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Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1995, p. 28

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Pope 28, 'O«PnMMiàcà. pd19, 1 Major novices capture championlShiP The Wbitby major novice select hockey teain, isponksored by Mas- ter Bedroom, handed previously unbeaten North York Kni ghts a parof bosses to, capture the tier lA hampionship Of the North York Hockey League. Ini the fir-st game, Sean Cun- ningham scored in the .first period and North York tied it i the second. Andrew Lebel set up by Bradley Arbour and Colin Hlarvey, fried the winer in the In second game on April 13, North York took the lead bore Cunningham tied the score In the second, Ryan Pike and Stuart Petrie assisting. The teams were tied 2-2, Paul Michael Rivest scoring for Whitby, going into the third. Wflh. six minutes left, Lebel ain fr-ed the winner, Rivest, adJason Gordon assisiting. Whitby which lost only once in ~ea~e~ hadreaced the riý,es bty defeating Ajaxi three gies.2i Whxtbty won 2-1, tied 1-1 and then won 3-2. Ini the third game, Cunningham had two goalsi and1 Harvey the other. The' defence of Devan Brick, Shawn Holman, Jonathan Daruwala, Matt Fowler, Petrie and Matt Làaffey helped goalies Jared Millar and Andrew Braith- walte fashion a gnals-against- averag of 2.03 for te season. Meinwhile the team scored 283 goals in 70 gaines. Whitby won 47 games, lost 15 and tied eight. 1 Coaches were Dan Bsrick and Jim Wildman and trainer was Gord Pike. Peewee selects -ousted The Whitby msgjor peewee select hockoey teain, sponsored by Brooklin & District Kinsmen, concluded their season over the weekend as they were eliminated i their second round match'in the Shirwock teurnament. In- their firet game, Whitby skated te a 5-0 victory over West HiEi There was no scoring i the frat period but Garett Itichard counted early * the second. Matt Walten add another marker three minutes later and the period ended with Whitby holding a 2-0 advantage. The third period was ailWitby The Whitby minor novice AA' hockey teain ran out of gas te loue the York-Simcoe League final te Orillia in a six-point series. Wildcats, pbaying their sixth series compared teOr.ilis fourth, started the series by boing 5-1 on home ice. Both teains exchanged goals in the firat two periods Matt Goodwin scoring for Whitby on a set-up by Justin Fox and Daniel Dempsey. However, Orillia scored four straight goals in the third te take gaine one.. Gaine two in Orillia was a low-soing affiair with oel-up Andrew Meéadows giving Wibdcats a 1-0 lead in the flrst on a set-up by Goodwin. Orilia tied it in the third with Whitby two men short. Both teams Pressed bat. in the gaine but were denied. Gaine three ended in a 2-2 draw. Scoring for Whitby were Day. McIntyre and Fox. Gaine four foilowed the trend of the previous two gaines as neither teain coubd extend a one-gag lead. In a wide open affair on home ice, Wildeats scored five tiines only te find Grilla do the same i a 5-5 ti. Captain Ken Henry led the as Derek Pollock, Dylan Chynoweth and Chris Laidley counted goals. Ryan Lainiot played solidly i net te, record the shuteut. Whitby then moved over te, the championship side of the tournament lwhere they 'faced their second~ round opponents frm Vaugh4n. Whitby carried the play i the #rat period but were unable to score as the Vaughan goaltender was solid i net. In the second period, Vaughan scorqd and it stood up despite way with three goals and one assist. Tyber Healy and Fox provided the other markers. Gaine five back in Orflia found Wildeats in a mustý-win situation, down 5-3 in points. Orillia struck first, theri Mclntyre replied for Wbitby.before the end of the flrst. After a scoreless second, Orillia acored two in the third. With the goaltender out and time rnning out, Philip Mcllhon6 'scored the final gol of the season for Whitby. Geoffrey Niblett and Justin White were both strong i goal in the series as Orillia outahot Wildcats in every game. Whitby finished their 80-gaine season with a 36-34-10 record, winning the Pickering tournament and the consolation title in the Brantford teurnament, and finishing tied for fourth in the 10-teain York Simcoe Leaùue. Henry finished with 71 goals. The defence was madie up of Femi Amurawaiye, Dempsey, Andrew Faric, Michael Ricica and Cameron Casaidy- forwards Zack Greer, Chris Osborne, McIntyre, Goodwin, Chris Jakeer, Fx PhiliMdilhone, Healy, Henry and JohMiller. constant Whithby pressure. The Whitby team was made up of goaltenders Ryan Lamiot and Derek Rtivest; defencemen Andrew Homes, Mke Hanmilton, Josh Brimble, Nick Cowan, Derek Pollock and Trevor Tremner, forwards Chris Laidliey, J.R. O'Neil, Sean Rayner, Garett Richard, Matt Fortier, David Fletcher,' Matt 'Wabton, Dylan Chynoweth and Andrew Clark. Head coach was Paul Rivest, assistant coach Hugh Poilock, tramner Richard Robertson and teain manager Nancy Walton. Tee up for ..United Way Using the Great Canadian Golf 2 For 1 Card benefits the United Way of Oshawa-Whitby-Clar- The card, which costs $24.99, entitles the bearer te savings of up te, 50 per cent at participating courses, dri'ving range and restaurants. By talcing full advantage of membership, there are 33 fre. rounds of golf and savings of over $900 at the fol9gwing establishments: Parkview, Country Lane, Oshawa Airport, Faibridge,' Annandale, Kedron Dells and StÉ Andrew's Valley golf clubs, Durham Driving Range and Pizza Hut, Melanie Pringles and Mickey Finrns restaurants.," Cail the United Way, "ute 135, Oshawa Centre Office