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Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1995, p. 22

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Page 22. Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, January 11, 1995 Petites...... The Whitby petite AA ringette tean,. sponsored by Doug Freeman CA, ,returned to the Camibridge tournament over the weekend ad successfufly defended last 'year's titie by winning the goldniedal. In the first game, Kitchener upset, Whitby, 6-5. Kitchener scored the winner with only three seconds left on the dlock. Whitby regrouped toroll over Camride 90, udbry -5and 'Waterloo 7-3. Whitby then won 4-1 in the semi-finàal againat Sudbury. The final was a rematch with Kitchener, and Whitby redeexned themselves with a convincing 8-2 win. Whitby was the only repeat champion out of eight divisions at the tournament. Tracy McGillis was solid ini net throughout the tournanient. Scorers weren't reported, but defence players are Samantha Cardwell, Sara Vanderlip, Kara Byrnes and Vieki Strugneil. Forwards are Rachel Stewart, Lindsay Freeman, Kista Mueller, Kailey Mufer, Ernily Lebel, Jessica Brownridge and Bonnie Chant. Most sophornore hockey players feel more coinfortable with the cllegiate game than they did in their frealiman year. No exception is Whbitby native and Western Michigan sophomore riglit wing Justin Cardwell who feels "100 per cent botter" and it shows, both on the ice and in the classrooni. Academically, Cardwel realized last year that ho mucli more enjoyed standing in front of a clases peaking than constantly deaing with numbors, so, ho clianged his major from business. to, communications and is having "the best semester of my life." On the ioe, Cardwell is now starting te play up te, the laurels of the highway - teuted offensive recr-uit ho was thouiglt te be in the WMU prograin. Cardwell lias played in 15 of WMU's first 17 gaines this year and lias il (7-4) points, double the five (2-3) ho earned in 32 gaines as a rookie. Ho 'is tied as the team's third-leading goal scorer and is fcamrth in plus-minus with a plus 12. Cardwell played with the Markham Waxers of tho Central League in which ho was the most valuable player in the league's all-star gaine.in 1992-93. JUSTIN CARDWELL Ho ciosed out that year playing with the Kaldamazoo Junior K-Wings of the North Anieican Junior Hockey League and was the MVP of the U.S. national junior tournanient. "I think I came inte last year with the wrong impression of what college hockey was about," says Cardwell. I was coming off a great Junior year. and I just don't think I came in fully realizing how hard you have to work te, be successful at this level. But I do now." Last year, the Bronco coaches; asked Cardwell te, work on his foot speed and his overal defensive game. 'With the college gaine, you have to be consistent on defence as you are on offence, no matter what your postion," lie says. "That was a whole new concept te, me. "In juniors, if you're a scorer, that's what you do. You don't spend much tme worrying about the defensive aspect of the gaine." According te WMU head coach Bill Wilkinson, Cardwell's whole gainelias improved draniatically. "Justin' has a much botter understanding of his strengths and weaknesses. Now, when ho plays a guy wrong or gets caught too deep in the zone, you can look in bis eyes when ho gets back te, the bench and you know he knows what ho didn't do right," Wilkinson says. The five-foot 11-inch, 185-pound winiger is not only a regUarin thisyear's lneup, but saw bis first action on the power play at the Great Alaska Face-off over the Thanksgiving weekend (Nov. 24-26) -- a promotion that pleases Cardwell immensely. "MY goal is te, become a conssten plaer.