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Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1994, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesdiay, December 7, 1994, Page 35 OBITfUARIS Charles Hbbleday was the HarmnicaMan CHARLES IIUBBLEDAY One of the original founding members of the Whitby Seniord lat wfe lse, hales1Henry Hubbeda die at Whitby Geneal Hspitl onNov.27, Hie lived at 219 Warden Wilson Ave., Whitby and had been a resident of the town for about 33 years. He came te Canada from England in 1951. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbleday, ho was born at Birmingham, England on Jan. 17, 1909. Charlie Huhbloday was well known in Whitby and area as the 'Harmonica Man,' as be played at sebools, and nursing homes. For several years he was associated with the Whithy Seniors' Jubiloe Choir and travelled with the choir te play at intermissions and concerts. The choir had a song for him called «'CIap Hands -- Here Cornes Charlie.' Altbough ho lest bis sight soveral years ago, ho managed te keep in good spirits and enjoy bis music which was bis main interest after he went blînd. Mr. Hubbleday played the harmonica since he was young and was a member of a harmonica band in England for several years, winning a number of competitions. Ho also played the 'Bones' (clappers). Bofore he lest bis sigbt be did sign writing as abhobby and made ail the event signs for the Wbitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Mr. Hubhleday designed the loge for the centre. The logo is stili in use today. Ho was aiso a woodcarver and did mucb volunteer work for the centre and Meals on Wheels. IOn March 9, 1935, Mr. Hubbleday was married at Bimngham, England, to the former Elsie Robinson, who died on Oct. 11, 1990. He is survived by daugbter, Pamnela Haywood, son-in-law Ross Haywood, grandson Chet Haywood, and a sister-in-Iaw and nieces and nephews in England. .Mr. Hubbleday was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, wbere Rev. Jeanetto Mfillar of the St. Marks United Church conducted the funeral service on Nov. 30, 1994, followed by interment in Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. BURTON PREID A resident of Whitby for more than 25 years, Burton Stewart Reid of Fairview Lodge <ied at Whitby General Hospital on Nov. 28, 1994. Ho was 70. A son of tbe late Ross Burton Reid and Pearl Mae Stewart, ho was born at Milltowne Village, Ont. on April 25, 1924. Mr. Reid was a retired maintenance superviser witb Ontario Hydre at the Pickering nuclear generating station. Mr. Reid was a Past Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 248, Whitby, and a member of the Big Brothers Association and the Ontario Hydro Quarter Century Club. Ho was also a commissionod officor in tho Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve. On Sept. 5, 1942 ho was married at Mimico te the former Marjorie Charlotte Williams, Who died on March 10, 1994.' Mr. Reid is survived by sons David (and bis wife Carolyn) and Fred (and bis wifo Janice) and granddaughter Lori Reid. Hie is aise survived by sisters Audrey Ruttan nnd Verna Jenkinson of Belleville and Dora Anderson of Fort Frances, as weil as numerous nieces and nephews. Two sisters, Luella Reid and Ann Provins, died before bim. Mr. Reid' was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Lev. Bilan Cee of St. Marks United Church and Rev. Sharon Chapman conducted a meniorial service in the second floor diing room of the Whitby General Hospital on Dec. 2, 1994. The memorial service was followed by cremation and interment of tho ashes in Deseronto Cemetery, Deseronte, Ont. If desired, contributions te the Arthritis Foundation would bo appreciated. EUGENE MECH A resident of Whitby for 40 years, Eugene (Mickey) Mecb died at Oshawa Genoral Hospital on Nov. 23, 1994. Ho was 68. Ho lived at 109 Allan St., Whitby, and was formerly a resi dent of Oshawa for 25 yoars. A son of Justina and the late Nicholas Mech, hie was hemn at Harnilton on Dec. 17, 1925. Mr. Mech was a driver for General Motors in Oshawa, and a veteran of the Second World War. Ho was a 25-year meinher andi Past Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, and was at the tme of his death, a PRO in the Foresters. His interests were golfing, bis gardon and travelling. On Sept. 3, 1949 ho was mamred at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, to the former Marie Brown, who survives him. He is also survived by son, Ronald1 daughter Louise (and ber husband Louis Robitaille), two grandchildren Michael and Mitchell, and bis mother. He 18 aise, survived by brothers Myron, Walter and George, and sisters Sophie, Susie, Helen, Julie and Theo. Mr. Mech was at the W.C. Town F'uneral Chapel, Whitby where Rev. Dorman conducted the funeral service on Nov. 26, 1994, followed by cremation at Thornton Cemetery, Oshawa. If desired, contributions to the Oshawa General Hospital chemo departmnent, palliative care unit, or 'Setting the Pace' carnpaign would ho appreciated. