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Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 34

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Pas 4,WhbyFrop Ps. WockwdsyApi ,1 .Award presentaions atteachers' breakfast 'Me Ontario Public School Tea- Nominations for awards as, chers' Federationuha i- 'toaçher, student, educational tt, mnll hold th19th anmual assistanit and bus diver of the Educeators' Breakfast on Friday, year rewnted rl21. Cali the Duham Board of Thge breakfast will kick off Education offices for more infor- Education Week in Durham. mation. ~B ewWo]rlits We brew for you no extra charge IC (you just add the yeast) Brew beer for as low as $11.00 per case of 24 reg. botties. ,/ Make wine for as lowas $2.75 per 750nd bottie. ~ Introducing ... wine coolers and spairkling wines. Make themn now in lime for the warmer weather! New Canadian! ZEINA SAIKALI, 5, happily inspeots the card which shows she's a Canadian citizen ai citizenship oeremonies Friday ai St. Matthew Cathollo SOhOQI. Thirty people became Canadian citizens ai the event that: was witnessed by. staff and students. Photo by Mark ReOsr, Whltby Fmo Pros M PP*bolds educatio, forum Durham Centre MPP Drummond White will hold an ?pen forum on 'New Foundations for Ontario Education,' on Thursda, Aprl 6 7 to 9 p.,n., at St. ] rk tho FïvangeIiBt Catholic School, 95 Waller St., (Thickson & Dryden), Whitby. Whitby duliUcate bridge Morh2 0"ois idDon Hms 150.5. leobolBr"y Md Rmih Town@"nd 65.6.Ken aid Ela Dna-c D4.. 1ai lgaHodo MD.D0vndon = PidPU AcaisS.5,Lana ikd aMW Monague. Imm 11and Mwy GRog M& .Jarne. Mon aid Jean 3m 197. Vonne WW ard mIransen 98.F Chidsdioo.nd Holha Oka 95. Jaok aid Maotion Mole 152»0. Frànk Hering "i qule :r yAa,1 ..bobolBeury eaidFU Town.ond.NO inivan don B.<9 aid pg Adamis16%U. BlIand Olp Howden 1t7.0. Dori aid Dm onHwe125, Vonnie Wharrie aid Irene E ged12. ames, Alon and Jean R MagL FDChlldehm .and Hlha Oka mo.Lana Bird aidI&daRicharde11M0 Marlon eaid Ahe.t nibb 11A. 1 nd Mary Gray 1VU. Eau-WOU AudryandlJfrn Wilson 15118 Fraîk Mackey aid Tony, Jonée '149,0. Margrd Walge ad id h MMhven 1MU.. Ron aid Chrie Adafr MM5,KidWagner a"dkW &wRue " 5.MrinadAlàt Knbb 12Z.%Leon Bierad = Teury 117.. IIKerr aid John Careed-n105&. John, Havie eaid Thoa. Goggan 10294. bmauorie &eff le aid GoorglaâBvr 194.&6ll bcy aid Raruile T* Bohoulan aidAndrie Kols1750. Audeyad Jlrn WMon 1MU.. uBlésaid Try150.5, urke aicd lWaono 1394 MrurleSMfier aid Georgia Bay 1310. M mey&WAntBerry DOS. B Kerr encl John Creedon MD0. Glalys aid "JnyoeHnudoran 122. Ron* end C=rsAdmr 1193. Julus van don Br n Tony Jones MO,0 John Havie ad =Trs GO, n 11.Mlle Juby anIId lhnnie Robeat The Whitby Free Press is. introducing CAIL ail i l 1 -JVLi VUnLliig I.AlUiiiii. CALL 416-283-4117 Ext. 47 _ 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47 to place your FREE voice ad. Te'o (LSO hTo respond or browse d *WAUC VOUR TAUC FRIENDSHIP FIRST GIVE ME A TRY LOOKING FOR ROMANCE SWF, 24, attractive, brown hair, blue GBF, 44, seeking GBF, for fniendship, AT SC SWM, 33. enjoys meeting people SWM, 38. 