Page 8, Whithy Free Pross, Wednesday, February 22, 199 Ihnb buins RRS~P. or Tnvestment Accounts C.,D.I.C. Insured,*, Md Ruttan i McBiide H. Ofice 430-5767 H. Office 666-M07 "«Cý4st iz4deat«2ýs Spring into the best0 in computers and accessorie .s from Bestbyte!ý solution kit! CREATIVE cp^roATIVELAMB INC. We've got the ideal printer for your home or ___________BJC-4000 BJ-200e kcaio-n Nascar Racmng 25 I ic[4:on Road Nort[hIUI Te: 0572.754@Fa:.0572.73 e rs one s - 7 e e- 1-9, . 1-6eSu 1- Print Bcstbyte Computer Performance Centre Gigi KATIEAN GRACE Bannon of Whitby get a balloon from Gigi the Friendly S quirrel at the Golden Griddle in Whitby. Gigi helps with fundraising for the restaurant's chilren' chaity.Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whltby Free Press M1 oif ditii Documnt Shreddmng # High volume equipment will reduce your shredding cost + Secure locked containers at no extra cost + Bonded drivers +*100% of paper is recycled + Certif icate of destruction # Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CAIL ifOf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) ff0B IUÀu7LWÀ WASTE SYSTEMS iAuctioneers' competitionù in Oshawa On Feb. 24 and 25, the Auctioneers Association of Ontario will hold its lOth annual convention at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. The aociation is Canadas largeat provincial organization for auctioneers. Several hundrd people are expected to, take part in serninars. Thero will be a-live auction open ta the public that features novice and experienced auctioneers from acroos Ontario competing for top prize in their categories with a panel of five judges, followed by a presentation banquet and the Ronnie Prophet show and dance. Everyone is welcome. For more information, eall Joyce Nomrs at (905) 951-1628. rm77.Eh kiýN oeAVti:rWIWTSIMAYIJ e' FRER.. SEMINAR . Seminar Highlights: a Pay less tax and have sheltered growth jThursday, Feb. Z3rdulpm to 9pni Use the balanced approach to enhance your RRSP returns. The RRSP with 40% more tax savings! Integrate your RRSP into your overaîl investment strategy. RRSP Selection and Strategy@ And much more. ýflFinancial Get the most out of your RRSP. Conceà pt Cail for reservations NOW! Seating is limited. SecuritiesM-- DEREK DUTKA, Serin Whtb ad Ohaa înc 186 106 Ste venson Rd. S., Oshawa 5797777 m 1 ___m Mayor to do lunch on The Whltby, Chamber of Commerce w ill hast the annual MayOres Luncheon oný Friday, Fe.24 at Cullen Gardens Restaurant. "Much has been happening at the local level that members of this chamber of commerce should get first-hand from Our mayor" says Allan Faux new president of the Whi tby chamber. The event is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $26.75 for members, and $37.45 for non-members. For more details, cail 668- 4506. Serving Whitby and Oshawa since 1986