 666-0888. FLearning -Centre *I3oost your child's grades. *iBuild self-esteemn. *Prograrns in reading, miath. algebra, wizting, study ski ils, homnework sup- port and time neagemient. 1992Sylvan Laring Systrus DR GIRISII HAITAY is 110w acceptzng niew patients ini- - 1 his practise of y family dentisry \ . please cai \Y j 666-0244 FOR AN APPOINTMENT " Instirance plans accepted " Days. evenings & Saturday appointments availab e " Enmergency calils accepted (dîiing office lIî<ir,:) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207, (Rossland I/(iardein Pliia) WHITBY Grad awards Optimist..club to Si m ë-11 LýJ

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