Page 34, Whlby Free Press, Wecfnesday, March 15, 1995 TOMMY THE WHITE RANGER, Red, Pink and Green Iook-a-Iikes! Birthdays, picnîcs, store promos. Arm painting, balloons games' NO VIOLENCE. Caîl ôoug (416) 439-8133. MAY THE 9ACRED HEART of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. D.C. E. N. PRAYER TO THE Blessed Virgin, neyer knowný to fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitfuî vine spîendor of Heaven, Bîessed Molher of the Son of God, Immaculate Virginassit me in necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O. Hol Mary, Mother of God Queen 0f Haven & earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive dcays and then you must publish Rt and it wilI be granted to you. M.Y. FREE TO GOOD'HOME - 6 month old male labishepherd mix (due to allergies). Great Needs a yard. Phone anytime 430-9328.1 WILL TRADE my turtîes & aquarium, guinea pigs, rab.bits toilet trained, budgues, canaries, cockatiels, hand-made bird cages, for books in' large *quanti les. Wanted: birds, pets and cages. 668-7803. Ibo man1 ..z>Want a puppy? Checkc he Ck"assii for that speaial pet or sofidithaï , speclalhome FOLK ART CLASSES - prevîous Ëpainting expenence - 3 projecis: Sewing Fniends, Boo-Boo Box, -village Spoone. Starts March 29. 20-25 min. from W hitby/Oshawa on Hwy. 12. Cranberry Pines (905) WHITBY CR AFTS &- FLEA MARKET. VCR, sterea, computer cleaners, wires, etc records, coins, eamrngs 99c, chokers $2.49, necklaoes $3.99, tools, energy saving bulbs 25c, 3 'rng binders 99c,. greeting cards 33c video movies $1. O ver 100 tables of barga-ins. EveZ, Sat. & Sun. 8:30-5 190Dundas St. E.,-2 lights east o Thckson. Vendor space 668-5100. EXHIBITORS WANTED - Whitby Home & Backyard Show, Apnil 28th, 29th & 3Oth. Cal 416-441-3275 or 905-666-0212. e Lawn Cutting a Brish Removal - Patios **Sprlng Clean-ups- Raklng e Topsoil *Retaining WaIIs/Steps * Sodding *Walkways - Landscaping Design Low Prices ~ Free Estimates . Caîl Doug 668-3086 or 435-2399 Please Recycle This Newspaper MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT - seeking mature person, preferrably over 35, who plays keyboard & likes contemporary & country music to team Up with person who likes to sing. Caîl Ria 668-4252. ARE YOU A SINGLE MAN? Heme is your chance to meet 150 single women at The Singles Workshop "How to Create the Relationship You Want" taught by Tag Goulet,& Clayton Warholm (written about in a full page stor in the Feb. 18 Toronto Star). Re gister for one of these workshops: Sunday, April 2 f1 lam -50m) at the Burlngton olIday Inn or Mlonda y evening pril 3 (6pm - 10:4Opm) at theg Best Western Primrose Hotel in downton Tornto omen's seats are sold out, but we still have seats available for snle men. AIl tickets $59. Caîl 1-800-41-9581. BLONDIE - HOPEFULLY, YOU'LL stilî share life and dreams with us. Youre one of onîy a couple girls who ever bothered to look my way., Owe you alot! Won't let you dlown! Everlasting love, IDagwood. PSYCHIC ANS WERS LIVE & PERSONAL RATED #1 IN CANADA INSTANT ANS WERS TALK LIVE 1-ON-1 LOVE GIFTED MONEY ~ACCURATE CAREERe PSYCHICS 1-900451-4055 24 HRS-. $2.99-min - 18* A, V A I A4 t fCýdeo c MOIRCM Z4thm, Z5th. FR1. 3 pm-9 pm.; SAT. 10 am-5 pm. *OSIeIWEI CIV 'IC fIDITORIUM 99 Thornton Road S., Oshawa, Ont. Durhamns Largest Craft Show featuring over one hundred and forty talented exhibitors with their unique and outstanding Southwest- ern, Victorian, and Country handcrafted collectibles for your deco- rating and gift needs. Presenting a variety of. Floral Designs, Pa- per Tole and Stenciling, Folk Art, Ceraxnics, Stained Glass, Quilts, Pottery, Potpourri, Jewellery, Dmd» St. F- Whlthy oig StW.. W, @â Wooden Collectibles, Natural i a Art, Dolls, Reproductioii Fur- I mture, Gurmet -Delights., ~ * These are just a sample of what ae this show one you won7 wan tomiss. Sy1bdts O M ISSION Seniors &2.fl0 c I c I c KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS- every Wednesday at 6:3Opm located #2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featunng every Wed. an excellent selection 0f anitiques, fine fumishings, glass china, collectables, pim itvés,-and other unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontanio's 'true" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper l.