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Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1994, p. 27

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, December 28, 1994,. Page 27 By Alex Shepherd Durham rldlng MP As 1994 draws te a close and we stand on the threshold of a New Year people get into a reflective mood. And lI'mno different. For my final column ini 1994 1 want ta, diseuss the accomplishmenta of the governxentjyou elected. When Parlianient reconvened i anuary 1994 the governient immediately went to work on its election comnntments. We implemented the infrastructure sedingporm creating more than 80,000 permanent jobs. WPith th hlp f the province and municipalities, the federal government is two-thirds the way through the prograni. The federal governmnent is now leaner with the cabinet reduced te, 23 members. The limousines are gone, MPs' salaries are frozen and operating budgets on Parliainent Hill have been reduced by $10 billion. The government quickly moved te, cancel the Pearson airport deal. We introduced a budget that cut spending by a ratio of five-to-one relevant te tax increases. An interprovincial trade agreement has been signed, reducing barriers nationally. W? cut militar-y spending and cancelled the EH 101 helicopter contraët. Unemployment is now below 10 per cent for the first time in four years and Canada is leading ail OECD coâtres in growth. Economidsts say Canada will continue te lead ail other OECD countries over the next few years. For my part I returned $5,000 te, the taxpayers -- money my office did net spend. This year I hope te return $10,000. Figures released by the government show I spend 40 par cent less on travel than other MPs because I use the train te travel te Ottawa. While traveling wlth the federal Finance Committee I met, on niy own, with ai provincial deputy finance. ministers from Ontario eastward. I was trying te find some commonality among ail governments te create one censumption tai. I undertook this based upon direction you gave me at the three public meetings I hosted on the CST. I regret te inforai you the procees is bogged down in negotiations with the provinces. My trade mission te China is a succees. A group from Waifang, China has now signed an economie afliance with the Town of Whitby. One million dollars in sales have been brought inte Durhami and dozena of jobs created. I have been aaked te return te China. As an associate member of the industry committee, I assisted in developing the repart, 'Taking Care of Business.' The extension of the smalsl business loans prograin is one component of the report already acted on. The forums I have hosted on the budget and social security were designed with you in mind. The results of the social security review forum have been p"snted te, Human Resources Development Commttee. I will appear before them in the New Year te, reinforce your opinions. As well as being vice-chair of the Public Accounts Committee, I ami working with a sub-committee studying the Lobby Registration Act. 1My goal is te make the lbbying process more open te, public scrutiny. We don't need non-elected municipal politicians paying lobbyists $25,000 of your money te get the government's ear when you pay me tedoit for you. The lobbying legislation is drafted and will be sent te, the Commons in the New Year. I welcome your continued input inte the political systeai. This government bas spent the last year trying te earn back the respet the public has lost for its institutions and politicians. Ihopa my efforts have helped restere your fatb in political process. Alex Shepherd is MP for- Durham riding which includes Whitby, north of Taunton Road To reach hila constftuency office, cail 721-7570 (Oahawa). OB1TLARIESI WILMAHURLEY Wilma Anne Hurley of Whitby died on Dec. 18, 1994 at Oshawa General Hosial. She was 69. She as ornin Whitby on July 12, 1925, daugbter of Leroy and Deborah (Mothersill) Wil- kenson. .She married David William Hurley on July 17, 1947 in Whitby. A lifelong resident of Whitby, Mrs. Hurley was retired after having been a separate school principal. S ho was a member of St. John the Evangeliet parish, the Superannuated Teachers Association of Ontario, and the Canadian Club. She is survived by her children Jane, Barb, John and Paul grandchildren Paul, Erin, Darryf and Rbiannon, sister Jean Yaco- bosky and brother Jack Wilken- son. She was predeceased by ber husband. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1994. Interment at Resurrection Cerne- tery. STELLA PAT Stella Patt of Wbitby died on Dec. 19, 1994. She was 64. She was born in Crowland, Ont., daughter of Peter and Mil- dred (Benderski) Uberna. She mnrried Dr. Norman Patt on June 11, 1955 in Welland, Ont. A longtime Toronto resident and a resident of Whitby for six years, she was a teacher. She is survived by ber bus- band, sons David (and bis wife Rayon), Jeffrey (and bis wife Kerry> and Gerald (and bis wife Sharon), grandcbildren Jacy, Trevor, Graham and Stephanie, and sister Wanda. The funeral service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Dec. 21, 1994, folowed by cremnation. I 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments a Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmenta gladly arranged Kinark Child and Family Services requires volunteers te assist with office work and provide supervision te children on an as need basis. Cail (905) 433-0386, ext 17. To th -or.. Dentists who go above and beyond To the edîtori In this age cf fast-paced, computerized, hands-offs imper- sonal medical care, I think tie should ha taken for people in our area te, count our blessings. We have something that is as rare today as the herse and buggy, -- an entre building of dentiste dedicated te, helping people, truly caring for their patients and for their sufferings. MY famuly and have bad many easnlpof of this unique and oh-s-ofrig practice. 1 could go fite detail about a dentist gttng eut of had after midnight te, help somen ain;adentist coming back from holdabhfore it was over; a dentiat coming la On the weekend; dentste who eall you at home the next day - Parsonally - because they were worried about you; dentists who feel Parsonally involved la one's activities, health, achievements, etc. and show their interest by sending greeting carda. But 1 think I can sum itup by suggesting you cail the Dundas Street Dental Centre after heurs and listen te the taped message which gives the naine and home phone number of every dentst there. I think that speaka for theai most eboquently,. And I would like te say thank you and 'Bravo!' Louise RB.oLukianchuk Whitby The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass by-laws te stop-up, dlose and soul the public highway municipally knewn as Arrowood Court, as shown bolow boing composed of, Part of Lot 20, Broken Front Concession, 1on o Wtlitby, designated as Part 1 on Plan of Survey 40R-1 1516. ,~ p DP f p *, g g g Answers to Wbitby Trivia from page 3 1 . James Howden MacBrien (1 878-1938), a native of Myrtle, was commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for seven years in the 1930s. 2. The 1924 Reo fire truck owned by the Whitby Fire Department, was the first f ire truck used by the Whitby Township Fire Department, based in Brooklin. 3. Whitby harbour first became a port of entry with a customs collecter in 1831. 4. Whitby Town and Township were amalgamated as the new Town of Whitby on Jan. 1, 1968.

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