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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1995, p. 28

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page 28, Whltby Free Pros, Wechieoday, March 29, 1M9 tib. % Austin team flot Butlalo'ed, oes to fi nals A team from Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School will either prosecute or defend Buffalo Bill on April 12 i Toronto. Austin was on the defence when it emerged as the winners of a regional mock trial competi. tion at a courthouse i Oshawa on Saturday to earn a spot in the Ontario finale at the University Avenue Court House.on Law Day (Arl12). TAhe competition, one of several public legal education activities that mark, Law Day, le held annuaily by the Canadian Bar Association Ontario (CBAO). Saturday's regional competi- tion inéld e ans from Ander- son CVI and Sinclair Secondary School i Whit4y, and from hiêh school0s ini Markham, tJnionville and NaLpane.. Austin prevailed over the Unionville school ini the final. In the case, 17-year-old Buffalo Bill ie char>ged with the murder of Jim-Bob Kelly. Buffalo Bill has a history of drinking, Jim-Bob KeIIy's notori- ous checating during high-stakes poker gaes and the wandering Wilbu rthe Pig were issues raised. Ini both rounds in which Austin students, from teacher iàsa Ric- ciuto's Grade 12 law clase, com- peted on Saturday in the regionals, they presented the case of the defence for' Buffalo Bill. Ricciuto, who acted as coach of the teani, says good teamwork enabled her students to get the nod of judges. . She. says- there were excellent witness role by Chris Finnie and Jeneil Harbiri, strong oe ingad closing state- mente byena ý'Fedyniàand Cor. Griffon respectively and 1oli ezaminations .by àark Mcutemr and Brad Nicholas. Sarah Goemnans* FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN As the temperatu re rises, the birds bein tosing andthe sun s9hines a little bit brighter, Austin students -deive, into an atmosphere filed.with cheer and hope. It seeme that summer may corne this year after ail. However, without bursting your bubles, there is a lot of work to b. don. within the next three monthe. Healthy Kids Day i nWhitby On Saturd, Arfl 1,the YMCA wll hold -.the fretana HalthyIlideDay at the YMCA Fauy Resource Cntre, '250 Michael Blv«L (in front of St. Marguerite D'Youville Catholic School), WUhy .The YCA je planning a "celebratiLon" cf faily health and fitness and- will encourage fainilies to -explore and expand their knowledge about beconing healthier. "W. work ail yea tohp strengthen families nddevelop chlrnthrough programs tat proote self-esteem, leadership àisand "od values," says Rich Baily, YMCA president. "But we thought we should have on. day that focuses on the importance of inpoin, aml hath."9 Chiden nd teirfamilles will ho able ta participate in games, classes, demonstrations and hands-on activities that will teach lessons about health, nutrition, safety and the epvironrnent. as weil as physical fltness. Kevin Currie of Wheel Excitement, a Toronto in-Uine skate store, wiil instruet in-line skille and safety. David Thomas, who specializes iarobie for chidren and teens, -wil give demonsbratons. Othier activities include recycled craft areas, music instruction demos, professionale discussing health care concerns, displays by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and Durhami Waste Management. Healthy Kids Day officiaily icks off' at 10 a.m., with Mayor Tom Edwards, Angela Bell, chair cf the HeIlalthy ids Day conimittos, and Lynn Brennan, manae at YMCA Children's There are only- 10 days reaining until -a goupd co courageous Wfidcats wJllendure 24 hours without food.. The event, 'Fast for Life,' willýtake placeat the lair Apil,7 and 8.Ai mon Y raised will -be donated ta St. Vincent's Kitchen. It jesugested that no visitors appearduIring those long hours as we ail know how cranky and irritable the Wildcat can b. when it lias not, eaten. 1 suppose there won't be' much 'preying done that weekend.