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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1995, p. 1

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Board calculates Charge laid after cost of trip to Tsrael accident fatality Page2 Pg 5 Novak for Liberals in Durham East Page il civil court reforms proposed Page 15 ..I .... . PACHINO9 BRUNELLEII Lawsuti withdraw By Mke Kowalsld A $1-million iawsuit fiied aantregionai councillor Mar- ciBrunolle has been withdrawn by a Stouffvillo construction com- pany. A visibly rolieved Bruneile toid a meeting of Whitby council Monday that a siander suit filed by j>achino Construction Co. last suminer has been reéoivod. . -Although the company. agreed to withdraw its suit soin. Urne ago, ail tihenecesary1lgaidocu- ments wero not officiaaliy pro- cessed until last week, Brunîelie "~&ohhgromains now except to comment on what you feel is r*gt and what you try to do is right and your hands are tied.7 'Warning. bis coieagues that it «can happen to any one of you"» Brunelie said ho wiil soon b. asing thein to support a mea- sure aimed at protecting munici- pal counciliors froin similar action. Claiming Brunelle was respon- sable for the ioss of a $1.5-million contract for road and sewer work in Brooklin and a sbsqunt roli*ce probe, Pachino fled its The company sued Brunelie for' siander. and defamation as a resuit of Durhamn Region coun- cil's decision not to award the. contract to Pachino even tog it was lowest bidder on the pro- The lawsuit charged tat at a meeting of council's public works committoe isat May, Brunelle accused employées of Durham's works department of boing "on the tako from Pachinor because of theïr support for the. firm's tender. His supposed romarks ulti- mately prompted council te reject the tende and led te an investi- gtion of the departinont by Dur- hmR éinlPlcPhno cotended. oioPahn But Brunelle emphatically demied making the comment and inuisted ho was onfly doing bie duty in brin forward infor- m ation that rèesulted ithe polie probe., A fraud unit investigation of aledimproprieties betweon pblic works staff and companies that tender on Region contracts eventually came up empty. However., an internai probe Of the works department by senior Durham, managers resuited i the firing of a iong-term emlye Whil decninte, comment on. specifice, Brunel e said there is "somthing wrong with the sys- tein' when plitician can be sued for "doingth right tbing." The lawsuit put on a strain on both hum and bis family, Brunelle said and ho was foroed te, carry it through last fali's élection caznpaign. "It's wrong te have te go through an election and have celeesay -don't vote for 'you as you have that cioud over you." h. said. SEE PAGE 2 Durhamn Regional Police are ~eiga sterefront station in wntwn Whitby. mhe station which wiil b. loca- ted at 102B Iàyron St. S., wiil b. staffed by voluntoors and is exp.cted te officially open May 1. The coot of renting and fur- nishing the station and othor expenses is being covered by local service clubs and businesses. Constable Dan Denyer of the. comunity services unit saLys 40 or 60 people have already applied te vlunteer at the. sub- station _ interviews start next week - but more are weicomo. Those interested should cal 579-1520 and ask for 18 division (Whitby). «Everyiing's going te b.e rui ),y volunteers- theyI'lrun the whole show - and we'll just assist thein," says Denyer. "They'f be. answering phonos and doing minor reports -- iost and found and theft froin cars -- and assisting the public with directions witiiin the. town - a public relations type of thing... «We'll be in and out of there q uite a bit (too)." Donyer hopes the. station will shwtepublic police want te work with thein te fight crime. "It's tthe way pohicigs gomng - teget back te the community andget us out -of cars," adds Constable Mark Moniéette. Hospîtalissue heats p By Mike Kowalsld The proposed revamping of Whitby GeneraiHsial gives ery idiation of beng the most contentious issue in tuis year's provincial'election. The tbree major party candi- dates in Durham Centre riding have ail staked -out firm positions on epposite sides of what is undoubtediy the most controver- sial local issu.. in many years. .N4w Democrat MPP Drum- monkl White, for instance, heid a presas confrence Friday te roi- tera#e bis plreviousi suppoMLt of a Durham Rgon District Nfeaith Council reomendation on the hopital's future. With some reservations, White endorsed a heaith council study which advocates a restructuring ofiiospital services in tihe region. The rocommendations, which include a proposal te convert Whitby General inte a rehabili- tation troatment centre serving ail of Durhamn, now await a decision by Heaith Minister Ruth Grier. White's support of tiie heaith council study was quickiy con- demnod by Liberai candidate and former MPP Alian Fnriong and Progressive Conservative. chai- longer JinFlaherty. Roth promised te fîght for rotention of acute car. services at Whitby Generai 'Hospital, whie stressing that each has the backing of bis respective party leader for such a stand. Whitby votera can judge for themisolves who best represents their viows on tiie subject when ail throe candidates square off in a debate in the Town council chambers next Tuesday. Sponsored by the Save Our General Hospital (SOGH) citi- zens committe. tii.meet*ing et under way at Y.30 p.m. ana wil b. moderated by former Whitby mayor Des Newmnan. At bis pross conference, White emphaticaliy deciared that the. proposed rehabilitation centre "guarantees» a future for the 26-year-oidfadility It means Whitby General Hospital wIli tay open andthqt this hospit1 w1 lromain heal- thi"he said. oweve, White qualified bis support by noting that a nuxnbr of conditions must first b. met and that h. will be pushing for a commitinent from Giýer on bis demande. White thien calod for the foi- iowing; S* a job security package with transfer rights for ail dispiaced Whitby Generai em<ployes, in- ciuding seniority and retraining benefits; * accreditation for Whitby doc- tors at other Durhamn Region hospitals; *guaranteed urgent car. faci- lities for Whitby residents; * an immedate upgading of Oshawa General Hospitai's emiergency department; (Under thelxeaith council pro- posai, Whitby residents in need of emergency treatment or sur- gery would go te, expanded hospi- tais in Oshawa or Ajax.) * maintenance of acute care services in Whitby througii the process of a program review; 1participation of Durham rosi- dents in every step i the impie- mentation of a regfional hospitai systein. On the latter point Whte said overy hospital and Ieaith car. officiai he has consulted favours such a sytem. «It makes so much sens. in terms of saving money and pro- viigservices, h. said. SMRPAGE 10 Police presence is increased downitown -f ldmý neýý . .

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