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Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 23

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Whitby Free Pmms, We&*usY, April 26.199, Page 23 Conference at college Focs o reigous diversity ini workplace Aieicn ain lngaewl For ore nforatio The 'Many Faitha - On. Community conference wil h. held at Durham College on Thursday, May 18. The conférence wiil identify religiu diversity in the. wor kplace and teach emplcorers and employees about different religions by discussing religious issues that impact the workplace. Elizabeth McArthur, chair of the conference advisory conimittee and director of employment equity at Durham College, sayis the conference "will individu an opprtniy for prodvidue an broaden their knowedgeand perspective of vaioureigions and in turn help build ani understanding and intereat in the diversity of religious practices, customas and history." The, conferenoe wiil offer workshops on issues such as religion and health care, religion j, in the workplaoe, religion Jin education, and accommodating religious diversity in the workplace. The foumdation workshops wil concentrate on religious practices auch as Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Natural health author at symposium Judaism, native spirituality av Sikhism. 'Silence in Music,' featuring childrens choir performingi e6lef rid a in wrp u4 the workshops.wilba concert by the performing arts organization, «<Live Unit Productions.! Its founder, Ja= Lenz, is a musician, composer, producer and arranger. concerning the conference, contact Donna Cromne at 721-2000, ext. 2225. BROOK1LJINl },- .By Steve Leahy You know spring bas finally made its way north when the firat really big yard sales atart. Get the word out, s pring is here because the Brooldin Redmen lacrosse organization wiil hold a really, really big yard sale thia weekend. Yep, you get two whole days te sort through piles and piles of realy good stuif. 0f course, as al dedicated yard-salera know, the early birds get the really, reaily godstuif. It ail stsrts Saturday at 10 a.m. at the CIBC Bank in downtewn Broolin. And for those who have recently decided te uncomplicate their lives, the Redmen would be delighted te take atuf off your banda, or out of the basement. CONGRATS JENNY Brooklin's Jenny Flanders, a Grade 10 student at Sinclair, bas been selected by Encounters Canada to s pend a week in Ottawa along with 140 students fr-om across Canada. She wil stay at the Terry Fox Youth centre and h. inimersed in arts and cultural ail week long. The Encounters Canada program is designed to bring Myoungpeple together from varied ackgrounds- to participate in activities and tours that develop in their leadership èIkilla and understanding of each other. Sounds marvellous. Ask her how it went when she gets back next week. NATURE CLUB H to dc fe eN et~ yc Hl ti of in m 23' w] la cc Charlene Day, author of the. Just pLve a cau w nBarry Johnsn Z3, best-selling 'The. Immune System at 655-8901 or Cria Douglas at Greenwood Conservation Area, r Handbook.- Your Owner's Manual:- 655-8905. ini Greenwood, is running a e Kide Sa and popular health educator, wiil But hurry, though- the path Fun- with> Nature club on Mff be in0aOhawa at the next Focus te a simplified hf., and" allits « Saturdays firom.,10.ein. tII noon.'i onWfns ypsu.cerefre. delights, is limited by the * Kids aged 5 te, 12 will go on bikesop] The, day of workshops and i. of the parking lot. play games, make crafts an dE lectures =ake place Sunday, May .i'joy nature., atudies of, birds, pe 7 atê the uoia Inn.î insects and wildflife. i »-Focus on *enness is in its FISH FORAL The prograin goea for the next second y.ar, poiding Durhiam HbrDoni hmig its Sd uOi ys and costis $5 par Regioei with: information and__ atra. N eduatieion ltrnaive hlisic ual flshing competition this regiStration te reqid' nd ail a edkaio o Àtenaiv hlitc atrdYýApil29ý .a.te 3 are welcome. us and natural aprmoa oýhe th pan. Designed for novices and t, cAsa wheil-eng..tendin serjous anglers alike, prizesvwill Vii Asien th e enerared mbe. awarded for the heaviest JUST SAY NO t medie vtewaCI Of rebmor *l»w trout. Random draws h ipreentativ mode of pratice, aloob. held for those. not When I moved te'Brooldin fr( infrmation on ttments- te lu iieZ n'é'-tecatchantig many years ago, our house came cli coren men ti pyscas a few rainbows in, it won't be-a was determained te, keep it that fel car, ad t mantan <Ptiflllnbanner day for catcbing fish ince way. Hlowever, thia beingMy fiiat heath.the mijority of the spring rum lawn, I soon discovered I didn't Theme, for the May 7 event is dta a oeiea nwtefrttigaotlwý 'stress and. stress .management' dtatwysoeie g no h frtthn botlw from a holist[c,nara approSchi, Licse of the warm weather in care. and Day wiil open the day with a March. Or so the experts tell me. Rather than pry the secrets discussion of the link between Anyway, there is no entrance from my neighbours, I got advice stress and the immune system.. fee and fisherpersons over aged from tthe beat gardener in Canada The balance cf the day offera a 18 and under 64 must hav, a -- John Bradsbaw -- by way of hie line-up of solutions te, the valid fishliing licence. book entitled: 'The Lawn Boýok: challenge of stress management. Refresbments w;iflesol4. How te, Grow the Perfect Lawn.' Tcopica include naturopathic The Durham Region' Anglers My lawn bad me ont there medicine with Suzanne Rohn; Association wiil b. there te raking, rolhing, fertilizing, Wellness in