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Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1994, p. 4

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P Pa ge4, Witymre 8S ness "àdédyNob rlibà.4 MY Edwards wins second term ini close contest, PROM PAGE 1 vinoe the Durham Region Dis- trict Health Council not te sup- portia proposai to convert the hesptal into a rehabilitation Lease from ~/22700 1Imonth* VOLKSWAG EN GOLF "WORLD'S BEST SELLING CARI" * 48 month walkaway, 0% downpayment. Freight, PDI, & taxes extra. O.A.C. OWASCO -( VOLKSWAGEN INC. Proven fo serve you BEST since 1972. An 7 CARE'anid CAA award winner. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686m-6410 treatment centre serving the entire region. (A committee of the health counicil ie expected to make its recommendation on the hospital before the end of Deoember.) "If we want te save Whitby hospital we muet go to the acute care committee and persuade them to leave it as it ie,» said Edwards. As for the Lynde Shores pro- ject, Edwards is confident that the Ontario Municipal Board will uphold council's support of a f roposed residential and indus- rialdevelopment near the Lynde Creek Marsh. Visit Us Vo.' Roundl... Open Saturdaym &Sunda 0 1540 H7A, est PORT PE RVY 'FREEParldng 'FREE AdmI9sFREEBloons Ovor 17,000 square foot of groat bargains. Antiques, craft and rraft supplies, colloctlblos, new and used I toms. ft's groat FUN for the wholefta*i4, so comndenjoy the vdde sleion and friendfrrorchants at the PORTPERRY COUNTRY FLEA MARKET. DUNTY CtS Umy *D«uCr 1 PORT PERRY COUNTRY (fl FLEA MARKET îl 1U 5OM* 7A We P y.9oq 88424ljI open Saturdayand Sundas\) L Hplm pPa.. Decumbe SI109. FP. Edw ards aise expresed dis- appointment that Whtby lest "two good public servants» in defeated councillors Rose Batten and John Deletra (see separate sitories), but he welcomed aboard their replacements, Gerry Emm and Shirley Scott respectively. In an interview, Edwards told 1The Free Press he was net surpr- ised by Perkins' strong showing. Edwards said his opponent and ether nnicnbnecapi- talized on both thse hospital and Lynde Shores issues. "I knew what would happen when I- insisted that we tell pepewat our position was on LneShores,» Edwards eaid in referenoe te a full-page newspa- per advertisement s;ponsored*by seven of the eight members of council. "I knew that would create pro- bleme for the intumbents, but I think time will tell that our position will be proven right and the wetlands will be retained," he said. Edwards acknowledged that advertisement Take a Iook at your hearing The Whitby Hearing. Centre is efficially open at 1032 Brook St. S., Unit 4, in Whitby, Office heurs are from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Semne evening and Saturday appointments are available. The Whitby Hearing Centre is lecated at greund level, is fulîy wheelchair accessible, close te the 401 exit and has ample parking. The Centre has sephisticated - equipment such as a hearing aidE. analyzer computer which measures the electreaceustic k performance ef ail makes and medels of hearing aids. We can î 4 determine if there is : distortion in the hearing aid or if it's net previding he output (poeer)that it sheuld. Other *; services include the fitting ef hearing aids, miner in-heuse repairs, batteries, earmelds, custom- swim plugs, noise plugs and musician plugs. The Centre aIse effers a variety ef accesseries such_________ as the Clarity Guy Groux.& AI Telephene, batter y testers, and cleaning supplies. The Whitby Hearing Centre aise effers Videe Otescepy. State-ef-the-art equipment, the STAR MED VIDEO OTOSCOPE, can be feund at the Whitby Hearing Centre. As Guy Cireux, ene of the Centre's Dispensers, states: "VIDEO OTOSCOPY is a pewerfu I new application of videe technelogy." A miniatured videe camera is connected te a unique new otoscope design te deliver an exceptionally clear videe earscan of the ear. "For the very f irst time, people are able te see what the inside of their own ears look like.", adds Mr. Giroux. VIDEO OTOSCOPY allews mere than just a view ef the ear: * Yeu can easily see hew a hearing aid looks in yeur ear. * Yeu can obtain a clear view of any pathology such as fereign bodies, chelesteatomes (tumers), eardrum perforations or yeu can see if a PE tube is in place. * You can easily see if there is any cerumen (ear wax) which can Leck the ear canal and do damage * Yeu can check the hearing aid itself te see if any wax is embedded deeply inte the sound bore of the hearing aid which is eften invisible te the naked eye. * You can previde the - manufacturer with a piclure if there j are any fitting problems and immediate corrective action can be \ *Yeu can better see and complete ~sÀ".