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Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 32

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Page 32 , Whlhby ËIëmuos, wenesday Ari Garn 1er studwent1dines with PM Dean is Edu cator Of' the Year Kathleen Imbeau, 16, of Oshawa, a student at* ecole secondaire catholique Saint- Charles-Garnier, was scheduled to meet Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on Monday, April 24. Imbeau and nine other young francophones were to meet Chrétien at 24 Sussex Dr. and present him with, a message bearing 80,000 signatures. Five boys and five girls frein Manitôba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Québec were chosen to meet with the Prime Minister. AUl are delegates for a youth group, Jeunesse Du Monde. A teacher at Garnier, André Savard, organized the meeting, and Imbeau was chosen to represent the area group. The youth group is actively involved i third world awareness, racism, justice and human rights issues.* Imbeau was the youngest partcipant in the group. Chesea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. With Ofl g here in wbat looks like full force, Henry's teams are at it in ful force. Over the Easter weekend the girls' rugby teain bad the pleasure of osin Lord Tweedsmuir Hlgh School 11om- British Columbia, Henry biastedl the visiting tam 20-5. Scoreri for Henr were Marianne Dixon, SallyEnigland, Kim Hewitt and Amanda Knegje. The girls were great hosts and were eauily recognizable on Tuesday by aIl their bruises. Henry's co-ed volleyball team, played in a 10- tearn tournament at O'Neill. By winning matches . t'Eastdale, Pereyma, Uxbridg and O'Neill, the Hawks won tei pool. In the semis Henry beat a second O'Neill teain but was defeated in the third gaine of the finals by Bowmnvile.This is the flrst time our school bas had a co-ed volleyball teain. Ail the members are ta be commended for their great efforts.. Last Monday the boys' lacrosse teain played D'OC. Unfortunately the boys struggled and lost by a score of 9-6. The next day, the grls' fastbaIl teain played their lirst game of the season ainst Exeter. The girls just didnt let up with a 22-4 win. Congratulations to, Natasha Carter for pitcbing a swell gaine. On Thursday the boys' baseball teain opened teir season with a double-header against Dwyer. Henry came up a winner twice by scores of 18-0 and 10-0 respectively. Pitchers Ken Calway and Tim Imeson had eight strikeouts each. As for the offence, Brad Newport had four bits and Darxyl Woodfley bail three bits and three stalen bases. The Arcbery Club competed at LOSSA on Thursday and placed fourtb in the competition. Congratulations to those teain members continuing ta the all- Ontario tournament. The Environinent Club invited students ta celebrate Earth Day with thein at Lynde Shores. On Saturday they planted trees there ta clebrate nature. Henry's musical talent was rewarded at the Kiwanis Music Festival. Rebecca Palmer, Rebecca Villneuve, Natalie Morgan and Christine Sturgess, Henry's Fabulous Flautista, won first prize. The Brass Quintet also won gold witb a score of 85 at the festival. Members are Mike and Phil Hewis, Keir Moulton, Tom Hwang and Puya Vakili-Zad. Today a large number of Henry students could have p!obably been smen in downtown Toronth~, on their way to see a perfrac of' Miss Sagon.' Next week they'll bave an -ppOrtnity to seeHeniy's own musical 'The Leader of the Pack! Everyone can reserve tickets tbrough the sehool but if you are a Henry student it would be easiest to find Mr. Cawker and get them through hlm. Hope ta see everyone there on May 4,5e,6. Col lege gets funds to 'meet the challenge'5 The Ministry of Education and Traiing speial projects fulnd, potseodaiy tanti-haassnet bas awded Durham College with $29,,000 ta deliver the prgnDi'Mrieeting the Challenge The PAHDPCC comrittee, conisingcf10 colleges and 10 unieritiswas established ta nitiate and improve sensitivity ta hasent and discrimination. In addition, participants will be provided with educational tools for prevention in the post-secondary sector. AUl colleges and universities will be invited to register four participants from their institutions - one academic, one supotsai one administrator and g% e non representative. The prograin wil begin in the spring cf 1995 and will be copeted by March 1996. Th prgan facilitator, Elizabeth McrUr, is known in Durhamn Region for ber expertise in the area of cultural diversity brining To date, more than250 employees and emplqyr throughout the reion hve participated in similar tZning. àFast break BETH BRADY serves water to a participant in the 24-hour Fast for Lite held recently at Father Leo J. Austin Cathollo Secondary School. Forty-six students took part to raise $2,500 for St. Vincent's Kitchen in Oshawa and to raise awâreess f huger. Photo by Jeromy Dresar, Whltby Free Pr ess More than 330 students, trustees, parents, teachers, administrators and other board employees attended the l9th annual Educators Breakfast, hsoted b the Ontario Public Sehool Teacher's Federation --- Durham District, at Exeter Hligh Sehool in Ajax April 21. Following breakfast prepared and served by students from food services at Exeter, entertaininent was provided by the Meadowcrest Singers of Meadowcrest Public Sehool in Brooklin, under the direction of Julie Renwick. Guest speaker was Reg Ferland, provincial 'rsdent of the Ontario Publc School Teachers' Federation. The Clare Wooldridge Award for education assistants was won by Carol Farrell of Lakewoods Public School inOhawa. Bus driver of the year was Wendy Carroll of Stock Trns9portation Limited in Ajax. Student of the Year was Jennifer Polak of Exeter, and' Sandre, Dean, principal of South Simcoe Public School i Osbawa, was honoured as Durham's 1995 Educator of the Year. PR students do lunch On April 24, second-year public relations' students from Durhamn College held a speakers luncheon at Greystone Stables Resturant i Port Perry. ýSpeakers were Glenn Pothier, vice- present and research director of Manifest Inc.; Jacques Messier, regulatory affairs of Novopharm Ltd. Teresa Kaszuba, director oi' marketing and promotion, the EDGE 94.9 FM. Each speaker highlighted their own communications careers and the trend of communications in the '90s. Andrea Pemberton ANDERSON C.V.I. Anderson' boys' basebail teani started its season off with a bang. Last Tuesday they defeateil Ajax b~y a score of 6-3, having led 6-0 at one point. They got an excellent -début pitchingr performance froin Darylï Jenmings, and solid bitting al througb the order. Last week, daffodils were on sale'in the front foyer in support of the Cancer Society, and in inemory of former Anderson student Michael King. Also last week, Andermsos talented vocal groupe got together and performed at a vocal cabaret on Friday. Those in attendance chose a very relaxing way ta begin the weekend. Last Friday and Saturday, our junior and senior girls' lacrosse teains participated in the first-ever lacrosse jambree at Donevan. Ail the players divided buta 14 teams and were led on the field by members o! the Ontario lacrosse teain. Each team, played six half-hour gaines and prizes were awarded at the barbecue on Satudy. Eeinthe pouring ramn the girls managed ta have fun at the sanie time tbey were honing their sills in preparation for the flrst beague gaines against Austin and Ajax this week. Let's sSe if Anderson bas what it takes ta rule LOSSA for the third year in a row. Prom packages came out Monday. They consist of the prom code of conduct, information about photos at the prom, nomination forins, tux coupons and general information about the nigbt. If you didn't get a package, be sure ta see Melissa Duke or another member of the prom committee right away, in room 212 at lunch. Tonight, from 6:30 ta 8:30 p.m., Grade il and OAC French classe will putt on a " Soiree Francaise for anyone interested. There are areas with gaines, movies, music, food and - best of all -- a fashion show. The students have been planning this evening o! F'rench culture for weeks and ]Pm sure it will be a great succesa. Two final reminders: The career fair is taking pac tomorrow, and there is a SAC general aasembly meeting Tuesday, May 2.

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