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Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1995, p. 1

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Local enumeration The business gets underway of big bfrdsC Page 2 Safety options considered on Page 8Vctoria Page3 Redmen start season tonight Page in quest iinto. death By Mike Kowalski A coroner's inquost bas been called into the deathe of a woan and Mississaua maniledby runawaytrk tires. The deathe of Angela Worona and James Tyrrell will be inves- tigaeby a coroner's jury in Mississaugabeginning Oct. 2 at the Torontio Airport HilIton Hotel. Worona, 31, died while driving on HighwaLy 401 in Whitby on Jan. 31. Ty-rrell, 31, was killed A4pril 3 after bemng etruck while driving on the Queen Elizabeth Way inMississauga. Te inquest, announced asat weewilI be presided over by Fynto1dw7he Free Pres at i t le fot unusual for a coroner's fjry to probe. -more than o ne fatality.. uTée ccintances were so similar and they happpened so close togethor »'he said. "God forbici there should be another between now and the inquest.» Worona was westbound on Highway 401 near Lakeridge Road wlien-she was bit by a truck wheel which flew acros the median and crushed the front of her car. The tire was one of two wbich snapped off an eastbound trac- tor-trailer owned by Universal Can-Am Ltd. of Whitby. The other tire landed harmlessly in a ditch. Worona's family has sinoe col- lected 30,000 names on a potition wbich demanda touglier enforce- ment of truck isafety laws. Thoy. ntend- to present the pition to wbichever political party forme the government after te Jue 8 provincial élection. "We feel an-inquest i8 neceSEs- ary inl-ight f-continung wheel separations,' said AngIa!s sister Theresa, ini reference to incidents which occurred . near Bowman- ville -and Barrie last week.-, «We consider it an immediate problem which' should be SEE PAGE 15 By Mark Reesor A new elementary echool te be built on the southwest corner of Anderson CVI will be operated Furlong defends budget pledge ALiberal ¶>(> overnment in Ontario will be ound by law te balance the province's books dur- ing ts fre term of office. Durham Centre riding iàberal candidate Allan Furlong eays that pledge is thecomonent of an 82-page boketo cam- paign promises unveiled by hie party lest week. Lýegislation wbich forces the government te, adopt a balanoed budget will be introducedwithin 30 days of taking office if the Laiberale win next month's pro- vincial election, Furlong pro- mises. But wbether backed up by law or not, any party - including hie SEPAGE 37 either ýon a modifled echool year calendar or on a combined modi- fied and traditional scbool year calendar. «It will be one of those and it will depend on parent intereEtt,' says Whitb uprintendent of education Carol Yeo. "My *whole 'option is A, we have te reduce. soeof tlbi num- bers at Pringle and, B, I don't want te force anybody intesome- thing. «It only works if it's their choice. Ites still open te parents aIl over Wbitby.' Construction of the new echool je scbeduled te begin in July, with the opeming slated for August, 1996. Althougli it's yet te, be named, a principal bas alroady been appontedt. Jack Smyka, currently princi- p al at Pringle Creek, was chosen fom among the six candidates wbo applied, says Yeo. Parents were asked what they wanted in a principal at a meet- ing April 11, se says, and their requesta were taken into conside- ration by »the board's administra- tive council in the hiring. Parents wanted someone who's «opfen and flexible and willing te, litn te parents and visibeaa leader and who lias a real inter- est in a modified school year,' Purtiier meetings are planned and Yeo hopes parents can agree on what type of echedule they want at the school. Local Con.cern about hospital ,redirect By MikeKowalski An order which briefly directed ambulances away from Oshawa General Hsital last ek hma causod concern locally. JoAnne Prout, co-chair of the Save Our General Hospital (SOGH) citizens' committee, said Oshawa's emergency departmnent tomporarily reaching capacity undéeores the need for a general hospital in.Whitby. .ThIe incident further demon- strates the folly ofa proposai now before the Ontario govern. ment to do away with acute care services at Wbîitby, Prout. con- tends. About-2 p.m. last Wednesday, area ,ambulance .services were told not to brng patients te Oshawa General because there were no available beds in the hospitals emergency depart- ment. Ambulances were re-directed to other hosptals i the area for approximiatey two hours said, Oshawa Generaljpublic relations officer Glendene Cllins. However, emergency patients arriving at the hospital by other means were not turned away, Collins said. .8h. did notlcnow how many, if any, people came into the emer- gency departmnent during this time or ifambulances that for- mally would have gone to Osh- awa, went olsewhere. UIt raises the question that if they (Oshawa General officiais) have to do it now, prior te any stops being put into place to counteract the closing in Whitbye what happons when it (closing) occursr asked Prout. "This. shows the whole thing (poposaI) bas not been properly thouglit out," she added. A recent Durham ReV'on Dis- trict Health Councif study recommended that Whitby General become a rehabilitation treatment centre serving ail of Durham Region. Wbitby residents in need of ernergency service of eurgery woud g toexpanded hospiîtals in Oshawa or Ajax, the study sugIgests. The report is now before Health Minster Ruth Grier. Numerous telephone calle to Grier's office te, determine the report's statua proved futile. Moanwbile, last Wednesdaye issuance of the ambulance re- direct order was the first time Oshawa General had te, take such action, Colline said. She decined comment on whether hospital officiais expect similar problems in the future. Wbitby General Hospital vice- president Marc Keàley said Whitby roceivod notification tc posZlyezpect additions] emer- gency cases. But he did not know if any ol tbe ambulances had been ro- directed from Oshawa. 27 New school1wil have nodfied year calendar

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