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Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1994, p. 29

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Whltby Fee Prm, Wecfresday, Decembor 14,1994, Page 29 'Worldwide Yu letide' at ACVI On Thursday, Dec. 15, beginning at 7:30 p.m., music students from Anderson CVI will be perfcrniing a prograinicf musical selections te celebrate the Christmas season. The prori will feature instrumentalgroupa including the concert band, junior choir, junior jazz ensemble and Andexjazz. vocal groupa performing will include t he concert choir, senior chamber choir, Jazz Incorporated and Sound Affect. The evening wiIl foature traditional and contemporary selections. Santa Claus is expected to make a visfit during the performance. Tickets for the evening will be $5 for adulte* and $4 for students and senior citizons. As part of the school's effort for the food drive, there will be a $2 refund at the door for anyone who brings along a donation of one non-perishabie food item per ticket. Tickets may be purchasod from music students and attho door on the evening of the concert, or by calling the music department at 668-5809. ST. THERESA Cathollo Sohool student Laura Homes and mom Suzanne fip through an album containing photos and Items Laura collected while in Nagoya, Japan at a Child- ren's International Summer Village. The 'Interchan( ex Perien( By Mark Reesor Whitby student Laura Holmes had a first- hand look at what life is like in Japan recently -- and got te meet kids from il othor countries te boot. Holmos was oue of 48 11-year-olds from 12 countries who attended a four-woek Chli- dren's International Summer Village (CISV) during the summner in Nagoya, Japan. She says people were very *fr-iendly and generous and "the experience was fascinat- Inne cf her more vivid memorios is cf a hoard cf baboons raiding a wheat field ownod by a rural family she stayed with for a week. Thiey all had te go out and set off firecrack- ors te scare tho animais back inte the jungle -- "it was fun» she recalîs. Citios in J'aan are very noisy and "a lot more polluted than in Canada, says Holmes. 1%e warm, humid climato, lots cf mountains and cramped cities with narrow streets aIse made a big impression on hier. «Ilî nover forget it -- it was the best time rve over had in my wholo life,» sais Holmes, who would next like te visit Austraia. CISV is affliiated with the United Nations ognzation puts on four-week camps, each aeded by four il -year-old children from 12 countries, to promote international peace and understanding through friendship. Photo by Mark Roosor, Whilby Fmo Press e'student as Japan Economie, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and has more than 90 member countries. There are seven chapters and 2,000 members in Canada. . As well as the international camps, CISV runs 'interchanges' -- exchanges in which 12- te 16-year-oids visit each other's countries and stay with host families for one month. CIS villages are planned for France, Swe- don and Brazil in 1995. Interchanges will take place between Canada and France, Thaiiand and Portugal and there will be a camp in Spain. Hoimes was the firat student from Durham to participate in the program. Her older brother and cousin are applying for the France interchange next year and mom Suzanne, who's on the CISV executive, wouid like to see more Durham children get invol- ved. "It's something that's so worthwhile... it's not affiliated with any religion or political group and the whole philosophy is te promote peace and understanding throu h children -- ît's a wonderful experience for kîda.» She urges interested students or parents te cali her at 666-1025 for more information. ' Messiah'5 to be pedormed Immanuei Christian School wili p rosent the 'Christmas Messiah or Young Voices,' based on the Messiah by O.P. Handel and created by TImothy W. Sharp. The wcrk will ho perfcrrned by Wednesday, Dec. 21 at Faith the student choir, Indergarten te Baptist Church, 95 Taunton Rd. Grade 8, and senior concert band. E., Whitby (at Highway 12). The Christmas concert wiil be Thore wiil be ne admission fée, presented at 7:30 p.m. on however, a free will offring wil Monday, Dec. 19 and on he taken. Julie Bonello FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Yes, lucky readers, the Austin column has roturned. We are awaro there has been a lack cf articles in the past few weeks, and wo apoigize for any heartbreak we may have caused. Where te begin? The annual Wildcat Chrstmas semi-formal is now squirming its way inte the tight schedules cf Austin students everywhere. Tickets are only six smackers, so budget that Christmas shopping money and get eut there and boogie. Is there a chili in the air? Great Scott, it must be the junior boys' hockey teani skating up a sterm aain. They slashed, swerved and scored their way te, 5-3 victery againat Exeter. Thank the heavens above that it was oniy a hockey gaine and now wcrld war. . Speaking cf disastrous events, plans for -Prom '95 are already underway, with this year's comzittee now assembled. Congratulations te, the five lucky students who were eiected -- we knwyuldo us proud.nyho An roud was certainy o the Connections Club foît aftor the incredible succescf Fiesta, Nighit. It was a glorieus evening cf Lrish, Poish, Greek and Italian dancing, as woll as many other other cultural foods and festivities. But the Wildcat didn't stop thore. The amazing Austin aquatic association assembled (gotta love that alliteration) at the novice swim moet on Thursday, fimishing fourth eut cf 15 teanis. The greatest thing was that sinco ne one on our, team drowned, there will be a botter chance cf Austin comig in firat at LOSSA Wost next week. Alas, the sweet stench cf eggnog in the halls bas clouded our already warped minds. in the meantime, forget net te amear on that chapstick -- the haraki winter winds are a-blowin' and we must be soft and suppie in case we find oursolvos under the mistletoe in the doorway. 3 new governors at Durham Coliege The couneil cf regents recentiy announced the addition cf three new governors te the Durham Coilege board cf governors. Geof Carke cf Oshawa was apponted te represent the student body. A former Paul Dwyer high school student, ho is in his second year cf the three-year human resources management programl. Ho is present cf the Human Resources Professional Association at Durham. College, chair cf the Eastern Region Student Governors,a member cf thxe Human Rosources Professonal Association Of Ontario and a member cf the Durham College student ambassador prograin. Claude J. Denencourt cf Newcastle is regional personnel directeir for General Moters of Canada Lizited. Evelyn R. Smith cf Pickering is the directer of prograins for the Victerian Order cf Nurses, Oshawa. Sho is president cf Big Sisters for Ajax-Pickering and past president cf the Registered Nurses Association cf Ontario, eastern regilon chapter. Skie also acta as secretary for the United Way, issues and focus sub-cemmittee, Osaw/htby/Claigtn. The college board cf -govornors is compriaed of 17 members. L. lki 9

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