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Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Fr.. Prasa, We&hioday, April 12,1995 PROF~SION. - .OPESIOL. LEARN TO swim. Cozy, pri vate, indoor pool. Qualified instructors. Days, evenings & weekends. Book now for private pool parties. Inquire about family swim sessions. Lorashton Aquatics 905-666-0906. WHITBY 'SCHOOL af Music - fuelssons. Ilso Kindermusik (gs3-5) Qualified Teachers. Cali 66-8780 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby. EDUCA TIONAL -CONýSULTANT! TUTOR - BA. M.Ed., Spec. Ed. eiementary, secondary, aduit . Cali 666-1880. cowTJr5SFORn-ECOAROLY. Become .feariess ai the new technoiogy. Private sessions fram a iriendly computer expert. Cati Carol 666-735. Trent Universi- at Durham'Coi Summer 1995 "<'p. ty I lege Complete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day or evening summer courses are offered in the following terms: *8 weeks: 1 May - 28 june *12 weeks: 1 May - 31 july *6 weeks: 4 July - 16 August For information or a brochure calil: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 RENEW WORKS - we clean and seal your interiocking brick with our patented, environmentaiiy friendiy products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET MAKER Custom designer and builder, of fine fumiture and cabinetry. Speciaizinq, in entertainment units, tibranes, and buiit-ins. Over 15 years expenence. Quality- workmanship guarantee. References suppied. -Designers welcome. For a free quotation eill Gary at 666-1913. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies. Affordabie pnices. For your free mn-home shopping and estimate oel 432-1714. Customer's fabrics are welcome. PAINTING, PAPERING, ceramic tules and home improvements. Interiorlexterior. Quality workmanship. Only -uses quality matenials. Very reasonable pinces. Cail Joe 721-2706 (please leave message). DEADLINE' FOR ALL ADVERTISUNG US MONDAY AT NOON UCENSED ELECTRICIAN -, experienceci in residential commercial& industuial work. 24 hour service calis. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate. INTERLOCKING BRICK dniveways, walkways, patios, retaining walls, steps, repairs & sealing. Cail Bnickscape Imc. for a free eslimate (905) 668-2742. Best price araundi CLEAN UP SERVICES - yards, basements, garages, cut trees. Cali 655-3004. ON A BUDGET? Quality catening at affordable prices. CoId buffets a speciay.Alil functions. Cal 43- 6Sandra.. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewving machine repairs. Ail makes. 10%'Seniors' discount. Compiete tune-up from $2995 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery cail 432-7375. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, s fications, carpentry, piumbing, e1ectria, windows , energ y conservation. Cail Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fenoes, woodsiding, lIo structures look like new again. Remove al weathering, stains & paint. Sealeristaîn wiii not peel or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. DRYWALL & praster repairs, ceramic & vinyl tule, painting, borne & office. Bill Hopper Contracting 905-686-4242. es aiwd CALL P ý à, bM0" ANIQE URIsR *Quality Workmanshlp * Reasonable Prices For free estimate cail 666-2803 evenings or leave message at 432-3019 ___ TREE CUTTING Ful I nsured é Free Estmates '~ ' pager 721-7304 F rierÉockffin tre -retaining mwall fcing & decks IFREE CGOMPETI Ti VE ES TI MA TES IWrtten Guaranteel 1666-96901 Quality construction for Homeand Business - Bathrooms . Kitchens - Custom trim - Decks - Gazebos - Additions, etc. *Interlockig stone 2~u~&tnct»n-655-4418 Gar!y J. Hi rlehey Finacal Planning Consultant Giving people the Information. options, and advice they need to make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Fiaca concep BY GRANT COTRACTING Intericocking ~ Decks WaIIs - Sodding Property Maintenance - Tree Removal WHEN QUAL17-YAND SERVICE COUNT Cali 432-4870 or 428-5790 B1$USIN EýS PPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN lmport/Export Agency. No lnvestment. Full advlso- ry service since 1946. For free booklet cail Wade World Trade. 1- 800-322-9233.