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Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1994, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, December 14, 1994, Pg35 Crvetteetastoeni in separate incidents A 1986 Chevrolet Corvette valued at $12,000 was stelen frein the garage cf a Briar Green Court residence Sunday mcmn- ing. Police say two cul prite, suspec- ted te be teenagers based on the footprints they left i the snew, fmrt atteimpted te force. the locked garage door but faiied, They thon hcpped a fence and foroed open the rear door. Once _inside, police say they dctached the 'automatic garage dcer epener, opened the door manualiy and took off'in the car. The incident occurred some- time between 4 and 8 a.m. An investigation is continuing. A 1993 Volkswagen Jetta was stolon frem the sûh Whtby GO RIDE resuit icarges8 Durharn ilegional Police stop pd4,616 vehicles under th fIDE programn over. the week-. end, laying one impaired driving charge and four charges for driv- iiig over the legal iimit or 80 milligrains. Pc lice checked 35 drivers on the rcadside tester. In addition te those charged, there were nine 12-heur suspensions. Police cperated RIDE in WhtbyOshawa, Pickering and Ajax.he prcgram continues for the next four weeks. Durham Regional Police regu- lar patrcl units arrested 14 people for impaired driving. lot sometime between Thursday and Friday mcrning. Police eay a man parked the vehicle at the lot 'at 8 a.m. Thursday, lccked it and activated the alarm. When he returned at 7 a.m. Friday it was grne. A 1984 Chrysier New Yorker was aie reported stolen from the GO lot somnetime Saturday. Police say they nato the lot as often as possile but warn the isolated location and ease in see- ing apprcaching vehicles makes it an easy target for thieves. CAR EECOVERED Fast action by Durham Regionai Police resulted ini the recovery cf a stoien car moments after it was reported stolen. The vehicle was taken &com the rear cf Pizza Pizza, 315 Dundas St. E. arcund 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. A cruiser in the area quickly gave chase and the vehi- cie was boxed in and forced te stop at King Street West and Thernton Road. A 32-year-man, cf ne fixed address, was arrested without incident. He faces numerous cri- minal and drivinqr charges in- cluding driving while impaied. VCRSRVC 0 Clean assembly e Replace worn beltsA e Lubricate assembly e Replace worn tireW eAign head e Test ail functions$2.5 Free repair estimate Costone EIeâdive mici 1150 Champlain Court Whtby, Ont. 668-6946. Consumners Dr _ avp!n Crt 4 - MONDAY, JANUARY 99,1995@ 8:00 P.M. MEETING HALL, WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO A Public Meetn wili be held by Uie Planning and Development Committee cf Ccuncil cf the Corporation cf thc Town cf Whitby ta consider a proposed amendment to, the Town cf Whitby Officiai Plan (1974) and Zcning By-law 1784, based on applications by L. Veicce and P. Veloce, file numbers OPA 94-W/i and Z-710-94. The subject properties are located in Part cf Lol 19, Concession 2, mnircipal(known as 12 and 14 Garrard Road, as shown on Uic The purpose cf Uic OfficiaI Plan amendmcnt is te provide a policy exception te Uic Residential designation which wllrcnize Uic continuation cf Uic retail custom drapcry operation at 14 Garrard Road, and additionally permit limitcd personal service and office uses at 14 and 12 Garrard Road, subject te Uic inclusion cf appropriate requirements ln the Zoning By-law. The purpose cf Uic rezcning application is te permit, by exception, Uic continuation of Uic drapcr operation as well as a beau ty salon and persona] service and professional office uses at 14 Garrard Rcad, and future limited personal service and professional office uses at 12 Garrard Road, subject to a 'holding' provision. The purpcse cf Uic abcve-noted introductory meeting is to inform Uic public with regard ta Uic details cf the draft Officiai Plan Amcndment and rezoni ng application necessary te implemont Uic intended uses, and te afford interested persans Uic opportunity to make representation thereto. If you are unable te attend the January 9, 1995 meeting, your representation can be filed in wntfing, by mail or personal delivery, te reach Uic Planning Dprtment net later Uian regular working heurs on January 6, Pîcase aise be advised Uiat should Uic Planning and Development Committee look favourably upon Uic draft Officiai Plan Amendmcnt as prcscnted on Januaiy 9, 199, Council Wl furthcr considier Uic matter at its meeting on Januar 30, 1995, commcncing at 8:00 p.m. whcrcin Council may alpt Uic draft Officiai Plan Amendment. Requests for Deputatians before Council may be made through Uic Clcrk's Departmcnt by any person attcnding Uic above January 9, 1995 meeting. lntcrested porsons may inspect adcfitional information relatinq ta Uic application in Uic Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building. 