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Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1995, p. 28

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Page 28, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, February 22, 1995 -7 .. . .. . .. . .. . .... ..............A :.: « .x x . E OSHAWA I.SCHOOL Q 172 King 1. E. Suie 1201 Ohwa *728-0091 Full Divers Education Courses MARCH 6th - 9th 4 day course MARCH BREAK l3th - 16th 4 day course MARCH l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course MARCH lBth 4 week course PRI VA TE LESSONS. REGISTERED &APPR0VED 5V THE DSA.0. ANDO OS.L PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive 9quality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, chiidren, familles. Packages (rom $29. Aiso: weddings frorn $69, chnistenings, groups, boudoir, copy & restoration, anniversanes promotionai. No GST! 427-91ë4. WALLPAPERING AND PAINTING. 9 years experience. Ail work guaranteed. Author of book "Walipapering Made Easy". Cai Dave Taylor at Cotor Your Word (Wib)(905)ý 435-0808. Free PAINTING & APERING "Let George Do ttV. Reliabte expenenoed, quaiity work. Special ratés for seniors. Flexiblehours, prompt service, free estirnates. Phone George 666-1168. VYOUR #1 SEWîNG CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Compiete tune-up f rom $29.95 + parts. Factory Irained .technicians. For free pick-up& deiivery cati 432-7375. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine fumîture and cabinetry. Specializinq in entertainment units, ibranes and built-ins. Over 15 years expenience. Quality workmanship guarantee. References suppiied. Designers wetcorne. For a free quotatioti cai Gary at 666-1913. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN expenienced in residentiai' commercial & industriai work. 24 hour service catis. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate. CIND'S ALTERATIONS& CUSTOM DESIGNS - wedding gonhead pieces, brldesmaids, tiower girls, mother's dress, proms, evening wear. Choose tram aur wide setections of fabnîcs or your own is acoepted. Stili offening aur wide range of aterations. Tues.-Frn. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3. 133 Byron St. N., Pearson Lanes 430-6550. FIREPLACE CHIMNEVI new construction/aiterations repair, srnoke probiems. We KNOW fiea ces. Great rates. Cait Mike 66-171. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Pans, inspections, specificains apentry, piumbing, electricat, windows, energy conservation. Cait Jacques of'ÂAu Trades,' ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aiterations and repair on draperies. Affordabte prices. For your free in-home shopping and estirnate cati 432-1714. Custornes fabrics are weicome. INCOME TAX RETURNS. i have an M.B.A. & professionai tax training, 6 years expenience. Fast and accurate. Pick-up & deiivery availabie. Cait 668-6513. WORK HARD ALL DAY? Want ta corne home and relax? Let us heip you by professianaiiy cieaning your horne. References availabie. Cati (905) 430-7809. CALLA(1@ Gary J, Hirlehey >Financial Planning Cnutn Givng peope the Information, options, and advice they need ta, make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT ÏM-flFnaca 1?; The Mutuai Group WITBY RLD aGeneml CaipenbyÂdiEtioflsE Home Imprveeit M i RecRooms - D.,ywallAndPainting - 19 9Ycars in Durham Regiofl155 c all: % ffi 688-68686 INTERIOR DECORATING - painting/waiipapering, window covering s, fuil selectian of verticaifvenetian biinds. Very raoae 'rates. Cati Mike 666-0171. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY. In ro Ur home or' studio." ashion/giamour with FREE mnakeover tram $35. Portraits frorn $29.99, weddings from $550 rnodels, o roios. FASHIOW~ HENK KARELSEN PAINTING & HOME REPAIR. Quatity work, intenor/exterior. Over 20 years experienoe. No job too srnait. Free estimates. 1-800Y-423-0823. HOME-SEWING, dress rnaking, freehand sewn - pattemrs flot required. Cati .434-1913. PAINTER WITH 24 yrs. expenience is iooking for residentiai work. For free estimate cati Clarence 668-5562. CUSTOM DESIGNED wedding gowns, bnidesrnaids, mother dresses, prom & evening wear. No atem needed, just bning a picture. For an appoint ment cati 905-655-4748. DRYWALL &piaster repairs, oeramic & vinyl tule, pitn, horne &office. Bill Happer Contracting 905-686-4242. MVACNEIL'S CUSTOM Uphoistery & Refinishing, fumiture repair. Serving the Durham area for 25 years. Cati 430-4585. HANDYMAN - snowbiowing, dlean-up. jobs, rubish removai, moving ob s painting & renas. Doug 43-03M8. COMUNG ,40EVENT? Pho ne: RESPONSîBLE MOTHER wiii provide quaiity care for your chiid in My home. Fulipart-time. Non-srnoker. Ages 2 & ur oniy please. Lacateci near Rossiand& Anderson. Please cali 666-2685. PLAYGROUP (drap-off). indergarten preparation, ag es 2-5. Mather of 1, ECE training Crafts/computer/pianolsnack î rnuch mare. Mon.