- UNIQUE HOME-BASED ADVER- TISING FRANCHISE patent pend- lng parking meter signs. Investment $1 5,000-$30,000. Further informa- tion'Dave MacKay, Franchise Coor- dinator, Ad-Street Signs, 506-635- 8705; fax 506-635-8869. PEPPER SPRAY/Bear Spray Deal- ers Wanted. Newto Canada, Large profi ts to be made. No. minimum order. Effective personal secûrity. Phone: 1-800-563-1110. EIMPLQYENTPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agri- cultural experience to ive/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/detaiîs - 1- 800-263-1827, #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., S.W. -Calgary, Aberta T2T 0E2. GARDENING GARDENERSI Over 200 varieties of potted perennials and herbs. Tenth anniversary catalogue. Send $2.00 to South Cove Nursery Ltd., P.O. Box 615, Yarmouth, N.S., B35A 4B6. HELP WANTED COUNSELLORS, THERAPISIS, Busi ness/Sal espersons. Charismat- ic individual needed for new career opportunity. $1 000/wk starting plus expenses . Specialized training required. Free Info before resume. Alandel School & Clinic 1-800-661- 2599. REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hir- ing for summer. Numerous hotel positions avallable. For application send self-addressed stamped enve- lope to John Gaît, Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. SALES -HELPWANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $2.00* PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. PAY TELEPRONE SERVICES (*A cost will be incurred.) SPEAK OUT CANADA! Based on the evidence do you believe O.J. Simpson is: Guil, .1-900-451-4881 Ext. 137, lnnoceht 1-900-451-4881 Ext. 138. $2.00/minute, 1 8+yrs. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Thousands of satisfied callers. Gift- ed, Carlng, Accurate, Positive. Love- Reiatlonshlp-Career-Money. Live one on one 24 Hours. $2.99 min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783.' PEBSQNALS WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond wlth unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free infor- mation. State age. Ashgrove, P.0. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1 MO. WHEN LIFE BECOMES a battie ground, your MIND is your best weapon. Buy and Read DIANET- IOS: The Modem Science of. Mental Heaith, by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59.,. Cail 1-800-561-5808. REAL ESTATE: LOOKING FOR ... COUNTRY LIV- ING atmosphere, city amenities, iow-cost housing, low tax base, eco- nomlc development opportunities,, excellent education system, renowned health care program, fine recreational, -cultural facilities? Find above in Gateway RDC, 12 commu- nities in SE Saskatchewan,* Trans- Canada Highway, Mainline -,CPR and CNR. Contact: Gateway Rural Deveîopment Corporation, Box 1617, Moosomin, Sask., SOG 3N0. Toli Free 1-800-229-4991, Fax (306) 435-3343. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? WeiI take Iti Ameni- ca's largest, oldest resale clearlng- house. Resort Sales International 1-- 800-423-5937. Timeshare rentais- needed. Cail 24 hours a day. STEE.L BUILDINGS THE LAST BUILDING you'll ever need. Future-Steel, the recognized leader in affordable, top quality, arch-style structures. For Value, Service, lntegrity & free delivery, cal 1-800-668-6853. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES!,Quonset buildings... .High sidewails. Spring sale. 25x34 $2,669.00. 30x42 $3,954.00. 35x(54 $6,998.00. 42x66. $8,888.00. 47x80 $11,844.00. 52x90 $17,838.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. VACATIO.N.ITRAVEL WHITEWATER FUNI One and'two day Whitewater Rafting Adventures in'Eastern Canada on the famous Ottawa and Rouge Rivers, based from beautiful Outdoor Adventure Resortsl Famiiy/Gentie» Raftlng, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping avallable. No experience necessary. Cati now for_ a Free colour brochure. 1-800-318- 7238 (RAFT). * itlw Affordable *afHie Fast a ItkEasy * One BlDII DesItAit eNorthem Ontario $63,e Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168,e Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available * Cail this paper for details! 09CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To rmc a wIder markiSt admveflse dimughout dm. reglonWmemberahl of dhe Onta,*, and Canadian Commwiry NewspaperAssocao.ý -~ Centrai Ontario 50 newspapers - $168 for 25 words Ail Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words i For fuither Information pl« ee.cli tiheWhltbyFros Pros.CiaWfsMe 668411 AUCI0NEERS The people of Whltby and surroundlng areas enjoy attencOng auction sales. Lot them know about your next sale by advertwsng ln the mrust wldely read pages ln Whthby - mhe Whltby Free Press, dlassfldaCaîl: .'.W...........s . ........Off ce ........d a y o F r d a y...Q a n.....O pr...Fx...... 4 ri CLASS-IFIED: -ýMARKETP LACE "Advertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country'l [ Simpro Poolcare *.- igs e e eng &~UT General Mintnance tim Phone: Alex S. Karo 668-5784 Chad Simpson 668-6910 r- The Mutual Group HERBTRAN call for quotation 668-9669 e 432-7216 RRIFs - ANNUITIES GICs RRSPs --m

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