LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Ateraf ions and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For your fres in-home shopping and estimate cati 432-1714. Customer's fabrics are wetcome. HOME RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows, energy conservation. Cati Jacques of Al Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complets residential &commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceilings. Cail Dieter for a f ree estimnafe, 430-1207. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Fire alarm, modifications Emergency ighting -systems. Russ Wilde "the" electîncian. Commercial - residential service. At 1-905-666-21-27., Whitby. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY. In y our home or studio. Fashion/glamour- wvith FREE makeover from $35. Portraits from $29.99, weddings fromn $550, models, portfolos. FASHION PHOTOS 905-571-5008. HOME DESIGN SERVICE fromn concept pltans f0 construction, wrigdrawings for your new home additibn and alterations. For reliable and professional seivice at reasonable rates and free consultation cai 430-6394. HENK KARELSEN PAINTING & HOME REPAIR. Quatity work, interiorlexterior. Over 2years experienoe. No job too smati. Free estimates. 1-800Y-423-0823. CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LE BRINGS Y A SHOCK OR TW1O! Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! - You can compare and choose from the servces you'ii find there! CARING & reliabte mother wil provid e daycaoe in-my home. Nufrtious lunches & snacks, fencsdback yard with play equipment. Lots of fun rovided. Thickson/Rossiand. Cal Etaine 430-3059. LOVING MOM 0F ONE year old would like to care for your child. Smoke-free environment. Gien Hill Dr. -' Dundas/Thickson area. References availabie. 430-045. MOTHER 0F TWO WLL provide reliable daycars for ail ages in a smoke-fmee environment. Stones, crafts & lots of toys, snacks & meais included. Brock St. & 401 area. 668-3505. MOTHER 0F 10 YR. OLDT)-WlNS, RN, wilt gve your children the best cars in theé wold. Outside activities, nutnitious meals & lots 0f TIC. West Lynde area. Infant to 3 years. Please oeil 430-7455. PLAYGROUP (drop-off) Kindergarten prepaaioaes25 Mother of 1, ECE aininq. much more. Mon.-Fri., 9-llamr, 1-3pmn. $5/hr. Cai 430-6347. EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER avaiiable f0 provide ,quality homecare for your infant/toddler. Clean, safe, Ioving, smoke-free environment. Daily outings, toys, music craifs. Cali , Chalene 430-6à 09. RESPONSîBLE MOTHER wil provide quatity cars for your child in MY' home. Fult/part-time. Non-smoker. Ages 2 & up ont y please.- Located near Rosstand& Anderson. Please cati 666-2685. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE in my home, any age. Full or part-fime. Within watking distance f0 Glen Dhu & Sf. Bemards schools. Cali 668-2226.- EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 woutd like to crs for your pre-schooter. Fuît or part-time days available. Nutrifious lunches/snacks, daily ouf ings included. Non-smoker. Thickson/Rossland. Cai 666-3095. F m GARPEN rY j The Mutual Group * WHITBY LTD, HERB TRAN C enemi CarfintryAdditons cati for quotation HomeImpovennt568-9669 e 432-7216 * Rec à oms DiywadlLndPainting 119 Ycars in GIs RRP Durham cal M1 Gary J. Hirlehey oofwqc;Financial Planning Consultant %268468 Giving people the information, options, and advice 4WrniuIWmUM UIMUIMIMUMthey need ta make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT MM-e e eni EXPERIENCEP MOTHER of 2 wilI provide daycare in my home. Pienty of TIC, nÛ(dtious lunches & snacks f rovided. Smoke-free environmnent. -Thickson/Rosstand). 723-8485. LOING MOTHER 0F 4 year otd wiii care for any age in smoke-free home. Countr setting, Ashbumn area. Cati 655-802. REULABLE, CARING MOTHER 0F two wili provide daycare in My home (Brock & Manning area). Please oeil 666-9581. Early Childhood ti For Peace of Mnd L Perry House Child Care Servces 129 Pirry St., Whltby 668-9476 ONE BEDROOM APT. 806- Brock St. N., Whitby. $450/mno. + hydro + tast month (negotiabte). Availabte immediately. For more info cati 668-7062 or 623-4782. WHITBY - one bedroom, ctean, quiet, parking, iaundry, fnidge, stove microwave, cable, utilities inctucied. Separate entrance. $550/mo. Available March 1/95. Firstllasf, referenoes. Non-smoker. 668-5464. WHITBY, MARY ST. - smali 2 bedroomn in duplex, eaf-in kitchen, fridge & stove, lots of windows, p arking for 4 cars, pnivate entrance, Mrch 1/95. $750 inclusive. 686-7603. LARGE 2 BEDROOM studio apt. with baicony, separafe dining rooM & living room, parkin for 2 $795 & utitities. Cati 668-432,q or 6ý5-623. WHITBY ONE BEDROOM new basement a t. wNith private entrance. $499/mo. aIl inclusive. Cati 430-2793. OSHAWA GENERAL Hospital area. Smali 1 bedroom apartment includes fnidge, stove, utilities, parking, cabte. Suit responsible single. Smai pets welcome. $550/mo. Firstilast. 