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Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1995, p. 16

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DUBH[AM PC USER&' CLUB The. Durhamn PC Users Club wlll meet Tiiursday, Feb. 9, 7 to, 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ae, Oshawa. Leep/Rhodes Associates will present Ability Plus, an integrated software programn combining a word processor, re dsheet, fly-relational dta"ae graphics module and communications. Tii. Lexmark sub-notebook 'wiil aigu b. demonstrated. For more information, cail 905-728-9351. PARENT FINDERS Parent FInders, which hèlps al members of an adoption triangle find their birth relatiVes, meets Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m., at Abert, Street United Church, Oshawa. For more information, cail Jan 686-7840 or Sandy 404-9151. INCOME TAX TRAINIG The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hoat two training sessions for community volunteers interested in learning how ta p ropare basic incomo tax netunns (or seniors. Trainers *com Revenue Canada will b. at-the centre, 801 Brock St. S., Whitby, Thursday, Feb. -9. and Tuesday, Feb. 21, from 9:30 a.m. ta 4 pa. Interested volunteers can caUl 668-1424 ta book a spaoe. DUIRAM WRITEBS Tii. iret meeting of the Durham Writers and Editors Breakfast Club wiil b. held Satunday,, Feb. 11, 8 ta 10 a.m., at Swans Marina (where Liverpool Road meets Lake Ontario), Pickering. Open ta anyone interested in networking with writens. Cost le $8. For reservations, eall Madjoie Green (905) 686-2085. COUNTRY DANCE Tiie women of the Moose Lodge wiil hold an 'Old Tye' country dance . (wear hearts for Valentines), on Sunday, Feb. 19, 1 p.m., at Mooso Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Muieb «The. Shades of Silver.' Admission is $4. Ail welcome. For more information, eall 666-1449 or 728-5630. OSHAWA ONE PARENT Tii. Oshawa On. Parent Families Association will hold a hospitality-newcomers night, on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:45 p.m., at the .Croatian Cultural Sports Club Adria, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Ail single parnts, custodial or not, are welcome. For muare information, caU Doug at 728-1011. iINMG WITH CANCER Living with Cancer support group for adults, friends and faxnily meets Monday, Feb. 13, 7 ta 9 P.., Ajax-Pickering Hosptal..1 outh aged 7 ta 17 meet 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church, 91 Rings Ores., Ajax. For more informnation cail 686-1516. LEABNINGDIBI I'E ii. Oshawa chapter 0 the Learning Disabilities Association will meet Ihursday, Feb. 9 at Dr. Emily Stawe Public School, 71 Sandringham Dr., Courtice at 7 p.Tiiere will -b. a movie, Frustration, Anxciety and Tension -- a daLin the life of an LD. student.'Al welcome. For information, eall Nancy at 436-7706. VALENT1NE'S DANCE On Saturday, Feb. 11, the Durham. Region Parents of Multiple Binths Association will hold a Valentine's dance, at General Sikorski PoUafh Veterans' Hall,. 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. The iàving Legends of Popular Music will perform ta, music by Rod Stewart, Madonna. Michael, Jackson and othens. Thon. will b. a cash bar and a dance.,after the show. TIckets, which are $35 per couple including late night buffet, can b. ordered by phoning (905) 723-7822 . Doors open at 7 p.m. Rahmnadhzan LONE AHMAD poses with a Rahmadhzan (month of fasting) display set up- by the, Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Durham Chapter, at Whitby Public Library. The display wiIl be there ail of February, a month which is very sacredto aIl Muslims. Photo by Mark Reebor. WbFr.. Press DESSERT AND CARI) PAm'Y A dessert, and card party vill b. held on Wednesday, Feb ' 159 1 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre- St. S.,. Whitby. Tickets $3. Cail 668-3057 or 668-3091 for'details. NEWiCOMERS CLUB Tii. Oshawa/Whitby New- corners club meets Tuesday, Feb. 14, 8 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre, Green Room. Discussing 'Assertivenes' will b. Betty Vanderburg from Gate '316 in Oshawa. Ail women new ta the area are welcome ta attend. For more information eaul Informnatioti Wiitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. Admission is $1. FJBROMYALGIA Tii. Ajax Fibromnyalgia- Sb'u p prGoup will meet Monday, Feb. 13, 7:30 ta 9 p.m., at St. Andrew's Community Centre, 46 Exeter Road, Ajax. For more information, contact Carolyn at 683-6020 or' Suzanne at 839-8482. DRAVA Tii. annual genenal meeting 0f the Durham Region Assocation for Volunteer' Administration. (DRAVA) wiilb. held on Tiiursday, Feb. 9, il a.m. ta 2:30 pm, at Victoria_ Garden, CARDS Valentine Court whist card games, hosted by Ail Saints Anglican Church, wiil b. held Fniday, Feb. 10,- 7:30 p.m. Re Lehents served. ickets are $5. Cal Pauline at 668-4886 for tickets and information. LE GAL AID A legal aid advice ciic will b. held on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7 p.m.., at the Whitby Public Library. Appointmçnts muet b. made