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Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1995, p. 13

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Whitby Free Preou. Wednesday, January 11, 199, Page 13 GO0 train service té Oshawa Rush-hour increased for on Monday. train servic Oshawa commuters Instead of one train running into Toronto in the morning and one returning to Oshawa in the evening, 33 trains now operate between the two centres Monay to Friday (except holidays), 17 Sludge proposai àttacked FROM PAGE 1 mittee by Chanýg Lee, assistant te works comiissioner Vik Si1- gailis, and consultant Don Cane of Simcoe Engineering Group Ltd. In addition te hearimng how the proposaI origilnated andftbe steps tb followed in the approval proeess, committee members and those* in attendance viewed a short video on what -the projeet entails. Treated sewage (sludge) from the Region's various sewage pl ants wdill be stered at the Cor- tt Creek facility until'it can be used as fertilizer 'by area farmers (see stery on page 21). Although he did not abject ta how the sludge is used, Drumm criticized the Region for not seek- in private secter involvement in thpr'et. thimk the Regn should be spending $10 mlion on sometbing the private sector can do better and that will save us a lot of money," he said.. Committee chair and regional councillor Marcel BruneIle, a member of Durham's works com- inittee, replied that the private sectar option is stili possible. Cane noted that a sludge faci- lity in Halten Region is operated by a private contracter, although owned by Halten. He suggested a similar arrangement is possible for Durham, as long as the Regfion retains ownership. Dirumm then asked about the number of trucks using the faci- lity on a daily basis and poential odour problems. Cane estiniated that there will be "20 21 trucks a day» and assureci Drumm that odour will not be a problem. "We welcome people e take a tour of the Halten facility with us and see and smell for them- selves,» be'said. 1 After stressing bis opposition ta the proposai, Drummn and Brunelle engaged in a brief spat after the latter ruled that the audience could not ask questions af Cane or Lee. "PMn surprised the public was nat invited te comment at this meeting,» said Drumm, in refer- ring te the approximately 25 -area residents in attendance. A slightly angry Brunelle reterted that the presentation was mot p art of a legaily advert- ised "public meetiing" and was for the benefit of the committee. "You know- the process," Brunelle toîd Drumin. I!m won- dering why you're surprised.» Drunxr responded that when. he was committee chair "the public was always invited ta comment-.but tbat's your rul- ing." Brunelle explained that allow- ing public discussion at; Monday's meeting would have been point- less since the committee has no contraI, over the decision. He advised anyone with con- cerns about the jproposal te attend a public 'information meeting being held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday in the Centennial Building on Centre Street South. Following the meeting, council- lor Dennis Fox told The Free Press that while he does not object te the proposaI, he bas concerns about the public consul- tation process. Fox said he aasumed that Thickson's Point residents had been specifically solicited for their opinions,, but has sine learned that was mot the case. New rides FROM PAGE 5 The Tobacco Control Act is part of a provincial strategy te prevent tobacco use, protect the public from second-hand smoke and help smokers quit. The provincial government bas allocated $2.5 million for training and supporting enforcement officers at the province's public health units. AdvertIsement Martial Arts in North America is going through an explosive growth peniod. While this helps to move appearing on every street corner. As with most things, Quantity does flot mnean Quality. The club that just opened up next to your house may flot even be there 2 rnonths later. How then does a person do without any Martial Arts experiences select a club? Research! How long has the school been open? How lonig has the style existed? (You'd be amazed at how many Martial Art systemrs have been created in the last 20 to 30 years.) How many Black Beits teach at the sehool? Which associations is the school