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1:OOpm léConsignmrrent & Estate seîîing our specialty." Cal us today-Kahn Auction Services 905-683-0041. A NEW, BABY? In this world, there's alIways room for one more! Cal! your Welcome Wagon Hostes now. 668-O58 K~4~fZu LOBE WEIGHT fast but make it ast. Cal 905-571-5063. AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SUNDAY, MARCH l9th 1 1:008m Sviewing i o:ooS Take 40O to 115/35 hwy &north 20km, 10km north 0f Orono on east side of 115/35 hwy. This Sunday's auction features a quality seleclin of articles from the past to the present. Partial Iist includes 6 pc. modem dining room set, omately carved settee & 3 matching c hairs (orig), 6' tea & spice cupboard, drop front secretary desk, rope bed, misc. dressers & chests of drawers, oak seideboard, asstands, misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, pins, etc.), cupboard top, couch & chair, misc. chairs *& rockers -(sîate back, pressback, oak, etc.), named milk, bottes, oId quiîts, several oil Iamps (Greek Key etc.), limnited edition, ciecorative & oîd jrints & frames, ladies I 8ct. & 14 ct. goîd watches (c. 1930 & 50), leaded. glass table (am P, cop per pcs.,. crocks, ingerbreadf ock, masonic apron C. 1916), miîitary. books, -303 'n'field & international double barrel shotgun,- 'excellent selection 0f' glass & china Noritake, Limoge, crystal, Staffordshire & Doulton plates, .12 p lace setting of dishes, collection of pink depression glass, plates, pitcher, bowls, vases, etc. Pus mntmore older collectables, shuffie Çoard, hospital beds, eeranent centre, older table saw, riding & push lawnmower, hockey cards, etc., something for one & all Caîl for aIl your auction needs MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 ESTATE & BAILIFF AUCTION SALE. BAT. MARCH lSth at 1O:OOam 4870 Taunton Rd. E. Whfiby We are selling the estate of Michael Porosh of Toronto plus two -commercial lots including: 9 Pc. waînut diner, mandolin, bookcse, tables, dressers, chest, dishes, béds 'ok chstdressers, cunio cabinets, love seats,- chesterfields, wardrobe La 8B & relners chairs, à UM'TI R SUPPLIES: new cases, speakers pinters, colour monitors, -hard- v drvs, computers, terminais, power ars, etc, PLUMBING, & QIL BRER SUPPLIES: Hilti 9.un, > tors, 314 h p motor plum ing patSuper Vee power drain cleaner, Sewermatic machine & 4 Sewermatic drum, steel rod fish barrel vac, 2 urinais controls oul burner parts, etc. VËHICLES: '87 Monte Caro, '85 Fleetwood Cadiîlac, '91 'Firefly conv., -'87 Firebird, '87 Reliant. Note time: I 0:OOam excellent sale plan to 4 attend, some good- antiques, computer supplies~ & plumbing supplies. Viewing Fni. lpm to 6pm. Terms: VISA, MIC, debit card. McLEAN AUCTION & LIQUIDATIONS 4905-686-3291 or 905-432-2836 CORNEIL'S AUCTION, BARN FRIDAY, MARCH 17,at 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The, property of MRS. MARGARET REAL of Port Perry plus others 6 pc. waînut dining1 room suite, modem walnut cunio cabinet, fireside bench, chesterieîd - & matching chair, 2 walnut baîloon back chairs, 3 pc. lbedroomn suite, walnut end tables, antique piatform rocker, 8gc settinf Floral Fantasy dishes 8c-c. set ung silverware, avocado 2 <foor refnigerotor & 30 in. electric stove, queen. size bed chesterfield & matching chair, press back rocker, single box spnn& mattress, occasional chairs, bride Iamps, modemn dressers & chess of drawers new 24 eu. fi. side b y side fndge/lreezer with ice maker & water disJýenser, 30 un. computerizef electric stove with self cleaning oven, microwave oven, modem desk & chair fiat top trunks, railway lantems,. i Lionel train sets, co-oil Iamps, plus a qty. of china, glass, picture frames, linens, bedding& collectable items. DON & GREG CORNIEIL 'AUCTIONEERS RR #1 Little Britain, 705-788-2183 SUNDAY AUCTION REMINDIER THIS SUNDAY, MARCH l9th-at. l2noon, preview Il :3Oam At the Knights of Columbus Hall,, 133ý Brock St. N., Whitby (Hlwy. 12) Estate of Mariha- Kipp plus p!ne reproductions, antiques,, pine wardrobes, 3 pc. Victonan sofa set, pine harvest table set, victorian side chair, console table & chairs, dresses, antique wash machine, jam cupboard, 20 Persian carnets, its, 4 pc. bedroomn suite, prints, picturegîassware, castiron pcs., f 1mel dining roomn set, sewing machine, oak washstand, bow front china cabinet, firescreen, plus 1 00's of other pcs. fine hiome fumniture. Ternis: cash, cheque, VISA, M/C. Deîivery available,WSi.0 bid cards. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2426 MILLAR - usa and David are thrilled to announce the burth of their daughter, Mkaela Ruth, on March 1, 1995 at 2:43 pm welghing 8Ibs' 3oz. Proud grandparents are Jean and Matt Mllar of Whitby, Carol Yeo and van Woolley of Pontypool and great grandpa Bruce Yeo of Orono. A preclous sister for Julia and Tirhimy. Special thanks to Dr. Weir and staff at 1s~~ Oshawa General Hospital. 434.5531 AUCTIONEERS The epeo ht~and surruncing mas emjoMattsnng auction saes:Ltthem kowabout yu etsl yadvsrli in m 1. o wkwsy ream pages in Why -1hWhtyF. Press, ClassMfeds. Cali: