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Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 7

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whltby Fme Proe, Wochosdy, Apri 26, 1995 Pao. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . *.. . ... ...... . ............ ...... .........,. ....... ...... Growing discontent A mathernatical theory says that a butterfly flapping its wings in Winnipeg* could bring a thunderstorm te Whitby neit Thursday. It could.be called chaos theory. Or convergence theory. Whatever. The point: every single event- conneets with, every other event on this planet. If so, the recent terrorist attack in Oklahoma City cannot help but flap its butterfly wings close te home. Or already bas, if you focus on a mean little pipe bomb in Charlottetown. Charlottetown? A sleepy, rural capital city of three amaîl counties disgiiised as a province., Where six Holstein cows on a front lawn make rush hour in Mount Herbert. A pipe bomb in Charlottetown? Surely you jest. Charlottetown sits permanently encased in 1954. Safe. Secure. Sequestered. Charlottetown is the, city you daydream about on rainy sleety mornings on the expressway. Where you go te escape urban madness. The Butterfly Wing theory would say yes. The horror of Waco, Texas leads te Oklahoma City leade te what next? We live in an era of change. No. Scratch the cliché. Eveiy age is change. But most resemble weathering on rocks: it takes several lifetimes te notice. But look at this century: two world wars, two depressions, a full generation of nuclear paranoia, a world sti1 ful cf trouble spots.< Close te home: the computer revolution, downsizing, the end of universal medicare. Buy a computer teday and it is outdated in two years. Not because of style but by function. We're not used te that. We'd prefer te change because we want te (for style). IBM: Bell Canada: Xerox: GM. Every corporation boasts about downsizing. International markets supposedly tell us te ditch our costly medicare system. Downsize it. Okay? Or else! Nobody seems te, reflect deeply on those downsized. Where do they go? How do they work? Hundreds, thousands of the displaced have lest future pensions, homes, savings, may neyer work again. The. unemployed pay no taxes. Add te UIC, welfare. In short, cost us more.. Remember the stock market panic of a few years ago? When automated computer programs started dumping stock which reached a predetermmned trigger sell point. Which was great for one steck holder. But each time one computer sent a "selI" signal, prices felI. Other "selI" points were reached. More sell points triggered. Suddenly, needlessly, the market tailspins, the descent fed only by the tailspin itself. The downsizing mania works in a similar way. Each company cuts staff according te its own logic. The cumulative effect: the butterfly wings. The market tlspin. And always at. the tail end of every sudden change: the dispossessed. Those who don't participate fiilly in the riches cf this life: who miss the paydays, the graduations, the social clubs, the future. A growing body cf discontent. Somebody ought te do something. Somebody ought te tell those gevernment people ... foreigners ... suits.. politicians. Somebedy. Somebedy set a pipe bomb under a ramp in Charlottetown. Somebody teok eut a federal building, and some two hundred and thirty lives, in Oklahoma City. Butterfly wings. Madness in days of change. One weuld wish te say we won~t see more. But we will. And in the madness, the bombers will not admit their ro.. In their minds, the reasons are se clear, se ~11 i li~ IrEs' STATION AT MYWI'LE ON WHfEY AIND PORT FERRY RAMWAY, C. 1908. Buit in 1871, this station was located east of MyTie and served as a stopping point for passengers and freiglit until it was demolished in- April, 1937: The tracks were removed in JuIy 1941 and sold for scrap to provide metal for munitions 'n the Second World War.Whitby Archives photo 10 YEARS AGO Froni the Wdedy,' f 24, 1985 edition of the w [TBY E PRSS " Andrew Antenna lias won an award for- safety from the Industrial Accident Prevention Association. " Home sales are up 10 per cent in the first quarter of 1985 says the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. " Brooklin Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges will hold their annual roast beef dinner on April 27. " A public meeting will b. held at the town hall on a culture and recreation master 4 plan study. 35 YEAR8 AGO from the Thursday,AriLn21, 1960 edition of the WHriiTByWECEIrY£NEWS " Council lias given approval te build a seven-room public school in the Blair Park subdivision. " Portions of Highways 2 and 12 will be transferred from the Ontario Government te the Town of Wihitby. " Council lias rejected a proposaI for mobile libraries. " Wihitby District Hligh School student Nigel Schilling will travel te Ottawa on a citi- zenship course sponsored by the Rotary Club. 80 YEAR«S AGO from the ThursdayApril 22, 1915 edition of the WH1TBtY GZTEAND CHRONICLE (This issue is missing) pbmkdr MW w lqwr ý 'Il ,.e lwrqmiinimur 1

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