afiliatcd witi? Make a list of questions and take it with you. The more you ask, the better. Throwlng Arts of Kosho-ryu Kempo Shihan Raymond Hayes, Instructor and Greg Clare (Front row lefti t right> BUTOKO - KAI INTERNATIONAL ASOIATION - DR. HMADA, World Head, RON FORRESTER, Canadian Drector ot Martial Arts, RAYMOND HAYES, Canadian Kempe Director and student. CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS - Through our professionally taughtawareness prevention programmes, your children wîll gain Discipline, Motivation, Concentration and-Self Confidence, the Building Bocks ef Strength and Character. Aboiit Sensei Ra vinuod Haves: 6th Dan - Kosho-ryu Kempo 2nd Dan - Jiu Jitsu Almosi 30 years ofIexperience - Former International Competitor for the Canadian Jiu Jitsu Team Aboutfvlenk vo Ke,,po: 13 Years in the sanie location 2 -3 Insiciors Kr class' Approximately 3000 sq. fi.' Pro-Shop- Newly Renovaied Sei Kosho Sîtorci Kai SKSK) - Koslîo-ryui Kenipo Cariadian Jiu Jilsti Cotîncil (OCR) - Jit Jilst, Butoko-Kai - Japanese recognition (i rankings (Ibis is one of Ilile oldeçi Martial Arts socîcties in Jaîpan> About Kosho-tiu Kempo Kosho is one oftihe few "complete" Martial Arts systemns in existence today. Training includes aIl the normal Martial aspects like Punching, Kicking, Throws, Joint locks, Grappling. etc. but also covers Weapo)ns (Kubudo). Sword (laido), massage (Shiatsu> and other restorative arts. Kosho study is about natural movement and is therefore effective regardless of your size, age or gymnastie abilities. Kosho is 8(X) years old and is bascd on the even older Chinese systemn of Ch'uan Fa (Kempo is the Japanese translation of this term.) -40<ÇY (at four corners) 666-2878 trains westbound to Toronto leaving Oshawa from 5:37 ta 8:41 a.m. and again from 3:41 to 7:41 p.m., and 16 trains eastbound ta, Oshawa leaving Union Station from 6:13 to 8:13 a.m. and fromn 3:13 ta 7:13 p.m. Most trains will serve ail stops on the lakeshore east lime. Oshawa Transit serves the Oshawa GO station, and GO-ticketed passengers can ride the local bus free to conneet with the GO train. The $55-niillion project, funded by the Province of Ontario, involved more than sending trains a few kilomnetres down the road from the Whitby station. New property was. acquired and several bridges were constructed, notably at Hopkins Street and at Victoria Street in Wihitby, where a level crossing was replaced by a road underpass. Oshawa station's parking lot was expanded from 600 parking spaces ta, 1,400. Two completely new train tracks were built between Whitby and Oshawa. Osha'wa will be one of four GO stations that will be fully accessible ta, passengers using mobility devices when wheelchair-accessible GO train. service begins later this spring. HILSTORICAL 1"EATURE in the WMhy Free Press i .What was the ultimate fate of Whitby's first town hall? 2.Which Whitby mayor was neyer opposed in a municipal election ater he first won that off ice? 3.Where was a home for Toronto's underprivileged children established in 1902 b y the Deaconesses of the Methodist Church? 4. What former resident- of Whitby founded the Winnipeg Tribune in 1879? Answers on Page 31 This feature provlded by Local Arcitectural Conservation Advisor.9 Co.mttîec BLECHPSE IARS IE Mutual Fundfest The Ail-Star Investment Conference January 28, 1995 Corne loin us andi learn from some of the top money managers in the Mutual Fund industry on how to invest your money in today's investment climate. Topics discussed will include: " Has your RRSP/RRIF had a check-up latcly? " Where is the best place to invest in 1995? " Global Investing - Do you know where to invest your mnaximumn foreign content?. " Bond Markets - Is the bear market in bonds over? " Investing in Emerging-Markets " Should you be locking in today's high intcrest rates? " Maxirnize Yield in your RRSP/RRIF Hosted By: Fidelity lnvestments MacK<enzie Financial AGF Mana9eîent Trimark Invesiments Templeton Management Midland Walwyn January 28, 1995 - 9:30 a.mn. - 2:30 p.m. Le Gala, 65 Sunray St., Whitby R.S.V.P and Directions phone Linda, Vaîcrie or Scott at 905-576-1726 - 1-800-661-0243 *MIDLAND WALWYN' Hosted by The Oshawa Branch 1 Mary St. N., Oshawa 'BLUE CHIP THINKING is a trademark of Midland Walwyn Capital c.

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