5'l10", 150ibs., attractive, eyes, enosdrv rs, lte nights, cold fun, possible relatlonahip. Toronto seeks SWF, 18-35, for possible long enjoys camping, sports, animais, mu- rr MA.V ./ L E S t1 ýizza, seekinromantic, SWM, 21-32, area. Ad 2008 M A.ltL ESdL relationship.Toronto area.Ad# 4625 sic, seeking SWF, 23-33, similar tastes ~onest, f aithful for possible relationi- for relationship.Toronto.Ad# 8468 shlp. Toronto area. Ad# 4653 POUCE OFFICER WANTED WHERE ARE YOU? SWF, 37, enjoys working out, reading, SWM, 26, 57'. l6Olba., ambiious, SELF-EMPLOYED LE's TALIC VARIED INTERESTS seeking relationshipwith SWM. 30-40, CALL ME enjoys dancing, movies, dining out. SWM, 29, 5'10% 155ibs., fit, funny, SWF, 58, 1481bs., long black ar W2,5' 21sln rw ar er nfr.ool.A#30 SHM, 21, easy golng. fun loving, seek- seeking SWF. 21-25, for special rela- spontaneous. seeking SWF. 22-29, greneeen nteesedn s,î ible yernjostinobasnov sporSFtaysgefn ad xcîigforlinsip Trono re. d#b97inognos obinarising dnlg.fo capnlooking for SWM, over 24, les, seeking professional, SWM, 23. EASYGOING, FtJN-LOVING GAL igS hip. Whfnadîxitnfo ios. ootbyae.SPCA EAIONAd#997P retiosaip.Trnto aes. diff4674fo fo odimes.Whltbyarea.Ad#2167 33. similar inleresîs for relallonship. SWF,29, seeking warmn SWM, 30-40, fun relationshi___________________________eltiosp.Toono aea A# 67 ________________Ad#__1874 likes country life, has a bit of a wild Ad# 3234 SWM, 34, enjoya walks, taîka, seek- WILL CALI. AU, POSSIBLE RELATIONSIIIP Tool rs.A#17 ide. Toronto ares.AdIl 8920 TOTALLY HONEST lng sexy, SWF, 20-34,120lbs., adven- SWGM, 21, enjoys movies, cornver- SWF, 47, 5"1', slim, looking for tall, ARE YOU READY? oejylvluhelf' ain ogwls udos ekn -SWM, 40-50, sincere, honest, intelli- SWF, 45, enjoys cycling, carda, aeek- BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL. SWM, 42, 5'l11', i1glbs., balding, blue turous, t0ejyloe agheltsGsstion , Iwl olds aeeinges gent. Whitby ares. Ad# 4242 ing SWM, 45-50, wilh similar interesta, SWF, 33, 54', i35lbs., attractive, eyes, mustache, enjoys family lite, golf, mystenlea. Toronto ares. Ad# 3670 STWMon 8-24, ilh smeAintre568 fr friend ship, possible relationship. seekingtlli, attractive, nica SW gentle ,tniaeigSF 04,frrin-HR MTrnoae.A#86 CALL ME Toronto ares. Ad# 7700 man. 29-33. Toronto ares. Ad# 3501 ship maybe more. Whitby ares. SWM, 22, 5', enjoys dining out, HANOSOME EUROPEAN SBF, 5', enjoy cycling, waiking, mo-_________OFONEAd#__3399 movies, clubs, seeking SWF, 18-25: SWM, 39, 6. l7Olbs., black flair, blue les, outdoora, seekang SBM, mixed ITALIAN WOMAN MOM 0F ONErssfrdaig ps yeejostavln Erp, ok background, rienda irsI, possible re- SWF, 41, dark hair, dark eyea, enjova SWF, 24, enjoysflshing, Harleya, pool. NO DEPENDENTS hsimirnerenafr an.# 136 eye, enjoys r aeing, Eoe cook laionship. Toronto ares. Ad# 9746 cooking, aoft music, aeeking SW A, seiong SWM,29-0,or înendahip o W,2,brw arad ys n slim, SWF, 32-37, who loves t0 be 5l0-62»,34-45, attractive, European, relalionahîp. Toronto ares. Ad# 8977SM,2,bwnfarndeea-ibyme.Tonors.Ai36 igaghrppengseig WHKOWr hld e-SNG oys dining out, movies, quiet nighîs, PHYSICALLY FIT pampered. Toronto ares. Ad# 9463 WHO KNOWS? arriage-minded, resdy for hl, IGE PARENT seeks SWF, 18-22, who enjoya hav- SWM, 37, profeasional, 5,11% broWn SWGF, 57, N/S. lim, enjoys movies, noua oniy. Toronto ares. Ad# 6501 SF 4,eAyTqitTvnRgrACTIVE___________iggo ims