-Fri., 9-llarn, 1-3pm. $5/hr. Calit 430-6347. MOTHER 0F A ONE YEAR OLD wouid ike ta care for your.chiid in a friendiy and iaving environment. Agsi 1. & &up. Referenoes availabie. ati Julie 905-430-0083. WORKING MOTHER requires babysitter in my home. One chiid - 9 years aid. From 6am - 8:30am, Monday to Fniday. Cati after 8pmn BELLWOOD AREA mother of 2 wil p ravide daycare in rny home fullipart-time availabie. Cali 404-2551. UVE-OUT NANNY REQUIRED Mon. - Fr1. in aur West Lynde area home ta care for aur bnight, active 3 S rod& happy, atert 6 mos. aid. ijar1 date - - mid-Aprii. EpeienoefECE/re eeos required. CatiMarie66-6709 EXPIERIENCIEDILOVING care in a smoke-free envieonment for ages 2 &up. Lots of activities & crafts, fenced-in yard. Brock & Manning area. Cati Lynda 430-6168. MOTHER 0F 2 W.ILL provide quality daycare in rny home. Nutritiaus meats & snacks,9 lots of toys & crafts. Within waiking distance ta park & E.A. Fairman P.S. Ail ages weicorne. References &receipts availabie 430-7044. PEACE 0F MIND FOR yau, fun for kids. Expenenoed mom witt pravide god care & fun activities, any age, fui or part-time. Close to Go. RELIABLE & responsibte daycare avaiiable in my home. Failingbrook St. area in Witby. aIl 666-4648. GENTLE, CARING. MOTHER of 2 boys offers quaiity'daicame in rny home. Nutritiaus meaF & snacks p rovided. Non-smoker, pet-free ome. Garden St. & Dye ld Cai Carol 666-6735. Dye td CAR W EE MRiNN LEARN AUCTîONEERING at the Southwestem Sohoot of Auctioneer- ing. Next ÇIatis: MARCH 18-24. Information , contact: Southwestemn Ontario Schooi of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- TUTE of Vancouver offers carre- spondence courses for the certifi- cate of Counseiiing Studies ta begin the 1lSth of the month. For brochure phone: i1-800-665-7044. SALES: HELP. WANTD $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money seiiing chocotate bars . NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing ta pay in advance, fast deiivery i - 800-38-DELUX. DO YOU LîKE CANOLES? Partytite Gifts featuring candies and home decorating accessories is seeking consultants and leaders. No invest- ment. No inventory. No.deiivery. Top commissions; i 1-800-252-WICK. START NOW! Leading international company with unique nutritionai products expanding in Canada seeks quaiity sales leaders and seri- ous minded distnibutors. Cati Mar- tene TODAVI 1-800-465-1238. PAYTELEPHONE -SERVICES (*A cost wiii be incurred.) LîVE PSYCHICS. Police use us... Hamness your destiny. Vour present and future reveaied. * Love *Success *Money. Find out now. Cati 1-900- 451-4055. $2.99/min. 18+. ,REAL ESTATE.. GO0T A CA M P G ROUND meëmb er- ship/timeshare? We'li take it! Ameni- ca's iargest, oidest resale ciearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Win- ter Specials S Series Straightwalts 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6,154., 30x36 $6,933., S35x4O $8,652. Inciuding Ends. Stiding Doors, GST & Freight, cail 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE.. .Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Guaranteed iowest prices. Sizes 500-15,000 sq/ft. Straightsided quonset with ends. Example: 30x4O $6,994., 30x48 $7,794. Cai Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Ontario's heritage waterways aboard the newly expanded 38 pas- senger "Kawartha Voyageur". Enjay the mature company, home-style cooking and cheerful crew on the caim waters af the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canai. Send for brochure ta: Ontario Waterways, Box 135, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 or oeil 1-800-561-5767. *e lt'oeAffordablo e.ItIs Fast *eltfw Easy e On. Bill Do. It AiU aNorthcrn Ontario $63 a Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontaeo $162 a Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ont.ario $380 -National Packages Avalable - Cail this paper for details! CLASSIFiE .MARKETP.LAlC. E... ý:,"A dvertiseA cross Ontarlo.orýA cross* the:. unr'ý WANTED: MIF ROOMMATE ta share house With 3 others. $350/mo. inclusive. Cati 576-0546. ROOMMATE WANTED ta share 4 bedroomn home. Parking & Iaundry facilities availabie. $3501mo. + utilities. 'Cati 666-3550, lbave message: FAX YOUR AD 668-0594 QUIET PLACE for quiet person. NO DRUGS/NO PETS. Kitchen *& iaundry facilities, pnivate entrance, cabie, near ali amenities. First/iast week. 430-0404. DOWNTOWN WHITBY- fuily furnished' roomn in clean, quiet home. Priviieges -include kitchen use, cabie, parking. Suit responsibte mature, workmng maie. $S5lweek. fPirstiiast. 668-3640. -J . 1 r- ......... . . . . .

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