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Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, whitby ffrmo Poos Wckisday, January 4,1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whtby residents for Whitby residents! MEM13ER 0F: < lONTARIO CANADIAN iICOMMUNITY ~COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER O NANEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION E :ASSOCIATION E~ CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X <The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes In Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as weil as numerous public and commercial outiets ln Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $32 + GST a Outslde Canada $75 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario mc. Box 206,131 Brook St. N., Whtby,,Ontarlo Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher< Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Pninted on newsprint with 'Minimum 200/ recycied content using vegetable based inks. CAil written material, Illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permissi(on of the newspaper is prohibited and Is a violation of Canadian copyrigh law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit Une to the Wtby Free Press. To the dio,, Agenerous act By Paul Pagnuelo The Ontario Taxpayors fodieration The recent c elections in the Ur arnaunted ta a paliticai whase tremars wilI sa Canada. Frustrated.byever and shrnklng incarne vaters threw the Demi out ai power for the tir years and elected a congressional majc pramnised sweeping ch, t's hard ta ft significance ai this se American polftics. Car anly one precedent tc ta: the destructiai ProgrsieConserva the is idrai electioî ln Inact, Newt G scrappy new Republic the I-buse af Repi allen mentianed t trouncing durlng the1 campalgn. 1-e commei an arrogant an irresponsible gavernini been abliterated by Canadien vaters, anc that the sarne was'In- Demacrats, who heu Con ress without interi theCivil Wer. But the similarities Canadien voters expi anger. by electing a promisei osend even more, whileeAmnE gave Gingrich and .his colleagues a mandate the budget and cut taxi And that's why CE soon feel the impc, American election. ln -the name aif"lis the Chretien governnf increase the ioderai c billian during its irst tl off ice, and is now try aut haw 'il cen squ mare aut af Canedia including a passibig Incarne tex huke ta GST. Ail b ê' ble Dongressional ited States 1 earthquake, on b. fetin r-rising taxes s, American acratlc Party ,st timeiln 40 i Republican xitv thet Republicen cangress is riding ta power with a cammitment ta pass a balanced budget arnendment ta the U.S. canstitutian, and ta substantially cut bath incarne taxes and capital gains taxes within three manths af taking affi!ce next January. There is also tremendaus sàupport wthin the new Republican Hause and Sonate ta tundamentally refarm the U.S. tex system by establishing a, single-rate fIlat incarne tax ai about 20 per cent, which could be adopted in 1996. iange. - But that's nat ail: the recent ethom the round ai Americen elections also oa-change ln saw a spate ai tex-cutting fiscal. nadiens have cansorvatives elected ta gavern al Dcamare it of the major states, lncluding of the border states such as New Yark, tive Party in Michie and Ohio. Lastly, in whet. n. has ben called the second stage ingrich, the af the tex revoit begun in 1978 with %an leader in Californias Proposition 13, vaters rentelives, in many ai the smaller states, such he Tories' as Mantana and Idaha, appraved U.S. election referendums thal would limit state ýnted an haw taxes. id fiscally A survey conductod by the B.C. ig party hed Chamber of Cammerce this year aver-taxod revoals the extont ta whîch thîs d sug t edlrend ls aiready havinq an adverse stoe oe' te ffct n ureconamy. Twenty per d controlled cent oi respandenîs had oit her 'ruption since moved some part ai their business or were consudering il beceuse ai end there: existing tex and regulatary ýressed t hoirpolicies. 1In knowledg-based party thal trading and mid-sizedbusinesses andbtorrow (those with 51 ta 100 emplayees), Drican vaters this. number jumped ta avor 3Republican ane-third. In December'1993, 106 ta balance known Cenedian investment OS. prajects were active in Whatcom anedians wiîî Caunty, ropresenting. $67 million act af the and 1,734 jobs. Taxes affect people's econamic scai restreint" -docision-making: a lesson our rient plans ta gavernments shauld have learned cebt by $100 long ago with the explosian ai the hfree years un underground economy. (ing ta figure Unless aur finance ministers iseze billions recognize the caming round ai U.S. in taxpayers, tex cuts, and adjust aur fiscal ýe $15-billion priarities ta romain campetitive, replace the the saulhward homorrhaging ai Canadien capital and jobs cauld 4the' înew qulckiy ýbecom^a torrent:î. .To theoeoditor: This is a gaod news letter. Recently my son's, bicycle