Gaileria, or ca 436-7377. Wntnp to Bermuda The Executive Golf Guide offers 110 complimentary green fees at 60 golf facilities in Metro Toronto and surrounding areas, and an opportunity te win a cruise for two te Bermuda. The guide coots $59, and proceeds go te the OntariolMarch of Dimes. Cail 1-800-263-3463. The Whitby minor atom select tem, spoeired by Crawf Sports, ended their season by losing te, Ajaxin the North Yoek Hockey League tier 1ifinals. Whbitby won the first gaine 3-L. I the second gaine, Ajax came out fiying and skated te, a 4-0 win. The third gaine was a marathon with Ajax winning 2-1 bat. in the third overtime period. The momentum from that gaine carried on as Ajax won gaine four by a 2-0 score. For the season, Whitby played 72 gamie and competed iil tournaments. They' won tournament chamcpionsips in Pickering, Scarborough, Cedear HilI and Frankford imajor. atomi, they also won three misjor atom B titbes in Cannington, Manverse and Apsbey. Whitby pbayed a fastrpaced style with a potent offenc comprsed of Rob Richards, Geof Well9, Erik Petersen, Kristian Haikias, Rchard Thomas, Sean Kerr, Mchael Finjigan, Thomas McWhrterand BJ. Bowles. The defensive corps of Adam Death, Brian Chard, Darrl Donaldson, Paul Làombardi, Lee Waddington and Andrew Hewson conibined with the solid gpal tendig of Drew Dockril .and Justin Connors te, keep the opposition at bay. Lacrosse clinies for young Tlhe 'First Annual Lacrose Jamnboree' will be held at Dr. F.J. Donevan Coîbegiate Institute, 250 Harony Rd. S., Oshawa on April 21 ad 22. The event, for girls aged 9 and over from Durhamn Région, i- éludes clinica and games i fleld lacrosse. The linics, organized by Done- van teacher and Canadian women's lacrosse team coach Barb Bayes, is for those inter- ested i learning the gaine and wibl benefit students who wil pla i the hig school league th at beintis spring. In addition, there wibb be registration for the lakeshore lih;event is on April 21, 1 te 5 .mand on April 22, 10 a.m. to For more information, cal Julil. Eliott at 435-8290. Criticismof uiversities oýt valid To the. editor: Re: Aaron Kyliels letter, 'College lgrade more likeby to flnd job,' Fr.. Press, April12 Whibe I agre. with some points in his argument, I feel that bis anabysis of the university system. was incomplets. Not ail coibege diplomas guarantee jobs and not ail university degrees guarante. jobs. Whibe I acknowledge that most einployers seek individuaes who have had apprentioeships, it is imnportant te jealize that apprenticeships, in a certain way, aloo exist at the university bevel. At Laurier, accounting students participate in a co-op program; at Concordia, students in journalism have opportunities te, write articles for the school paper, and te buibd their portfolio for future employers; at York, students i the bachebor of education programn are teachers' assistants i schools for one day a weekç, on tep of their busy curriculum. This is the type of hands-on expene Mr. Kylie is taicing abut, bt it is not only found at the coibege level. Mr. Kylie seeme te neglect the issue of individual différences; not everyone wants te, go te university, just as not everyone wants te, go te college.ý W. ail have personal interests, and these often influence our career choioe. Job diversity exista as welb; everyone's jobs are essential in order for our society te work together. Every job is equafly as important as another, and we al rely on the job that another p.r.o does, at some point in our lives. i cannot speak for other universities, but at York, tuition will not exceed $3,000 for the 1995-96 year, and1 since tuition was approimately $2,600 bast year, 1 faib te see the 50 per cent tuition hike thus far. Coilege is cheaper, but I wanted te go te university te pursue my goal. I would not encourage studenta te apply te university because their parents want it, or te o rte college because it is cheaper. Iamn working te put myself through university and just because the government wants te hike my tuition, I will not sacrifice niy goal because of it. I would encourage everyone te, pursue what they want, whether they want te spend two years in school or eight years in schoob, it is their choice. College can provide opportunities that university cannot, and vice versa. Nothing is guaranteed. The jo market is very unpredictable in many ways, and it cannot ensure everyone that after two years in coilege you wil bave a jo. The reason university applications may be down Iby five per cent is because of the media blitz about tuition hikes and the exageatonof the OAC averages neoessaiy to b. admitted to University. I would encourage everyone te urs"e what they want and not e guided by what everyone else says You are the oel one who wibb do your job, so ma sure itsé somethmng you enjoy, its not worth sefing youraelf short. I also feel that there should not be such a comparison of the two systeins; they are different, and the graduates of each system are important te the entire social system. W. need teachers, nurses doctos,% mechanics ... for our System te flow. It is ridicubous te, say that one system ia better than the other. Nicole Motei Student GlendomIYork University Minor atoms end season .............. ............ .... .......... ...................... ............. .............. ...................................... 7 7 . .. ....... .. . . ... .......... ......... .... M.. M.. ......... .. .. . . . .......... ----- ----- ........ ...... ...... .... ------------ --- eS ý -1

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