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Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1995, p. 37

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Whitby Fiee Proa, Wednesdy, May 10.1M6,Page 37 Whitby Free Press 668-611il Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 .... .... . . ........... ... . .. ... LABISHEPHERD MIXý maie 4 mos. old needs a loving hiome. Was found abandoned on a country road. Other pets also available. Cal Durham Animal Adoption at 263-8915 or 623-0770. THREE KITTENS, free, to. good home. Only animal loyers need apply. Please caîl 655-$090. GORGEOUS BANCROFT lakefrant fumished, three bedroom log cottage retreat. Close t Ã" swminiing, canoeing, trails. W ter, hydra, telephone. Book now or sumnimer. $700Iweek. Caîl 90M65-01 18. M&GGIE - is that true? Sabotage? WlHO? Apnil lst reason: 1 didn't look presentable! Whatever bothers you, we can work it outl If we could just talk, gentle, easy, calm. We¶ve come so fart Don' t let go baby. Soon? Love, Bill. SAVE THE LYNDE -MARSH (S.L.M.> - persans interested in obtaining infçrnation, or supporting aur cause niay contact:- Barbi North 728-6943, Shirley Mohammed 430-7727, Tara Mitchell 430-1172 (samne for fax) and our address is SLM,c/Jo Tara Mitchell, 15 Queens Rd., Whitby, Ont. LIP 1K4. Thank you for supporting aur environnient. PSYCHIC ANSWERS RATED #1 IN CANADA TaIk live one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS with mystical powers ... find out about j' ur future...concerns -about ove money or career. Caîl now 1-900-451-4055..24 hrs a day for instant answers. Evanly- Rays, 18+, $2.99/min. in Canada call 1-900-451-4055 . . . . . . . . . . . .. TUBSA CAPMAN DOI LOOK A DAY OVE i for Hwy Birtdy or Ai Theassfiee are a special tosoed getings! MYSKO - Mike. and Denis thanvaref le o n thearrvaloftheir first child, Hailey Patricia, bomn Apri 241 1995 weighing 7lbs., .Sozs. Proud grandiparents are Les and Patricia Chathami and Bill and MariMysko. Special thanks ta Dr. L-. cott Henderson, Dr. Craig Markle, Nurse Camre Patterson and the matemnity staff of Oshawa General Hospital. .... ... .... ... ... KAHN COUNTRY MOQTIONS - Meez Wednesday at 6:30pr lçcatedf#2699 -B rock Rd.N. Pickering, ý miles north of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featunng ofery Wed. an excellent solection afatques, fine fumnishings glass china, collectables, ppmitivës, and1 other unusuals. So joirn us every Wed. and p- icipate in ane af Ontanio's 1-true auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Ternis: cash, cheque (writh proper l.D.) or Visa. Previews from I :OOpm "oConsignment & Estate selling aur specia[ty." Cal us tôday-Khn Auction Services 905-683-01. CORNEIL'S AUCTrION BARN FRIDAY, MAY 12 at 5:3Opni 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 nESNIT Antique dressers & chests of 4011 drawers, 6pc. modem dining room suite, wvicker chairs, almond Moffatt washer & d ryer, almond side by side refrigerator, almond Hot Point 2 door refnigerator, almond 30 in. electrie stove, 3 pc. modem ery. bedroom suite, parlour chairs, way chesterfield & matching chair, Queen Anne style chairs, qty. wooden kitchen chairs, modem dressers & chests. of drawers, bake table, walnut end tables, King saxaphone, round oak dining table, chairs, 15 cu. fI. chest freezer, antique day bed milk cans, coffe &end tables, oak office desk, 3 hp Iawnmowers, 12 gauge double barrel shotgun, plus a quantity of se (nee china, glass, household & i nouc coîlectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Little Britain 705-786-2183 WITH TI-ANKS TO ST. Jude, for favours received with promise to publish. G.S. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus- for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world now. & forever. 0 Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ot miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper 0f the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wmll be anwrd. Publication must be promised. B.M. NON/ENA TO ST. JUDE and the S acred Heari of Jesus. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored glorified, loved and preserved th roughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St . Jude, worker ot miracles, help to the helpless, pray for us. Say fine times a day for nine days. Prayer will answered by the eiîghth day. It has neyer failed. Pblication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude, fTor prayer answered. ý.T. . .. .... PLANTS& UNUSUAL CRAFTS, annuals, perennials, herbs, geraniums & much more. Saiurday I 3th Ma y, lOam-3pm, 5 Shepherc Road, oif Coronation Rd. & follow signs. For info caîl 655-3878. Liberal pian defended FROM PAGE 1 own'--mut forfeit the right to a second termn if it fails te balance the budget within four years, Furlongmisst. "TIhe moa ignificant probiem we have right now is the deficit," he told The Free Press. «'A goverrnment that doesn't bring'it under contrai, simpiy does noti deserve re-election." The commitm t te a balanced budget within four years of assuingpower i. but one of 143 promises con)ained in, the: Ontario LiberàI Plan' r'eleased! bR party leader Lyn McLeod on TUrsdy Similar te the red book' used by Prime Minieter Jean Chretien ini the 1993 federal election cam- paign, the