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Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 23

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WhIU>y Fiee Pros, WscidmY. Apui 12, 19M5. Pqe 23 Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECON DAR SCHOOL Conratlsiion, Sinclair, for the success of Spirit Week.- The Jello-eating conteat was hilarious, as was crazy hair day. The painted. faces wore, interestingr and there was an excellent -turnout to sS0 the hypnotist. To those of you who wilél respond to ...How was the- show, or pmnch? I hope you have ail recovored. .< In basketball, the students- Vquished the teachers. Ufottely, we. were defeated in the second match aginttthe oIce ts hard to believ ha*e have g-o many talented studonts under on. roof. -Last but not least the barbecue on Friday was a huge succeas. Twister semed'to be a student favourite as well as the cotton candy, ail this while listening to the music of The Who and previewing the videotaped activities of Spirit Week. Good job, student council. The bands Mylk, Core and Adam, Charlie and Robin were all great!, Last- week the Durham-wide science fair was held. In the junior psychics -category, Ben Simons won gold, Jeremy Simons won silver aud Steven Dorrepaal won bronze? In the semor egneering category, Andrew Shier -won the gold. Congrtulatons te il Bon aud Andrew wl attend a Canada wido competition in May i Wihre Yukon. The Durham Skill Challenge was also held, and Sinclair won its first god, earued by Peter Trantafilou. New on Wednesdays: There will b. a Grade 9 excursion te the Royal Ontario Museum on April 12 te sSe the Medieval Court. The coet i. $10. Se. Mr. Court for a permpisson form. Alsoi May and June you can earn your CYA sailing certificate, ueo Ms. Selby for a pemssion form (lixmted numbr Of students). Thero will b. a trip to meo" The Country Wife' at the Stratford Festival on May 17. The ccst i. $28, see Ms. Lang or Ms Hughes for a permission form. On April 19, the Sinclair Threatre Club presents 'Postpon- igthe Heat Death o h nves'during blocks C aud D. Tickets are $3 with a SAC sticker and $4 without. Parents and friend can see the play on Saturday, April 29. Cail J. Hughes at the school te reserve a annuel show i. planned for Nov. 4. Vendors ar e ill wanted. Talk about plani#g alma&l TMmes ail f«rti week. Have a goed Easte. Aloi Kish won another qold modal and three other Whitby istudents also' had first-place finishos at the Durhamn 5ilIls Challenge held March 27 to 31 at Durham Board of Education high schools. Kish, an Anderson'CVI - ta- dont, was firat in the shoot motal competition to earn another trip to the Ontario Skills Challenge. . Last year, he won the Durham, Ontario and North American skills challenges, but in the elec- tronica competitiozi. His brother, Ed, also of Ander- son, won silver in shoot metal at this year's Durham event. Two other Anderson students also won, gold -- Peter Jaruczik in architectural CAD, and Shawn Wilson i mechanical CAD. Peter Triautafilou of Sinclair Secoudary School won gold in. masonry. Ail gold modal winners wil advance to the, Ontario Sills event at Copps Coliseum, Hamil- ton, ini May. Anderson students who recei- yod silver medals were 'Tisha oedink, in fashion arts; Brian, Birch, Jean Kennett and Beavis ià, in broad-based communica- tion; Kris Sharpe, in auto ser- vice. Bronze medals went te Ander- son students Greg Dutton' in auto- service, Kevin. Hinen i cabinet-makingasd Steve Holyk in electronie pugbisfhing. Theresa Magee- FATHERLEO Je AUSTIN .....U'. Gravily challenged STEVE CHAMBERS drops a parachute in the gravity challenge, one of the events at the DIEGAST (Durham lndustry/Education Council for the Advancmeflt of Science and 1Technolog) Techno--Challeflge, held recently at Sinclair Secondary School. To be successful, a teams parachute had to slow the drop of a boIt to three seconds or more; without a parachute, àit drops to the floor in .87 seconds. ~~~Fe rs As Iwrite this, the little poket of the world we like to call Autin is still blanketed with snow as wo experience the rare phenome non of Apri1 snow aquais. Although theWIildcat prefers April showers sud the promise.of May flowers, ho refuses te, retreat te hi. lair. Instead, Austin has been a flurry of activity this flrst week of April. The newest addition te the Austin athletic department arrivod on Sunday, April 2, at 9:.45 p.m. iss Eéather Jean MacTaggart is, the second cbild for- Austiu's coach MacTaggart sud Mrs. MacTaggart sud cdaims the much-coveted title of 4youngest department member.' &Z tulations. The junior sud senior girls' soccer teams must be conunonded for their oarly rising to, attend the pleasant 7:20 a.m. practices last woek. It takes a lot more tIun 'springng forward' an hour te, fazo those Lady Wildcats, who, in their firat days of practice, are already serious threats te their competition. Speaking of threats te, competition, '-the Austin badminton team swept the LOSSA West doubles teurnament IsatWodusdayt Pickering Haigh Weed Tl'danya Chappeil, Corrie Price, Lama Hugel sud Michelle Bilas, who comprise Our two ladies' teams, have qualified for the LOSSA champioshp on April 26. Other Wildcat teame, honing their predatorial skills for suother reign of terror against their opponents mnclude- the junior, midget sud senior boys' sud girld rugy teamo, the track sud fiold teama,- as well as the girls' lacrosso and girls' softball teams. lu addition te ail of us wild thospians rigged out in our finest Western gear for the Austin Coinmunity Theatro' 1995 old wost production, 'mhe Beggar's Opera,' which successfulfly rau last Thursday, Friday,.sud Saturday, Austin was aise inhabited by tho, weekeud 'Fast for iifqe' artcipants. Many Austin studentsi filled ledge forms, donated canned :Mxods ve up food for a ful 24 hours - beiMin ast Friday at 5:30 p.m. 811 ail or the benefit of- St. Vicoets Kitchen. Not only did studonts come away from tho fast with a botter undlerstanding' of the plague that is world hunger, but also of the film 'Alive! *Austin students who have faithfully observed the Lienten practice o giving u% a luxury for the 40 day. bofore thoe célebration of Christ's - death and Resurrection are finally in -the home stretch. Easter i. only three days away. After the Holy, Thursday Mass, the Goodfdnday Stations of the Cross, the Holy Saturday -liturgy aud ,Easter Sunay assâai the good boys and girls of Austin can rush home to find whatever goodios the Easter bunny bas le forf thema. The Wildcat wishos overy-bunny a happy Easter. Ferland speaks 'at, Educators' Breakfast The Ontario Public School Tea- chers'Foderation, Durhiam dis- trict, wiil hold the l9th annual Educators Breakfast on Friday, Apr*121 7 am., at ExeterHigh Séhool, do Falby Ct Ajax. Guest spaker wilî b. Reg Fer- land, povncal office presidont d thoefdortion. The breakfast will kick off Education Week at region Nominatfions for - awards as teachor, student educational 1assistant aud bus driver of the oyear are boing mccpted.' Skills challenge, Whitby students rake in medals 1 . m a

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