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Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 1

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Youths arrested after chase Page 5 ÈJ17, LACAC house tour Pagel16 Something in the air at mushroom farm Pagel18 League titie Page 21 PROVINCIAL CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY IN WII1TY Oveflo crwd hea cndidates nhospital By Mke Kowalsi Even though it is not yet offi- ciai, the gloves 'are already off in th? local provincial election cam-, C~anididates for the three major & olitical parties in Durham Cntre rili went toe-to-too over Whitby General Hospital's uxicrtainfuture during a public forum in the Town council cham- bers last Tuesday. Sponsored by the Save Our Gonieral Hoaital (SOGH) citi- zens' committee, more than 250 Kcarts ago By Mike Kowalddki Cars anid trucks will give way to 'another type of vehicle on downtown Whitby streets during the Canada Day weekend.. Town counci Monday unani- mously approved an operations committee recommendation te permit go-kart racing te b. art of the revived, County Town w nival.1 Although admitting that there will ho noise and other problems creatod by the closing* of somo downtown streets for parts of two days, council felt the advan- tages to holding such an event greatly outweigh the drawbacks. Modeled on a similar event i Barrie, it has the potential te, draw several thousand spocta- tors, council was teld. «AnythIng that W'111bring people downtown, I whole- heaitodly support,» said council- lor Jo. Drumm. "Sure thore wMll h noise, but you can't have your cake and eat it too,' said Drumm after hear- ing a, presontation from former ~cnil1or Rosa Batten andearni- val committee chair Trevor Bar- dons. In, requesting council support for the recommendation, Ba- said the event will focus national and even international attention onWVhitb. "It wil* provide a firet-clase, world class évent. It will bocet the economy of the' downtown area, as wefî as ail of WJhitby," he said. Batten said carnival organi- zers ondorsed the concept of a go-kart "grand prix" because it is a "dlean and fun" family sport. Whitby is also the home of Famil7-y.Kartway which has the world 9s1largeat g-art track, Batten noted, whil adig that Parks owriersar involved in SER PAGE 31 people witnessedl the debate bet- woonNow.Democrat MPP Drum- mond VWhite, Liberal candidate Aflan Furlong and Progressive Conservative challenger Jim Fla- herty. To varying degrees, ail three slanimed a recent study by the Durhamn Region District Health Council which advocates a re- structuring of hospital services in thenrins But whera White gave con-, ditional. backing te a controver- sial proposai te change Whitby Goneral Hospital's status, neither Furlong nor Flaherty wanted anyh1 to do with it. Bothmsitedtheir parties would reject converting te 26- yoar-old hospita1 into a rehabili- tation treatment centre should sithePr form the next government. In fact, former MP Furlong promised to resign if a Liberal government did away with acute care services at Whitby General. Now iii the- hands of Health Ministor Ruth Grier, the health council study proposes that .Whitby General become a spe- cialized rehabilitation centre serving al of Durham Region. Whitby residents in need- of emergency treatment or surgery would go te, expanded hospitals in Oshawa- or Ajax,, the study B u rlong, White's redeces- sor*as MPP from 1947-90, critic- ized thie -study as- being utoo broad, to!o general» and leaving utoo many questions» unans- wered. «What evidence is there that it wil lm mrove accessa to'these ser- vices?» h e asked. .- "How will- Oshawa'and Ajax- Pickering hosp itals, now burst- lu g atthe seams,be;ýable toserve fi tby residents?" Furlong concoded that the spe- cial steerinig committee which prepared t he, health council report was on the right track ini soeking the most effective use of health care dollars., "Thero are situations where SEE PAGE 13 Trckcrckown a sham, says Worona evets fth pat wek ByiMike Kowali A provincial crackdown on un- safe tractor-trailers has been cal- led a «sham" by the sister of a Whitby woman killed on Hwy. 401. Elizabeth Worona' dismissed measures announced by Trans- portation, Minisiter Mike F arnan asat woek as a "band aid solu- tion" that will do little te remove unsafe trucks from Ontario roads. Worona accused the New Democrats of playing politics with the issue and termed Far- nan's ann ouncement typical of a government looking for a wayto get the public te think they are doinq something" prior te an election. She claimed her sister Angela's death and others in recent years could have been avoided, but that Queen's Park resisted teugher truck safety regulations- untiforced tedo so bythe tragic *Last Monday a Mississaua man was killed wken a truck tire went through the windshield*of his car while driving on the Queen Elizabeth Way. *Two dava later, a Sault Ste. FROM PAGE 30 -t -, , . îý

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