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markersi *Cemetery Lettoring *Sandblasting Staffor d Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointrnents gladly arranged i g~~ 'glearing The Council et the Corporation et the Town ef Whitby intends te pass by-laws te stop-up, close and seii the pub lic highway municipally known as Arrewood Court, as shown below, being cer osed et Part et Lot 20, Broken Front Concession, Town 0f Witby, designated as Part 1 on Plan et Survey 40R-1 1516. Arrewood Court was originally conveyed te the Town of WWîtbyb the abuttin roer owner as a condition o e eomnto h property. Teprperty owner recently changeci the development configuration et the abutting lands. Based on the new development configuration, Arrewood Court is ne longer required Tor public highway purposes. It is theretore the intention et the own te stop-up and close Arrowood Court and cenvey the lands back te the owner et the abutting property te be incorporated ie the new development configuration. The Planning and Development Cemmittee et Whiiby Town Council will meet on the evening of Monday, Januar 9, 1995, in the Meeting Hall et the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rosslarid Road East, Whitby, for the purpose et hearing any person whe dlaims his or her lanid will be prejudicially affected by the by-law. Anyperson wishing te meet with the Committee is asked te advise the T own Clork aoeordingly by ne lator than Thursday. January 5, 1995. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Cerporaton of the Town of Whltby 55Rossiand Road East Whltby, OntaureoLUN 2M8 Phono: (905) 668-5803 v etect hristmnasGi A Gift Certificate ftrm the Whitby Parks and Recreation Depadment Choose ftrn a ivide range of prograrns and services Health Club Memberships Instructional Classes: Fitness or Aquaties Books of 10 passes for swiniming or skating Facility RentaI of a Pool or Ice pad Give the Gift of Active Living Certificates available at Civic Recréation Complex and Iroquois Park Complex Cali 666-1991 or 668-7765 for more information Snow Removal For Seniors The Town et Whitby, through the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, is coordinating a snow removal program for senior citizons wishing to have their driveway and walkway cleared. Individuals have been recruitod to provide this service for a nominal tee. Any Senior in the Town et Whitby roquiring this service should eall the Seniors' Activity Centre at 668-1424 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fniday. To the Residents of the Town of Whitby THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Cordially invite you and your tamily to attend the EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL OLD TYME CHRIST MAS PARTY te be held on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1994, at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rosslarid Road East, Whitby, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. There will be entertainment, Santa for the children and a tun-tilIed afternoon for everyone. PLEASEJ NOTE: THE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE CHILDREN WILL COMMENCE AT 2:00 P.M. SHARP. Ught lunch and refreshments wilI be served. Chlldren must b. accempanled by an aduit. Unless otherwise posted, parking on streets within the Town ef Whitby cannet exceed three (3) heurs. SNOW-CLEARING OPERATIONS - Notice is horoby given that vehiioles should net be parked te interfère Witlicleanng et snew frem thereacs. Any vehiles und te be intertoring with snew- cleazing eperatiens may b. remaved and impeunded witheut further notice. Vource-operatien is required. W.J. HANCOCI< DIRECTOR PUBUC WORKS BEPARTUENT i i

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