hibaeaAi874hi, re eeN/,sots uic TRATV CNDA waiks, quiet eveninga, aseeking ain- Smanîîcdîneraqie dînîgs r-nggotms htyraA#04hg, are ael, NseekrnsWFscSWM, 31, dsrk hair. blue eyea, en- craffectionate, SWGF 45-58 for ROMANTICALLY ABOVE mni:dinrouldoora, aeekin dinggY ER IERHE 03, aimiarteres ta, skNS, fors-jysmseoldos.eelgd cae B,3,53,ej sdeihSWM, 35-43. Torono area. Ad# 7247 YUGAT6ATFIEFGTE 037 iiaritrstNtofrse-1ssic.SF, 18-40, Wh0liea clhave friendship, possible reIatlonahip. SE3,5«,ejys adeihSWF. 61, cant gel around weli, one SWM, 25, 51,1 tibs., short brown ciel moments. Toronto area. Ad# 612Ione, Sf18possib l retoshive. Toronto ares. Adi 7383 walka, movies, seeka bBM, 3039, tel, NO HEAD GAMES man woman, enjoya home cooking, curty hair, enjoya scuba diving, bikefuorpsil eaonh. siimattv, likes kida, for possible DWF, 32, enjoya cooking, skiinq, seeka spunky, reliabie SM, 57-67, for rdnaloloratvtecmig HORSE FARM OWNER Toronto ares. Ad# 9790 LETS TALIC ~relatlonship.Toronto ares. Ad# 6447 aports, ouldoors, seeking romanlîc friendahip. Toronto ares. Adi 8447 wiing llfuor a 18-28, o aensping SWF 450-43. f go apeai relaio-SM,3,5'10bsejycok SWFs,s31, tractivelone lir on LEt S E ONSTstM, 30-36.510+,oamiar interea60.SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP possible reiationahip. Whitby ares. ship. Toronto ares. Adl# 3702 ina, anma, cu4lng up, kida, aimpie eyaaekigwam gnîehoeaSWF, 34, litle overwelght, brown hair,muIikkdTrotar.A 86 SWF, 57, 53% brown eyed, brunette, Ad# 8341 i s udigukdsml SWM, 31-45 for friendship firat. blue'eyes, N/S, seeks SWM. 28-39, LEAVE ME A MESSAGE fulifîgured, enjoya dining out, movies, MR. AVERAGE thi'gsseeking SWE 28-45, goodisa- Toronto ares. Adi# 8919 tll, attractive, husky, funny, enjoya SHF. 22, 58', l4OIba., aeeking SHM, camping, fies markcets, seeking lov- YOU NEVER KNOW* SWM, 52, 57', lObs., gray haïr, blue tenir. Toronto ares. Ad# 8604 SINGLE MOM sportssabonus.Toronto area.Ad#7656 -18-22, for possible reiationship. able, loyaliSWM, 55-62,tforaserioua re- SBM, 33, dark akinned, romanîic, ayassaeking SWF, 45-58, for friend- WANTED- NEW FRIENDS SWF. 41, 5'8*, l2lbs., enjoys going THtIS CAN WORK Toronto ares. Ad# 8438 iaîionship. Toronto ares. Adi 9917 sîeking SBF, 24-38, moma are wel- shîp, relationshpTont.A#86 W,3,elsi bndluey, otmovies, home fife, outdoors, Seek- SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, OPEN MINDED ROMANTIC AT HEART come, for possible relaîionahp. hip. Toronlo. Adi 8068nSm, arkti,blo nd hre,dblue ys, ing SM, with some bounice in Iham, animais, sports, ouldoors, ieaming, SWF, 24,57% l2Sibs., attractive, likes SWF, 56, 52T. slim, shy, friands and Trnoaea d 84SAM. 35, aîeking SAF, 18-40, forc moviea. seeking cheerful, SWF, 25- sense of humor for possible relation- seeking SGF, any 59e, with imilar in- dining, dancing, aeeking SWM, simi- famiiy important, seeka SWM, 56+, FULL 0F LIFE trefredhipssbereaînsi.35. moms ok. Toronto ares. Adi 8464 shilp. Toronto ares. Ad# 2877 tereala, frienda iraI, maybe more. far interesta, for possible relalionship. incere, honeat, secure, for possible SWM, 35, tali, aiim, enioya sports, the Toronto area. Adi 3056 HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER COUNTRY GIRL- Toronto area. Ad# 1819 Toronto