at the Whitby Information Centre, 900 Bnock St. S. Clients neceive a confidential 15-minute appoint- ment with a lawyer, at no charge. For more information, cal 668-0552. SKATEATHON Tii. 24th annual Skateathon will b. held by the. Kinsm*en Club of Whidtby on Saturday, Feb. 11, 9 a.m. to 3 -p.m., at Iroquois Park. S tudents from ail elemen- tary sehools in Whitby will take n ar in the fundraiser for the Mstic Fibrosis Foundation. HALT LM1G Jim Flahenty, Progressive Con- servative candidate for the pro- vincial Durham Centre niding, will hold a 'Town Hall' meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 7:30 p.. t Col. J.E. Farewell Public Schol.Ail are welcome to, attend and express opinions. Pickering Village, 60 Randali Dr. (W#2& Randail), Ajax. Ouest spaer is Nan Einarson SOBoROFIMffI executive dinectar 0f the-l)istress Soroptinist International of Centre 0f Durhami. Hon, topie j s )hawa/Whitby Club wiil meet On ."Credlbility 0f'the. Volunteor Tiiursday9 Feb, 99,7pLm. - at 44 ,,Manager.»,-Coet,,is$25-,e Prsn i~m ,~ÇziIaI(Faith Lu Ietbr. ck ).aW. lx 1maï,(905) 'B-8ý51 ext.-49. 7w î" nttd are wloe CANADIAN CLUB Tii. Canadian Club of Durham eion will meet on Tuesdaty, Feli*21 6:30 p.m., at the *HolidaLy Inn ($shawa. Arthur Doyle autiior of <Front Benches anâ Back Rooms' and president Of the National'Institut. for Media Studies, will discues <Tie Secrets of Media Image Makers.'Ail wel- corne. For more Information, cali 905-686-2535 or 905-655-4530. EUCHRE Euchre, sponaored by the Oddfellows and Rebekahs, is held every Friday, 7:30 p.m., at 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. Admission is $1.50. Ail welcome. THEOS Tii.local chapter of Tii... will meet on Sunday, Feb. 12 2 p.m. at St. AndrewIs Prest ran Church, Cochrane Street, Whtby. Theos is a support group for the widowed. Ail widowed men and women are, welcome to attend. For more information, cail 668-2648.1 AQUARIUM SOCIETY 'The. Durham Reégion Aquarium Society wiil meet on Tusgday, Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m., ini the cafeteria of R.S. Mca .hln Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. Ouest speaker Waynae ýWilson will discuss tank repair. For more information, cail Jim Brown at 905-987-3412 or T Fisher at 905-831-0940. CELTIC SPORTS CLUB Tii. Durham Celtic Sports & Cultural Club wii hold a Valentine's dance, Saturday, Feb. 11, at Soccer City, Witby. For more information and tickets ($15), - callI Gerry Fox at 433-0463 or Mike Morrison at 668-9217. 31W THURSDAY 3rd Thursday Breakfast, a women's network will meet at Harmony Creek Golf Club, 100 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, Feb. 16, 7:30 a.m' Five-year members wil b. recognized. Ouests are welcome. or reservatioeis cail Helen Smith ait 432-7200. HEAD INJURFY, The. Head INury Association of Durham Region support group wiil meet on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors g <u on main floor, flamily and careigivers group upstairs. tor assistance with traspotaton, caîl 905-723-2732. PRE -BUDGET TALK Ontario niding MIP Dan McTeague will , host a pre-budget town hall meeting in 4Aax, on Thursday, Feb. 9 7 to 9 p.m., at the Ajax council chambers, 65 Harwood Ave.- S. For- further information, caIl 905-427-6203. SUPPORT GROUP Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby will hold an orientation at 555 Wentworth St. E., unit #1, Oshawa, on Wednesday, Feb. 15ý, 7. to, 9 p.m. Anyonte who, can spare three hours .a- week -for a comxitment of on. year, .ta give friendshp ta a child or youth, cail 436-0951 for more i nformation. Save an extra *40 %in taxes on yoýur RRSP contribution tlisyear Working Ventures Canadian Here 's an exainple: Fund is a labour-sponsored investment fund that invests Investmient in Working Ventures $5,000 primarily in smnall and Tax Savings - $2500 mediumn-sized Canadian-R Ptadeuin businsses.(at 50% assumned tax rate) " Such investments offer the Federal Tax Credit (20%) - $1,000 potential for above-average Provincial Tax Coedit* retums but involve higher (20% where applicable) - $ 1,000 risks than many other investmffents. Your Net cost $ 500 " An investment in Working Your Total Savings $4,500 Ventures requires a long-termn commitment and cannot guarantee any specific rate of return or any retum. Redemption of shares of Working Ventures is subject to certain conditions. " Attractive tax credits available to investors in Working Ventures provide immediate benefits and are intended to offset these risks. Important information about this investment fund is contained in its prospectus. Obtain a copy frora a securities dealer fully qualified and icensed to distribute these securities and read it carefully before investing. Share value and investment retumn will flucuate.. *The extra provincial tax credits are available to investors resident in Ontario, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. , More coming Ievents on I--pag--35- ý .1 ý - 1 -- M-J Page 16, Whltby Fr.. Press, Wednosday. F"bray 8. 1996

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