was stalen tram the bicycle rack at the Becker's plaza in Ottor Creek.. As aur san had savod far this bicycle with maney eamed t ram his papor raute, yau imagine the sense af personal Ioss he toit. As parents, we tried a explain haw thore are same bad peaple in the warld but they are vastly autnumbered by gaod peaple. This was nat »much comfort ta a child withaut his new bicycle. Unknown ta us, as w. tried ta comiari aur son, the management and. staff ai the businessos that accupy the, plaza had started a Dogý on the loose, unsafe for kids To the editor: Do yau think yaur kids are safe in your backyard? They're nat., On Dec. 23 lwa bays were playing outside. AIl of a sudden il was very noisy., Somebody was bang ing on 1he patio door. I immediatoly realized what was going on, a neighbaur's rotlweilor was an the baose again. One boy was let in, the other was on 1h. picnic table. I immediately called 911, twa police cars arrivod five minutes laler. The dag was homo -- no wards were exchenged, nothing seid ta us or the boys who wore frightened. I was înfarmed there is nothing 1h. police cen do until 1h. dog attacks. 1The off icers left but animal contrai was supposed ta b. on 1h. way. I guess they gaI lost bocause they nover showed. ft is cortainly sad thet a child has no sale graunds enymore. This is my yard, my house. I pey taxes but a dog is iree ta roamn in my backyard ar my hause. Came on, Whitby, change yaur bylaws. Think of the children. ChsrIReed ~- t' 4 i IUV collection ta help offset the cost of replacing thoebicycle. I wauld like ta thank ail the people warking ln the plazafor their thaughtfulness and generossty., <At this special time ai year, the kindness and generosity'exhibitod by, these people changod a very neg ative childhoad experience into a pasitive ans. Bruce and Margie Caird Whltby The '95 pinch- By Alex Shophord 1995 will be a pivotai year for Canada. Because wo are spending $120 million mare than we are take in each day, we have ta ask whether or not Canada can mainteln the confidence ai the International financial cammunity. W. must change and I understand change is always difficut. And elthaugh many of us try taoescape the cansoquences of change and feel gavernmenl culs wili not have an effect, you are about ta gel a wako-up cali. The reality is that gavernment spnding cuts, in one form or anather, affect al ai us. Wo ail will feele pinch. For mast ai this country's histary, Ontario has been Canada7s ecanamic engin.It has sputtered from time ta time, but this lime Rt has nat recovored tram the bettering it has taken. Couple that with gavernment spending initiated in gaod economic turnes and One quickly concludes we cen no langer live beyand bur meens. Spending culs are a must. I must sound like Scraoge, but I tell you, UI will b. cul along with funding ta post-secondary oducetion. SThe cosl af post-secandary education will b. shiftod'ta the users, and calleges and universities will b. asked ta use infarmatian technalogy ta become mare efficient and la stroamline operetians. Funding ta speciel inlerest groupe is gaing ta b. slashod as will MPs' pensians (and it's about lime this lreud stapped.) Wut ,h regard ta srnell-end medium-sized business, the Ioderai gavornment is maving ta gel rid ai many reguletians that impede, the growth af this industry that supplies mast ai this counlry's jobs. W. are alsa cutting back on foreign aid and grain and transportatian subsidies. 0f caurse the hirinm frooze in 1h. civil service will remain. Having sald that, what us it Alex Shepherd wiIl b. dalng In Ottawa ta serve Durham? I will continue ta impross on ministers the importance ai making sponding cuts. As: vice-chair of the Public Accounts Cammittee I wilI demand the civil service show how they are making themselves, more accauntable ta texpayers and mare officient when spending laxpayers' maney. 1Prgrms that privetize certain aspects of 1h. civil'service, such as prisons, and intraduce incentivos for doin a good job are same of 1h. ideas I will push. Meking money avalleble ta small-end medium-sized business lhrough access ta equity markets is an idea I now have before 1h. lnduslry Commiltee. I wiil continue ta, push- for this and assistance for business formation Iocaliy. With the h.lp ai Durham citizens, I hope wo cen launch a Yauth Services Core proj oct ta assist yauth who have droppod out ai high school, gel off UI and social assistance. I hope small business will help me accomplish this. 0f course, al af this will tae place under the. backdrap of e Quebec referendum. 1I wI continue t a me the Bloc Quebecois accountable for evory negative utterence made agfainsl Canada. They are nal only hurting themselves but ail ofus. A/ex Shepherd is MP for Durham riding which includes Whitby, north of Taunton Road. To reaoh his constituency office, ca/I 721- 7570 (Oshawa). i.t'# Taxes headed south Parliamentlary Report

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