- want te, be known as Ithe player who isn't afraid te go out there and do whatever it takes to, help the team,"e says Cardwell. "So when coachi wanted te shako up the power play and ho put nme out tbere, I was thr-illod." WHITBY'S minor peewee AAA hockey team- celebrates after winninlg the championship of an international tournament in Germany. o i Photo courtesy Mfte forasse famllY Peewees take gold ini Germany FROM PAGE i enod was played under ideal conditions but Whtby had.Sweden's number. After frustrating thern with body checks, Whitby tonod down the physical sido and playod a controllod third period, matching Sweden wilth speed and scoring chances. Farquharson potted his second goal and Judd Stevenson added the third marker as Whitby won 3-0. Justin Zamniit earnod the shutout, with the defonce minimizing Sweden's chances. Whitby's second game was against the Nethorlands. More accustemed te the large Euroeanicesurface and the officiating, Whitbyturodit on against the Dutch and skaedtea -0win. After building up a 10-0 lead, the defenco were turned into forwards and added the final seven goals. Scoring for Whitby were Jay Harrison with four goals, Chris Trinkunas, David Morasse and Bobby McBride with three goals each,- Farquharson, Branch, Miko Morrison aýnd Mark Cipparone one goal. Blaine Down and Mark Rinaldi had thre assista each. Gaine three was- a much anticipated contest versus Spartak of Moscow, and Whitby aizned te counteract the speedy Russian teain at their own game of forechecking and quick passes. Harrison opened the scoring in the first with a shot from the point, but the Russians tied it two minutes later on a seramble in front of the net. Morasse, on a foed from Sean MacRury in the second period, then scored and that was ail that was needed as Whitby held Russia te a minimum of chances te proserve a 2-1 victory. With Cipparone out of the teurnament with a broken finger, the four defenders -- Jeremny Fisher, Harrison, Morrison and Trinkunas -- playjed. a strong gaine of clearing the zone and minixnizing any scoring changes on goalie Zammit. Gaine four versus- Switzerland was a tune-up for the -finals the next day. Goalie Josh Hughes turned back the Swiss time and time again tili the final minute when Switzerland took advantage of a power play te end the shutout. Whitby, though, had scored five times alreadIy te, esnure the victory was not in doubt. Scoring for Whi tby were Harrison, McBride, Farquharson, MacRury and JeiffFrazer. The gold medal gaine versus Dynamo Riga of Latvia was a tense nail-biter before some 2,000 fans. iga camne out flying in the firat and caught Whitby flat-footed. A powe 1play goal and a goalmouth acramble tally saw Rga enter the second period up 2-1. The lone Whitby goal came from Morasse. Riga added a quick goal in the second period te go up 3-1 but a good individual effort by MacRury narrowed the score te, 3-2 entering the third period. MacRury potted another goal early in the third and Morasse got the go-ahead goal on a feed froni Down. Riga recovered te tie the game and the teams played end-to-end hockey for the last five minutes with both goalies making key stops. Regulation play ended with the teanis tied at 4-4. Overtfrne was a 10-minute total goal setup. Whitby kept pace with Rtiga in terms of scoring chances but it wasn't until 4:34 left in the extra period that Stevenson, on a feed, froni Down and Harrison, netted the winner. Close forechecing and strong defence froin goalie Zammit preserved the vîctory and the gold modal. Roy -Pappin is coach of the Whitby tearn that won the Ontario major atorn AA championship last season toeoarn a trip te tho tournament in Germany. Paul Cain is assistant coach, Rod Cipparone tramner and Richard Trinkunas manager. The team held a successful fundraising drive te help offset expenses. Bunnies best in Markham Whitby Pringlo Creek IGA bunnies were champions at the recent Markham ringotte teurnamont, winning three of four gaines. Scoring for Whitby were Kelly Schad with eiglit gols and three amast, Victoria Kaufmnann with seven goals and two assists, Katie Scott with three goals and three assiets, Veronica Jolinston with three goals and one assist, Rebecca Gifi with throe goals and one assiet Amy Moulten with two goals anc1 three assiste, Alison Williagms with two goals and throo assista, Kristen Milar with two goals andr two assiste and Courtey Reed and Cassandra Abel each with a single goal. .Solid goaltending was provided by Rebecca Gill and Courtney Reeld. Cardwell more comfortable as asophomiore

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