document. outlines what measures the Liberals wil impiement should they 'be succesaful on June 8. In a nutaheli, the party plans toecut taxes by $1.7 billion over five years while chopp ing govern- ment pening by $41 billion. Only $6W0 million will be spent on new initiatives. "We want te make government leaner afid more efficient whiie at the same time protecting. essential services," said Furlong. «I think our program je more realistic than the 30» per cent Harris is talki--ngabout." (Progressive Cnservative lea- der Mike Harris is promising a 3 prcent cut ini income taxes andPa 20 ~r cent reduction in a ending ehould the Tories form the next government.) Under a Liberal government, taxes wili decrease at a muchý more modest rate of one per cent per year over a five-year period, Frlong explained. The lose of revenue will be offset by eliminating some goverrnent programe and pîse- iig spending caps on others. F or example, transfer pay- mente te municipalities echool boards and hospitals wiifbe fro- zen at 1994-96> levels for four years. This will allow recipients te plan budgets without fear of the money bemng taken back at some point by Queen's Park, Furlong said. As an incentive, any money saved through a streamlining of the transfer partners'po rrations wilI remain at the local level and not be sent back te the govern- ment, he added. Anticipating the attacks from bis opponents, Furlong said the Liberfai plan will stand up te close scrutiny. 'l'bis document was ini the making for over three years. It was nat created the day after the election." Nor can it be compared te traditionai campaig pomse since it containe only $6mi7- lion in new programes, Furlong nated. In that respect it differs from the New Democratie' Party government's pre-election spend- ingblitz, he claimed. qTe NDP from Christmas until naw made $1.7 billion in program announcements and they're saying they won't make any promises ... what a load of garbage-" Ini addition te the- balanced- budget legisiatian -- the plan does not speil out what haprens should the government fail te meet yearly targets -- the Liberals aiea propose the fohlow-, Txbreaks of about $417 million a year for business, but elimination of grants worth about $114 million; * Requiring ail welfare reci- piîents, other than the disabled and elderly te do volunteer work or enrol in training and educa- tion programs; -* Repealing the five per oent tax on automobile insurance pre- miums; * Instituting a child care tax credit;, * Help for first-time home buZerapping variaus agencies and programs such as the Interim Waste Authority, job. Burglary A gym bag full of martial arts weapons, jewelry, 80 compact dises ana two videocassette recordera were among itemsg taken in a break-in last Wedes- day at a Robinson Crescent resi- dence. sOntario, the Rayai Commission on Workers' Compensation and the Advocacy Commission. 1As he pedicted, Furlongs NDP and Conservative opponents did not embraoe the plan with the same warmth that h e did. Bath New Democrat MPP Drummond White and Tory can- didate Jim Flaherty dismissed it as a lightweight document which frequently borrows from thefr own parties. 'Like the federal' Liberal red bok ;h too, iill enduine blue' bo~said!Whi'te, % ok aim at a proposai te curtail the jobsOntanio program. "'hen you cut jobsOntario training,.you!re takring away jobs and guttiqpeople back on wvel- far4undreda Of pea le inth.is area are off of welfare. today because of it." White said the Liberals 'are the last party to be espousing a balane bdet when the party cafnot even manage. its own býet in the I m*lature. .Ve IàberaZe are the only p arty which overspent at Queen'si Park and refuse te pay it-back te the assembly," he said. "They- had the highest consti- tuency office budget the highest. Queen's Park budget and they're talking about balancing the governments budget." White said the -Liberals intend tcut capital spending programe by40 per cent and challenged urlong té idicate what local projects wiil be affected. "GO train expansion, the can- cer treatment centre Highway 407...perhaps the local can-didate should come dlean." He aiea played down a ro- posai te, give individual M Ps more clout at Queen's Park. "There's nothing- stopping lIPPe from speaking up foriteir constituents now," said White. 'Tve done that on several occa-, sions,"hesaid, noting hie opposi- tion teo propoeedjob.and prograrn cuts at the Whitby Mental Health Centre and elimiination of acute care services at Whitby General Hospital. For Tor candidate Flaherty, the Liberal programi is not a plan for government but more of the usome old-faeliioned political game playing." He accused the iàberale of bowing bte special intereet groupe and said voters will not buy it. "The people I talk to, don't think that's the way we' should govern Ontario, by catering te special intereets." Flaherty said, the Liberals are not sincere in their commitment te deficit reduction in that they refuse te take tough measures in several areas. «She (McLieod) does not pro- vide"for mnandatery workfare and learnfare. She's juet tinkering with welfare which We think needs major reform.-" For instance, a Tor govern- ment will reduce Ontario's

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