the Workplace, with prvde tipa and demonstrate aerating, watering and keepi~f Cenbi Hensler, certified Kri au ter fshing tcnqe the id off of it. Even aMrer holistic lifestyle tea'ter, tbroughout the day. that work, I stiil got the odd cranio-scral therapy with dandélion. Mr. Bradshaw knew registered nurse Linda Woloshyn; j he problem weil and had a ready 'd-hoSéng Happiness with K a solution: 2,4-D, the perfect lawn Maureen Daigle, founder of Inner prod herbicide of choice. Quest Mnd and Body Centre; astrology, with Leslie Trail' "Contrary te popular opinion," applied inesiology, with Cheryle h ilBracdhw informed me, "2,4-1) is Fiiede; financial wellness% withV U j not a poison but a plant hormone Hete klo;stress as it whchisaborbd hrug shows in our body and on our poreh s fth lavie ..." gth face, with Kathbrnn Hoch and b si espoe o k helay e me.so" Bonnie McInoll, certified Suddoa omsIwn esthtican; romerap anout and got some weed and feed eteiin rmtii p ad b c e sa e and a botle of Killex (a brand releoog, ih Rom Chryk;liglit naine for 2,4-D). However, this boyxmeditation techniques, with On May 1, the. Region Of plant hormone had some Dan.Spinner and Andrea Tapp; Durham will commence disturbing warnings from the vegetarian gourmet te, fit ite construction of sanitary sewers manufacturer attac'hed te, it." your busy sciedule, with alcmg Highway 7/12 (Baldwin severe eye irritant ... may lead te liee-Hung- Shiatsu, with Raissa Street) in Brooklin. permanent damage :.. can cause a Chernushenko and Craig The two northbound lanes wiil burning sensation in the lunga, Noseworthy, as weil as the b. closed te, traffic and the two nose, and tbroat." popular tai ciii. southbound lanes wiil b. used as And then one final warning- Passe for the day are $35 in a two-way traffic thoroughfare. "See doctor imxnedfiately -if advance "or $44 at tie door. Ten The firat stage of the project, poisoming or over-epoue s per cent'of proceeds go te, Simcoe fr-om Cassela Road te noth of suspected. "Hmmm, ta os' Hall Woxnens Wellness Centre. Pearl Street, wiil last sound 1k. a barmlesalaw BroçbÏires and registration approximately four weeks and hormone,,i thought. My h forme âWdavailable at local health ther. will b. more traffi Mr. Bradaàmw'lawn wisdol4 food -~o ~$~lig721-1887.__o s-n nteb14M am It didn't take long before I gave pthe quest for the perfect lawn. 1, it cost alotocfmoney, and it )éktoo much time when you on't use herbicides and chemical rtilizera. But I had decided that ven any minute risk thoe eimcals might pose, te my Dung children wasn't worth it. Later I found out that 1988 [ealth and Welfare Canada and ie NationalCancer Institute of nmerican ink d2,4-D te cancer rthe. lymp' h glands. That articular p of cancer lha been craigove thelpast 20 years, osetly of a reàu1t of exposure to ,4-D. Doge, cata and birds alsuifer lien herbicides are used, on Lwns. The majority of lawn care ýmpane that spray our lawns,, arks and achool grounda usne ,4-D. Fortunately, due te budget astraints, soin. have cnt back. em. municipalities such as, lississauga have 'stopped praying entirely, but Whitby asn't. B ut the. Durham Board of :ducation has stoppod. usingà esticides on lawns and pa reas. Later stil, I discovered that cologcally speaking, lawns w.re ,ldnd of green d.sert. They sually only contain only on. or wo grass species and provide irtually no food, or habitat fore bher creatures. On top of -that, i. grasses in our lawns came. rom wetter, more southerly lmate.s. That explains why Lwfl5 require so much water and. értilizers, te atay green. My new lawn advisor, Toronto horticulturalist and author Alexander Wilson, says our idea of the perfect lawn has its roots in 18th century English ~als The basic idea was to 'tame" nature and show her to b. "a kcinder mother." But nature abhors neatness and uniformity while embracing diversity and complexity. After nullions of years oif successful evolution, maybe our indly mother knows what ah. is doing. Bt ee 2 bys CO1zMm per evey woîek H nbho cd I à t8098qor 0- A 9g(lax)j Country. dance Broodins' Beethioven Locge Odd Fellows will present a 'good old time country daned on Friday, April 28, 8 p.m., at Brooldin 100F Hal, Bagot St. - Ilere will b. -fiddle and guitar music, round and square dancing. Lunch is at 8 P.m. ickets for the mvent are $3. Al 'profits go to charities. For tickets, call Harry Agar at 666-0814 or 'Art Budd at .655-8034. NOTICE~ The Brooklin Business Association HIGHWAY 7/12 (Baldwin Street), BROOKLIN Sanitary Sewer I Watermnain Construction To our valued customers, On May 1, 1995, the Regional Municipality of Durham WilI commence construction of sanitary sewers along Highway 7/12 (Baldwin Street). The two (2) Northbound lanes wi,1l be closed to traffic and the two Southbound lanes wilI be used as a two-way traffic thoroughfare. The first stage of the project, from Cassels Road to north of Pearl Street, wilI last approximately four weeks and there wiIl be somne traffic congestion in the business area. We, the Merchants of Brooklin , need your help. You provide the basis of our business and without you, we may not survive. We are asking for your continued support during the construction period. So please, help us, help your community, and employees to maintain normal operations of our business during these weeks of traffic disruption. We really appreciate your support. Yours truly, BROOKLIN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION oepte Bîg sale on Saturday ,,ý» -, - d

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