575 Rossland Rcad East, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 2M8, during regular working heurs, Monday ta Fniday or may contact Uic Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT fliRFr-ToOFlDlPD LNNG IMPORTANT NOTICE 1994 ChristrmasN Years Holiday Garbage and Recycling Collection Schedule Durlng the Holiday Season, the normal garbage and rcclg collection routine willlb., changed as Nrmal Collection iay Mxnday, Deoember26, 1994 Tuesday, DeSenter27, 1994 Wednesday, Deoembcr28, 1994 Monday, Januaiy Z 1995 Revised Coleiton Day Vednesday,January4, 1995 Tuesday, Jwnuay S31995 Please refer to Uic Holiday Garbage Collection Notice delivered to each household. Normal garbage and recyciing collection will resume, starting on January 3, 1995, on ycur designated collection day. Note: Vour recycling collection week as per Uic 1995 Blue Box Collection Schedule will not change during Uic year, unless you have been notified cf a change. Please remember that aIl GARRAG.E and REQCYCLABLES should be p1aced out by 7:00 a.m. on ycur regular or rcvised collectin y as indicated above. CHRISTUAS TREES wilisL md be ccllected as per your 1995 Blue Box Ccllection Sohedule as fclows: Wcek cf January 9th - the green area as indicated on thc map nside Uic schedule. Week cf January l6th - the yellcw area as indicated on thc map inside the schedule. The trees will be ccllected b y separate refuse trucks and will-be taken, to the compost site . Please remnove ail nails, tinsel and wooden or metal tree stands. Any tree over 2.1 metres (7 feet) must be cut in haif. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation and patience during the Holiday Season. Fcr further information, please cal us: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS CENTRE Menduy te Frlday 7:30 a.m. Io 4:00 p.mn. 668-3437 A GIft Certîfocate f rom the Whltby Parks and Recreation Department Choose from a wide range cf prograros and services HeaIUi Club Memberships Instructionai classes: Fitness or Aquatics Bocks cf 10 passes for Swimming or Skating Facility Rentai cf a Pool or Ice pad Gîve the Gift of Active Living Certificates available at Civic Recreatien Compiex and Iroquois Park Complex Call 666-1991 or 668-7765 for more information . I I The Council of thc Corporation of thc Town of Whitby intends to pass by-Iaws to stop-up. close and soul the public highway municipally known as Arrowood Court, as shown below being composed of Part of Lot 20, Broken Front Concession, fcwn of Whitby, designated as Part 1 on Plan cf Survey 40R-1 1516., Arrowcod Court was oniginally conveyed to the Town cf Whitby by Uic abutting property owner as a condition of develcpmentcf the property. The property owner recently ctîanged Uie development configuration of the abutting lands. Based on Uic new development configuration, Arrowcod Court is no longer required for public highway purposes. It is therefore the intention cf Uie Tonto stop-up and close Arrowood Court and convey Uic lands back to Uic owner cf Uic abutting property te be inccrporated into Uic new development configuration. The Planning and Development Committee cf Whitby Tcwn Council will meet on Uic evening cf Monday, January 9, 1995, in Uic Meeting Hall cf the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for ic purpose cf hoaring any person who dlaims his or hier land will be prcjudicially affected by Uic by-law.. Anyperson wishing to meet wiUi Uic Committee is asked to advise Uic Town Clcrk acccrdingly by no later Uian Thursday, January 5, 1995. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Ceoperatien of the Town cf Whltby 75Rosslmnd Road Eaest Whitby, Ontarioe LiN 2M8 Phone: (905) 668-5803 Snow Removal For Seniors The Town cf Whitby. through the Whitby' Seniors' Activity Centre, is coordinating a snow remnoval program for senior citizens wishing te have thoir driveway and walkway cleared. Individuals have been recruited te provide this service for a nominal fee. Any Senior in the Town cf Whitby requiring Uis service should cali Uic Seniors' Activity Centre at 668-1424 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fniday.___

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