668-3640. 3 BEDROOM APARTMVENT available at 211 Reedaire Crf. Phone 668-4606. WHITBY- 2 bedroomn aparfment ROOM FOR RIENT IN downtown Whitby area, TV & cable inciuded. Close to buses. .$85/week. Cati 666-4279. DOWVNTOWN WHITBY - fuliy furnished roôorn in dlean, quiet home. Priviieges inctude kitchen use, cable, parkinQ. Suit resonibemature, working maie. $85lweek irstllast. 668-36-40. .CMNG"EVENS CENTENNtAL REUNtON 0F NEW LîSKEARD PUBLIC SCHOOL, June 29-July 3, 1995. If you, or somneone you know, aftended N.L.P.S., for- ward namnes and addresses f0: The. Reunion Committee, c/o NLPS, Box 159, New Liskeard, Ontario POJ 1 PO. B8U SINESS. OPPORTUNITIES! START VOUR OWN Import/Export Agency. No lnvestmenf. Fuît adviso- ry service since 1946. For free bookief cait Wade Wortd Trade. 1- 800-322-9233. CAE ER T RAi1Ni1NG LEARN AUCTIONEERINO af the Southwestem School of Auctioneer- ing. Next Ctass: MARCH 18-24. tnformnation , contact: Southwestemn Ontario Schoot of Aucfioneermng, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Onfario N4.S 7V9. (519> 537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- TUTE of Vancouver offers corre- spondence courses for the certifi- cafe of Counseiling Studies to begin the lSth of the month. For brochure phone: i1-800-665-7044. CERTIFICATE COURSES! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax'Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise ternitories. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Cati for a FREE B00K. 1-800-267- 1829 The Writing School 2266-38 McArfhur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario KiL 6R2. FOR..SALE ARCTIC WOLF FOR SALE in 18 packs for under $20. -Avaitabte at the beer store. SALESSHELR WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money selting chocolte bars . NEW $2.O PRODUCTS. Nothing f0 pay in advance, fast deiivery 1- 800-38-DELUX. LIVESTOCK GALETTA LIVEST0CK SALE. Bam under new management,Ere Smith of Pinto Valtey Ranch wei- cornes everyone. Cattie Sale every Wednesday. Horse Sale in spring. For' information, please cati (613) 623-3439. FURNISHgD ROOM for. rent $80/week. Share, bathroom à kitchen. Student or worlcer preferred. Watk f0 ait amonMtes. Please catil666-3776 AFTER 6PM. WE DELI VER FLY!RS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 PAY ELEPHOEE IE (*A cost wiii t» incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Potice use us... Hamess your destiny. Vour present and future revealed. *Love *Success *Money. Find out now. Calt 1-900- 451-4055. $2.99/min.. 18+. PERSQ"NAPS WOULD YOU LîKE f0 correspond with unaftached Christian people across Canada for companionship. or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free infor- mation. Stafe'age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase., B.C., VOE 1iMO. THE UNCONSCIO'US, SUBCON-' SCIQUS or REACTIVE mmnd under- lies and enstaves men. tt's the source of your stress, your insecuri- fy anid your fears. LEARN TO CON- TROL YOUR REACTîVE.MINO buy and read Dianefics: The Modern Science of Mental Heaifh, by I. Ron Hubbard. if confains discoveries heralded as greafer than the wheel or fire. Avaitabte for $7.50, cali 1- 800-561-5808. ADOPTION ADOPTION THE ALTERNATIVE. Searching for "Birth Mom" wifh unbomn or newly bom infant in foster care. We are a healthy, happiiy mar- ried young couple who can provide a warmn loving and stable home for your baby. Homesfudy successfutty compîeted. Please caîl 1-800-665- 4469. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'II fake if! Ameni- ca's Iargest, oidesf resate ciearing- house. Resort Sales Iternational 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Calt 24 hours a day. :STEEL:;BUILDING FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Win- fer Speciats S Series Straightwaiis 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6,154.,, 30x36 $6,933., S35x40 $8,652:- Inciuding Ends. Siiding Doors, GST &Freight, cai 1-800-668-8653. VACATION/TRAVEL".'*....". 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Onfario's heritage waferways aboard the newly expanded 38. pas- senger uKawaIiha Voyageur". Enjoy the mature company, home-style cooking and cheerfut crew on the catm waters of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canai. Send for brochure f0: Ontario Waterways, Box 135, Orillia, Ontario 13V 6J3 or oeil 1-800-561-5767. *It's Affordable e Its Fast e It's Easy e One Bill Does It AU -Northcrn Ontario $63 -, Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontarjo $168 e Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Avalable Cali ihis paper for dctails! Whiby re P'es ' ~ seî l * Ofîoe HQ rs M ncfyto Frday ~...rn...:OO pm..F....-~ 9 MARKTPLCE" 'tAdvertise .A crossOnaro orAcross the Counry h'#'NSI AD. m.