ares. Adi 4067 relationahip. Toronto ares. Ad# 7079 ouldoors, quiet limes, seelong petite, MANY INTERESTS S8CM, 30, muacular, f un and positive, SWF, 38, 55', enjoys hiking, ravel, BLACK BEAUTY SOUL MATE WANTED KIDS OKIAY SWVF, 24-35, long haired, enthusias- SM 40, 5'10',att ctionIte I ving seeking SCF, 22-30, attractive, eni oys dining, horeback riding, seekingtaait, 58F, 29, S51l' medium build, short SWF, 38, 5'5', 1281bs., brown eyes, SGWF, 40, &6", 135lbs., blonde flair tic, for long-term relatioriahip. eos spot, owasO .9-n laughing, positive ouîiook on life. attractive, SWM, 35-45, aimilar inter- flair, enjoys the beach, walks, ls brown flair, aeeking SWM. 35-45, dark and ey as, romantic, secure, athlelic Toronto ares. Adi# 9718 ejya sportslong waikAd#ee06n etfrfinsipsilreainmoe ek s 58M, 28-35, for possible flair, over 58*. empioyed, blue coliar buiid, likea sports, movies, loves mu-.TR AE SWF, one man woman for aerioua re- Trnoae.Ai36 ship. Toronto ares. Adi# 9905 reiationship. Toronto area. Ad 819wmlh rugged appiarance a plus, no sic, sieking GWF, 30-40, for possible STMA 33R 58'GAZEbR, lod la ECNT LO.ToroNntoaERA#350 LST38E5HOME1 7 Ibaatre , s ENJOYS UFE ATTlRACTIVE AND HONEST druga. ,ioronto ares. Adi 89419 areîaîidnshi27TSronlo ares.TAdi 552 tablishid professionai, enjoya quiet SWF, 33. anjoys quiet aveninga. dlin- SWF, 28, thin, blonde flair, enjoys cdin- LETS TALK 100 PERCENT EFFORT haeyea, gspot, cam ing, cookaing, visM, t29r, enjy cing 3, is munaic ra i.nebyIe repare, ing, dancing, seiking attractive SBM îng, dancing, aeeking romantic, SWM, SWf, 47,S'5'", long blonde flair, brown Easygoing SW mom, 29, N/S, loves serekisF, 25-40ossibl mlar nsip n- mvie, Iealri, sekî hng sw 8 0,sîakîng attractive,,ner arr ed, 334,N/S, honial, funny, for fiaend: 29-34, inlarasted in being logether. eyes, enjoys camping, cala, aeaking apning, waiks, movies, aeeking SWM, Toronto ares. Adi 2506 aimilar intereaIs, for possible relation- ig1 aaînhpo sbemr ship, moire. Toronto aras. Ad%2344 Toronto ares. Adi 9512 a lruatworthy SWM, who fias similar 30-40. N/S, knows whaî romance s. gt eainhpopsibemr LOG-ER RLAIOSIIP MUT KEKISqualiies. Toronto ares. Adi 5282 Toronto arme. Adi 3110 PART-TIME OAD ahip. Toronto arme. Adi 9173 riage. Toronto ara. Ad#i6746 SWF 3. njysfuntiissatcngSOF, 33, anjoys dining, quiet limes, YOU NEVER KNOWTIEFORMAC SWM, 58', 1 9lbs., brown hair and WANT LASTING RELATIONSHIP T1ME TO SETYLE DOWN SW, 32, eN/oSfoaun , psseible conversastion, aeeking SBM. 35-42, SWF, 31, 55', liSibs., blonde flair, SWF, young looking 46,54', 1451bis. eyea, employed, enjoys dancing, mov- SWM, 46, 56', l6Olbs., brown hair, SWM, 28, enjoya car racing, camp- relaio 2.nSh. ortnlo aras.A ib196 aime interests. Toronto area.Ad# 1253 be equiettrctiveskinsfo fil atraciveN/S socal rinkr, njoy as spotsquut liesaiekng WF, luaeyes rihî an apuîe, eîoy ing oudoorE sa oin SF torelaion YW EEDNSLET'S TAUC attractive SWM, 2733, who enjoya ouldoors, walks, drives, basebali, 28-32. non-drinker, moma okay, hon- darta, music, fîahing, seeking ship. Toronto ares. Adi 80.40 TWO DEPENDENTS SWF, 5'8'% 1481ba.. long black flair, camping, dining ouf, for possible rita- boWinj sieking 5WVM,40-50 5'10'+, esly, friendship, possible relaîionshçp. relocstabli