> About a month or so later, Prom '95 will talc. place. Hlowever, those on the committe. wiil have no trouble admitting that Wts, not as glamorous as it seeme. Much preparation jei needed before the long stretch limes are able to drive away into the sunset. F or instance, taday during the lunches, pizza was served for a very. reasonable price. Students were able ta enjoy the savouring taste of pizza and pop' rafisn money for prom expenses .al the while. Bàawcktracking a little, students fftrom the Grade 12 law lass represented Austin on Saturday in a mock trial competition at a courthouse in Oshawa. They weré competing againt six other high echols and did exceptionzly well. Congratulations, go out to Corey Griffen, Olena Fedyna, Mark McMurter, Brad- Nicholas, Jeneil Harbin and Chris Finnie. Once - again the Wildcat represents- its species wonderfuily, bringing justice to, ail (if only they, could do something about that photo radar!) When it cornes ta, justice, no one could relate better than the students who just returned from their* week-long excursion to thr, Dominican Republic. While we were enjoyin a luxuricus March break, eona Scanneil, Dave Partow, Mike Longo, Jennifer MacKay, Heather Woolsey and Barbara Wrzosek spent their time with those lees fortunate i Santa Domingo. However, their trip was not without style -- the braids with which they returned were envied by ail. Anyhow, this column now must end. Please, no tears, we will return -- have we ever let you down before? Just remember ta buy your tickets for ACT ' The Begars Opera,' another extrorinay event planned to coer bfor te final bell of the year begins to, ring. The Wildcat hopes ta have a restful week so as ta gain strength for the next few months. Fret not -- itsa healthier than ever and raring ta, go. In the meantime, what was with David Letterman basting the Oscars? IJShannon Maracle 'SINCLAIR SECONDARY SC-HOOL Welcome back, Sinclair! Even though we have been back for a week and two days it still seemes that we are well. rested. The next little while at Sinclair will b. very busy (but fun). With Spirit Week riglit around th. corner, intramural teame getting off theé ground and new Wedneeday activities, we are ail sure ta find something Ofintereet. This week in the gym, intramural girls' lacrosse wil b. held. No exp.wence le necessary. And girls' field lacrosse tryouts are just around the corner. Intramural 5-on-S basketball will b. continuig for ail those who are intereeted. Out on the field, boys' rugby tryoùts have begun. Fim sure our team will b. very strong because of the experience gained against the team from Wales last fali. The ethnocultural committee je also looking for members this week. Keep listening ta announcements for further details. C reminder ta the strength and fitness club, the weight room is open for use ever Monday, Wednesday and Mridy at 3:30 p.m. and every lunch hour. Spring je the perfect tie to get fit for bathing suit season. The 1 Tommy' performance lias sold out. However, another block of tickets je on sale for orchestra seats. Check with Mr. Court. for availability. This performance will be heldon May 10. Liooking at the Spirit Week events planned for next week telle me that the entire school will have a great tîme. Monday will be country dress-up day, weil Achy Breaky Heart will b. played. You can a"s pay $1 ta, wear your hat all week On Tuesday, there will be a jeilo.eating conteet in the cafeteria' at lunclitime. Wednesday is free hat day. In period A, Blair Robertson will hypnotize studonts. The cost je $2 with a SAC sticker and $3 without one. Tickets are on sale this week at lunch in the student common area. In period C, teachers and students wil challenge each other in a garm. of basketball. Ini period D, students will challenge the police toaa game. The cost je $2. Thursday'is face painting. This should b. interesting, don't you think? As weil you can purchase cotton candy for 50 cents a bag. This is alS crazy hair and drese up day ... go crazy- On Friday, there will b. a barbecue frmil a.m. ta 12:20 P.m. On Friday, March 3 the Sinclair Chamber Choir, under the direction of -Mr. Court, gave. an outstanding performance at the Ontario Vocal F estival The choir has made significant progres and was conimended by festival evaluators Dina Helgeson and John Trepp- for their musicality and maturity of sound. The choir dedined - the usual rating system of gold, silver or bronze, suggesting that the evaluators commente 'and the clinic with Ms. Helgeson were more ignificant* than a standard recognition. The flrst-year choir was honoured ta learn that it lias been invited ta perform at Musicest Canada in Calgary, Alta. mhe Sinclair Chaznber Choir will hoot the Clifton High School Concert Chair and Madrigal Choir from Clifton, New Jersey on Sunday, April 23, 8 p.m. TIckets are $3 at the door and the public is meet welcome. lIn June, Moga Madness will take. over, an event in which the entire echool taktes part ta b. active. Wed 11ke your input on. activities in which ta participate. Remember, the entire school has to taIke part. Watch for drop boxes i the future. More details will follow here as well. Have a good week.. r-ýd-

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