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Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1995, p. 22

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Page 22, WhItby Fre. Press, Wednosdlay, May loi 1905 OS'fMY SURLIES The Victorian Order of Nurses -Durham Region Branch has an excesa of ostomy supplies they will make avallable te clients, at no cost, on Friday, May 191, 10 a.m. te, noon, at 58 Rosland Rd. W., Oshawa. - here are many different types et supplies available on a firat-come basis. BEITER BREATRING The Better Breathing Support Group, for adulte suffering with chronic lung disease, wiii be held by the Lung Association on Tuesday, May 23 1:30 te 3 p.m., iniOshawa. Ca]l 436-1046 for more information. PRACTCE SWING The Arthrites Society wiil hold a fundraiser at Durham Driving Range, Taunton Raad West, Oshawa, Saturday, May 13, noon te 3 p.m. For more information, cail 434-7221. RUMMAGE SALE. La Fédération des femmes canadiennes-francaises d&Oshawa will sponsor a rummage sale on Thursday, May 25, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Centre Culturel Francais (French Cultural Centre), 384 Hillside* Ave., Oshawa. Profits are directed to, Missions in Africa. For details, cail Jeanne d&Arc Nadeau at (905) <723-9686. EXCEPTONAL CBJLREN The Coundil for Exceptional Children,* Durham Chapter 584, will hast the annual dinner and awards night on Wednesday, May 24, 6 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby. Students, staff and volunteers from bath Durham school boards will be honoured for dedication and excellence in special education. For further information, cail Suzanne Godin- Galipeault at 905-427-2866, or Jin iHunter at 666-6331. GREEN RIBRON CAMPAIGN Child. Find Canada is holding the third annual Green Ribbon of Hope Cempaign throughout the month of May to increae public awareness about National Missing Chiidren's Day on May 25 and the un 1ssing children issue in Canada. For more information, ceil the. Durham Region Chapter at 905-420-9917. SPAGETIIDINNER The Salvation Army and Moêmes and Tots will present a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, May 13, 6 p.m., at the Selvation Army Hall 122 Kent St. Tickets, $5 for aduts and $2.50 for children (under age 11), are available at the Selvation Army Thrift Store, 225 Brock St. N., Whitby. For more information, cali 668-0868. PISYCHC FU N F There wiil b. a Psychic Fun Feet at Hope- Spirtualist Church, 300 Court St., Oshawa, on On Monday, May 15, the Whitby Massae Therapy Clinic will hst an evening for anyone wishing te improve their ekilis for discipliigand-com municating with children. Heather Hawco-Gray, a socal worker for the Durham Board of Education and author of the. book ' Surviving Parenthood,' is the facilitator for the two-hour workshop. Tii. seniiner is fre., but those attending should bring a donation of a n.wor ued babyitem for a1 teenage moins grop. Te seminar, begins at 7:30 p.m. Spaces are1 iimited. PRe meresatby oeiling 430-2183., a MUSIC TEACHEIlS I. Ontéario Registered Music Teachers' Association, Oshawa and District Branch, wili hold a general recital on Monday, May 29,w7:0ap.m. at the Prt Prr TownEM 173, 302 Qu.en St. Ail welcome. IUEOS The local chapter of THEOS wiii, meet on Sunday, May 14, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew'ts Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street, Whitby. THEOS mi a support group for the. widowed, welcome te attend. For more information, oeil 668-2648. MEMBERS 0F the i lth Whitby Browni es proudly hold Up the 30 or more badges they've each eamed. From Ileft (rear) are Marîssa Morgan, Devin Riordon, Michelle Superennuated Teachers of Ontario, Durham Regioei, District 28, will convene ita annuel sping businese/dinner meeting on Tuesday ' May 16, il1akm., at the Baséline Community Centre, Bowmenville. Ai retired teacher of Durham are welcome te attend. For further information, contact Ras White at 725-3413. HEM) INJURY The. Head INury Association of Durham Region will hold a support group meeting on W.dn.eday, May 17, 7:30 p.m., 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. For assistance with transportation, oeil 723-2732. STAMP CLUB The. Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, May 16, 7 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Neill CVI, Oshawa. Collectors and guests are, welcome. For more information, oeil Roy at 728-2599. HOLISTIC BALTH A series of seminars on naturel health car. is being offered at the YWCA Adelaide Houa. on Wednesdays fiom 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. May. 17: Reiki, with Bernie Morin, Reild master, May 24: acupuncture and traditional Chines. medicine, with Tony Chuvalo; May 31: network spinal analysis, with Dr. Fedor Zelina; Jun. 7: « Fiowering Women,' with Madeleine Byrnes, psychotherapist; June 14:- Ayurvedic medicine with Dr. Munjal Parikh. The seminars each cost $15 in advance, and series passes are available for $59. A portion of the proceeds goes te support Simcoe Hall Settiement Houe. Women's Wellness Centre. For information and te register, cali ImaginAction Pr-oductions at 721-1887. o o oommunlygroup whch are aseNo n rft q Whlthy or have ai substantial Whltby maembershlp may place their upcomln g meetings or activIties on this page at no cost. %rfit nmatkg or cffro bVM dta1,1= r.d0Gat foIowlrgwkn rin 18 IFrIda tSp.M.O0 -AIDS WORKSHOP AIDS Conniitte. of Durham wiil hold a heif-day workshop on May 16, dealing with grief and bereavement, with counsellor Tom Easthope of Armstrong Funeral Home. F or more information or te, register, Cail905-665-0051. Kelly, Melanie Kirby, Chnistina Mollon (front) Kimberly Bloemink,-Tracy Halton and Monika Whyte. Photo by Mrk RlesoR, Whltby Free Press' DOWN SYNDROME The. Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet o,7usy, May- 16, 7:30 p.m.,ý at Wbitby Baptiat Church, 425 Gilbert St. Guest speaker will b. ,from theSunris. Youth Group,a socal group for teens who have disabilities. Babysitting is aveilable. For more information, cail 579-0187. SEX AND PREGNANCY The. Oshawa Chapter of Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada will hold an education meeting on mhursday, May 18, 8 p.m., at Oshawa Gnera Hospital, room 1002. Guest speaker Dr. Peter Campbell will diseuse ' wx and. pregnancy. Admission je fr-ee. For more information, oeil Frank Varga at (905) 576-6049. PICNIC The. annuel picnic of the Durham Down Syndrome Association will b. heid on June 10, 2 te 5 p.m., at WindReach Ferme, Aahburn. There will b. activities and a barbecue. For more information, cail 579-0187. LIBRRY BOOKWORM The. Whitby Public Library, participating in the County TCwn cernival prde onSaturday, Juiy1,w-lÃŽhold a draw to chaos. 10 cbildren, aged 8 te 12, te help create and become the library bookwormr. The. draw will tae place May 15 to 26. Participants will b. announced on Mfay 26, at 3 p.m. Contact the main branch at 668-6531 for further detaile. SPANISH The Spanish International Language program for elemen- tar? echool chiidren will b. held JuY 4 te Aug. 1 at St. Bernard Catolic School 1000 Dryden Blvd., htby. 'Ko register, cal Mica Arnod at 579-2334. LEAFJRNING DSBIIls The. Learning Disahilty Association - Oshawa Chapter wiii meet tonight (Wednesday>, 7 p.m., at Grandview Réhabilitation and Treatinent Centre (Bloor and Townline). The topic is 'Sunimer ho1idays and how ta survive.' A support group wiil b. start.d for chiidren. CaIl Nancy at 436-7706 for more information.- SORopTIMIfP Soroptimiet International of OshawafWhitby club wiil meet on Tiiursday, May 11, 7 p.m., at 44 William St W. (CnaHall. Faith Plac, building), Oshawa. Interested persons are welcome. WORKSHOP A sacred medicin, circle workshop will b. held with Alan Greywolf at Hope Spirtualist Church, 300 Court St., Oshawa, on Saturday, May 20, 11:30 a.. mo, 4 p.m. Experience the crmnes and rites of native Amnerican traditions. Cost is $15. For information, oeil Margaret at 666-3256. LYFERACY FUNDING Superior Propane 'Pili For Literacy' Barbecue P arty wiil b. held on Saturday, Mayl13, 9 a.m. ta, 3:30 pam., at -505 Victoria St. E., Whitby. Each 20-pound tank is filled for $5 on this speca day only. Prom each fil-up, $1 wiil b. donated te, literacy prgra. CH[RONIC FATIGUE The. Durham Region Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. Support Grop wilmeet on Wednesday, May 17, 7 p.m., at A.E. King Memoril Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more information, cail Renee at 655-439. May 12 ia the third Internationa ME. ICFS Day of Awareness. PLANT SALE In support of the Whitby Seniors Activityr Centre, bedding plants can be purchased froin the centre between May 16 and 19. There wiil be indoor and outdour plants, fertilizer and muilaeositems. For -more information, oeil 668-1424. OSFEOFOROSIB The Whitby Otoooi Support Group will meet on Fric!aye May 12, 1:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors' tvity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. (meetings li continue as utuel on the second friday in May). A pharmacist wll diecuse calcium and medicaton. SUPPOIRT GROUF Reach to Recovery breast cancer support group for patients, familyand friends, wiil meet May 18,7to 9p.m., at the Faniily Trust building, southeast corner of Bayly and Finley in Ajax. Fore more information, «Mi the Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit, at 905-686-1516. LAWN BOWING The .111W ILawn Bowling, Club welcomes new members. Free instruction in offered Monday afternoons and eveniffs at the club on Brock Street Southp Whitby. Membership is $65 (and $3 oer lockers). For more information, caU 668-4366. BLOOD DONÃ"R CUC A blood donor clinic will b. held in Whitby on TUesday, May 16, 1 to 8 p.m., at the Legion Hall on Byron Street South. HealthY aduits, weighing. more than 45.5 kiogranis and between ages 17 and 70, are eligible donors. For more information, cail the Red Cross office in Oshawa, at 723-2933. Le Réseau des femmes du Sud de l'Ontario-Durham is scheduling six community leadership meetings (in French only) at L'Amicale, 707 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, on Saturdays, May 13, 20, 27, Sundays, June,4, il and Saturday, June 17. Cost is $30 for -. members,, $60 for non-members. For further information, oeil Prya Rughani at 436-7353. RENT CONTROL Staff fr-om the Oshawa rent control office will b. at the Oshawa Centre on May 11, 12 and 13 during regular mail hours. Landiords and tenants with questions about- rent contrai, landlord and tenant issues or recent legfisiative' changes affecting car. homes are invited to, meet with staff. For mor information, cail 723-8135. RENT CONTROL Staff fr-oi the Oshawa rent control office will b. at KÇnob 1H11l Farms on May 18 and 19 fim4 to 9 p.m. and on May 20 fi=m il a.m. to 5 p.m. Landiords and tenants with questions about rent control, landiord and tenant issues or recent legisiative changes affecting car. homes are invited to, meet with staff. For more information, oeil 723-8135. OSroMr The Oshawa and District Ostomny Association, a mutual aid group for ail persons who have or are about to have-ostomysge, wiii meet on Wednesda -y, My 1 7:30 p.m., at Oshawa Ceneral Hospital ini roomn 1002F. For more information, oeil Velora Gibson at (905) 434-2886 or Estelle Carswell L-- -J

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