SWF, 35-55, 5'4«. Toronto HZLEE S8F, 31, 5', a njoya reading, mov- geenaeyes, intereatein srts cmp tionship. Toronto ares. Adi 4908 West nd ares. Adi 8703 Toronto area. Adi 1952 aria. Adi 355 SWM, 24, 5'S', amoker, enjoys out- ues, bsskelball, aiaking SM, 25-35, ng, lo<,king for SWM. over 24, for good WiIh AutoAdtaking, jusI use your louchîona phone 10 answar sonna questions about yoursalf and the type of pareon you would like 10 mail. aiakr, anlongIennreaonshi wil s ip.Trntara.psibereaio-#ia.228n0ars Ai217 Than record your voice greiting, and watt transcribe il imb saprint ad thal wiliiappiar in the Whitby Frai Prisa. Whitby Frai Priss' Pirsn swF. lo nîoae.A#86 SEARCHING FOR YOU HART0F GOLD 10 Persan is available for sngle people saeking relationahipa. Ada containing axplicit saxual or anatomical languaga wiIt nol ba publishid. . o oae.Ai84 S RCIGFRYuSWF, 42, anjoys camping, cuddling Wa rasirva the night to adit or raf use any ad. Custo<nir service 1-800-273-5877. VARIETY IS THE SPICE WWWF, 49, attractive, fit, smipioyed. admscfo h ekn M W21,egongtvaretyintirSWFs. seaka SWM, 42-60 for dating possible 40+1dmuhsifgromta 6staekng SM, - M Mata W Whila H Hispardc NC Native Canadian S Singlea W Widowed S25 , a giou akrWit fI sWF,18 reiationahip. Toronto aria. Adi 6148 40 ilf simintoar Iar As# n96q14 F Famala B Blackc A Asian C Chrisian D Divorcad - N/S Non-amoker Toronto aria. Adi 8833 Q&:A, 0, Flowdo I get aarted? A:% YouaregoénqptobefeoordIng your voics eating, be preparad, spealc 10 thue istenar, dascribe Pusi-n a ç3iltlve way.*Bs C crasi eand:pe If le abotafMtyou araeooigfor Cat416-28341117 Ext. 47 oton 1, you wîlbi promptad Io answer some questions about yourailf andthe tyaof peraon you wanl to mait n ffective pnint adwvill be trenscribad from your voice grailing which willi appear, in the paper in 7-10 days.* 0., WhaItla on ad number? A: The 4digit number althe end of your print ad Ihat ellows singles t0 Cati and raspond 10 your mail- box. 0: Whatlta un acces. code? A: A confidential 4 digit code that only you know, thal allows only you accisa 10 your matlbox. 0: What are messages? A: Voici greatinga from othîr singles who responded t0 your ad in Ifl newspapar or throughlthe browsa. To listen 10 your mes- sages for FREE, cill 1-416-283- 4117 Ext. 47 once avery 7 dayal or 1-900451-4862 Ext. 47 sny- lime, et a charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: Whal are uyatemamca-tch A: Voice greitinga from othîr ad- vertisera whose matching crîti- ris s Ithe sae or simîlar to youra. Vou can liaten 10 your system matches instanty by caling I - 900-451.482 Ext. 47. 0: What la Smart Browaa? A. A spicial feature that aliowa you to len and respond 10 othar voici greatinga Ihat match the cri- taris you ailect. CatI 1-900451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2. Q: Now do 1 responbd to an ad? A: CatI 1-900-7860606 Ext. 47, option 1, the systam vwill ask you to enter the 4 digit ad numbar at the end oftheaprint ad. Press 1lo respond, pes 2togo on tothe nixt ad. 0: Now do t cancel or renew ai ad? A: CalI culormir servce aI 1. 800-273-587. a ImUN mu mu mu mu- UN - -- -- -mu-- --mm ---m 'I #a" dall NTJ71U < I-bi-%Illllrl" 1 AO-Y À iw 72r

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