\J1 a deep insertion fitting precedure for the virtually INVISIBLE hearing Cý1à AdoryN,, As Art Lee, the other .registered Dispenser, reports: a new kind of hearing aid that is vîrtually INVISIBLE has become avail- able te many hearing aid wear- ers." These micro- - canal hearing aids such as S9tarkey Tympanette are -virtualîy unneticable - te others because they are s0 tiny and fit COMPLETELY in -- the ear.canal. In the Lee Disenses - astmany people avoided hearing assistance because it was conspicueus ... new it can be your persenal secret. Net only does the hearing aid sit in the shadow ef yeur ear canal, HIDDEN behind the tragus, it aise features a pre-set volume control. "Now," adds Mr. Lee, "there is ne need tei make embarassing or inconvenient adjustments during wear" The Whitby Hearing Centre's registered Dispensers, Gu y Cireux and Art Lee, have been specialîy trained in MICRO CANAL Hearing Aids and have been certified in Deep Insertion Fitting Techniques. The Whitby Heaning Centre has the necessar sophisticated equipment, the Star Med Video Otoscope, for Deep - Insertion Fitting procedures. As Art Lee states: "A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words!" For more information, caîl Mr. Guy Cireux or Mr. Art Lee, Certified Hearing Instrument Dispensers, at (905> 666-7726 or visit Whitb's newest facilities (with plenty of parking) at 1032 Brook St. South, just one block north of the 401. Whitby Heaning Centre Reg. AHIP A.DP. W.CB . DV.A Met Lfe. Blue Cross A Division of Durham Audiometric Services 1032 B rock St. S., Unit 4, Whitby, Ontario LI1N 4L8 Tl:(0)6672 Perkins ran a highly visible cam- pai with extensive advertieing and election signe, while he again chose to forge the use of sigfne. When you put these thinge tegether, aleng with seme con- fusion ever council's position on, the hespital,- it maltes it difflicuit: fer an incumbent,» he said. Looking ahead, Edwards said hie new wants te bring about a "reconciliation» between council and "the varieus peints of view which transpired in eur cem- munity." i This is essential'te, council'e- firet task, which ie te Iobby.for retentien of acuté care services at Whitby General Hospital, Edwards said. "Once we miale the effort te reconcile our differences, I have ne fear we can work tegether for the Town of Whitby.» 1For bier part, Perkins admitted that it's net the happieet I've ever feit,". but the 40-year-old Maplewood Drive resident said "'I feel very, very happy about the amount of support 1 got.» A fermer-City of ' Scarborough finance department eniployee, Perkins was making ber firet attempt at public offlice. "As much as 1 say congratula-, tiens te Mr. Edwards he dees net have a clear mandate te g on as he bas in thse past," said Perkins. "A significant amount of the p opulation wanted change and, I hopehe is lietening. Prkins said she bas«abo- lutely ne regrets» about her cam- paign and stressed that she did net accept "one dollar» from developers. "Te backing for my canipaign carne from m y famxIy, friends and local businesses,» s he stud. Perkins said Edwards* and' council sheuld heed the «mnes- sage» that ber supporters deli-, vered with their votes. "I want te make it clear that Mr. Edwards should, be aware that my statement, bout. deve- Iopment have UY from the heart," ehe said.l. . «I. feel, etrengly 'that he's net curtailed ,règidential develop- ment In tewn -and allowed-.the industrial and -commercial base te catch up." - -»- Council s willingneee te accept residential, development ile caus- ing concern1 ame'nfg north Whitby residenits*worried abotlsing their identity, Perkins el aimed..- . While in-urban W Vhitby, ýhome- ewners are suffering from a lack of recreational facilities, she 5-der<ins -promised te continue attending council .meetings and making .presentatiône «when'the need arises" and te ensure that «they do the public's business eut in the open where it sheuld bo.» BLECHPSE IA' ERE Mutual Fundfe st The Ail-Star Investment Conference December 3, 1994 Corne join us and learn frorn somne of the top money managers in the Mutual Fund industry on. how to invest your money in today's investmnent climnate. Topics discussed wilI include: a How ro maxirnize yield in your RRSP/RRIF. 0 Outlook for Ganadian Growth Companies. 0 Global lnvesting - Where is the best place to invest today? 0 Bond Markets - Is the decline in bond prices over? a Investing in Ernerging Markets. 0 Should you be locking in today's bigh interesr rates? 0 Successful use of Asset Allocation. Guest Speaker Line-up Fidelity lnvestmnents Mackenzie Financial AGF Investrnents Trimark Canadian International December 3. 1994 - 9:30) arn. - 2:30) p.rn. Le Gala, 65 Sunray St., Whitby RS.V.P. and Directions phone Linda, Valerie or Terri at 905-576-1726 *1-800-661-0243 NDLANDý BL E C HIP THiI INd- Hosted by The Oshawa, Branch 1 Mary St. N., Oshawa. lm BLUE CHIP THINKING is a trademark of Midiand Walwyn Ça-ptaI mÎc:' Tel.: (905) 666-7726 1

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