1monev forathe Catholic Womens' AV. naureerYar to s -a series of workshops in Maine -- youIe eujujinL L .y"'i L buA&C"019 play. ~~~"that's where I. learned te make "My husband would say 'Its don't notice.- (W)othHoya- "would nover tî hmwa hs itetn hss -adspetm'ad rd go up, every The more complex the job, the iLaa ish; Fofey s a pastW I was doing, and they would saybea devoting more thine te the afternoon, always, always. And happior Foloy is. iYg h oe saps W 'I wonder what she's coming uphoy in the'ovening ]rd do tho needle- "I juit love miniatures .. I love president. Hon B drsAscito Hobby, takes up '6o ours ady ]LillianFo1e haslovedmiia- tures for as long as she can remembor. «Iguess I muet have been born wtit"the 8-erodWib wres!int ýsays.1ýenlI wMao childe I was forever maling houses out of shredded wheat boxes, it just cam natural to, me."9 The interest continued aftor she married. «When my sons had electric trains I made littie buidinfor tlem and thon I deci tostart making minia- To make things easy, ohe chose one-twelfth scale -- it wasn't until later she discovered that s the standard -- "and I didn't even know you could buy hobby wood, cherry and mahogany... s0 when I amrs started, I used balsa wood, which is terrible stuf to use for furniture.» She eventually joined a club whose members' made mi*nia- tures, even though it was located some distance away i the sub- urbs. "For a whole year my MINIATURE MAKER Uillian Fotey poses wlth her favourte bathroomn with hot water running through the shower so daughter-in-law drove me thereineeydti.Seue «hr'nolatltesp& fds nR.t1 and back. (Thon) I said, if I'm work, armusio room that's Perfect i vr eai.Seuphthr' oIat itesek out on it."as« VNW m worth anytbing te the club, "1ai Ieast", 15 coats of black lacquer to paint the roomn -- in the someone s going te volunteer te' drive me there and back -7 andachleg_1nd]m ohpy they didl»" with this yeýar.' It was always a «"rd do housework in the morn- work, the rugs and things. ahleg ndr o ap lie wok bcam mre la-surrie t thm.»ie and ail afternoon I would bo "It would be six (or) eight when I solve that challeno LÉ%,.nt:& aa alin fn ynkina a S8hl further honed her skills at down ini the the workshop. hours a day, at least, but when One -of FoIe s work wae Pue 14, Whitby Fme PMU. VVýutesday, Aprg 12, lm -