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Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 1

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Kish aims to defend U.S. titie Page 33 Parking problems on Candidates make, thefr Tom Wreggitt Fifewood Crescent pitch at the Villa reaches 1,000 P'age 33, Page 31 Pae26 FxTrn ILYNDE SHORES Way dered Agreement resuits in split of citizens' comrni ttee ByMike Kowalid A settfement has been reached that wll ailQw a portion of the controversial Lynde Shores deve- Ioprent proposai to proceed TeOntario Municipal Board (0MB) gave draft approvailest week to two subdivision plans that form part of the. massiv public-private secter develop- ment proposed for southwest Whitby. The board's ruling stemmed fromn a settiement reached earlier this month between the Ontario government, Durham Region and some opponents of the project. The ruling removes ail barriers te plans by the poic n Re¶on e biidan industrial park and 1,255-unit housing sub- division on provincial lands near the Lyde Ceek Marsh. However, stili outstanding lsa, p reposai by the' Rose Corporation for a 560-unit heusing develop- ment on privately-owned -land immediately east cf the marsh. An 0MB hearing fite that subdivision p an is scheduled te begin inWhitby council chain- bers later this month. Meanwhiie, the settiement that prom pted the" 0MB ruling, alongwith other matters, has resultedin a majer split ini the ranka of a local citizens' group epposed te the devele ment. Some members of the Save Lynde Marsh (SLM) organizatien SEE PAGE 22 Finance minisi FEDERAL FINANCE Minister Paul Martin was in Whitby on Frlday 'mainstreet' cdown- town Whitby -- including a -visit to The free' ter in Whitby Furlong, Liberal candidate for Durham Cenltre in the June 8 provincial election. Martin. met with- Wh itby Chamber of Pres ofice-- i supor offried Alan CommrcemeersPhoto by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fr.. Pres Portion of L anesMatictcze Maea s scùë Ili 1 VLXI V Ci bIijJv By Mark Reesor Montgomery Place, a Byron StreetSeouth office building, and part cf Pearson Lanes, both owned by Wihitby businessman Bill Little, have been placed inte voluntaryreceivership. Little, accompanied by an offi- ciai from the receiver- visited tenants in the buildings ývfay 8 te persenally inform' them cf the news andhand t hem a letter explaining that the Royal Bank was taking ever. "With the well-publicized deva- luation cf commercial. preperties throughout North America over the pat several years," Little wrote "it was ne longer economi- callyeasible te continue. "eare proud cf our accomplishments and the fact that Pearson Lanes and Montgo- mery Place have in some ways set the pattern and style or much cf Whitby's newdaevelop- ment." The change in ownership affecta Pearson Lanes' phase one, two and four; phase three, the east half cf the block running along Mary Street West between Byron and Brock streets is ewned and operated by William D. Little Investmnents Ltd. and net affected. William D. . Little Marketing and Motivation Ltd. and Little's Brooklin properties, including the Breokiin miii are aise separate and hie anâ wife Carel are net persenally affected. "Carel and I have ensured that our long-time suppliers ef pro- ducts and services te William D. Little Developments Ltd. (the owner ef the buildings invoived) have been p id in fuil up teand including the day of changeover.» uWe also have negotiated on behalf cf our suppliers te con- tinue their services te the prejecýt throueh the new managers," Lit- tle points eut in the letter. We re a mom and pop shop, Carol and I; we're not the Bra- maleas, the Cadillac Fairviews, the big-tewn beys. «We stayed with it for quite a long time and it got te the point where we were bâsicaily just. feeding it with Our more lucra- SER PAGE 22 By Mike Kowalski Ontario voters have been war- ned te beware cf politicians pro- mising big tax cuts and balanoed budgets. The two are mutually exclu- sive, federal Finance Minister Paul Martin told members cf the Whitby Chamber of Commerce on Friday. Despite what people may be hearing in the provincial election campaîgn, it is "impossible» te shrink the deficit while simul- taneously cutting taxes on a lare scale, Martin declared. "I would love te be able te say it's possible, but it's not » he said in a thinly-veiled attc~k on the main plank of the Progressive Conservatives' campaign plat- formn. «You can't on the one band eliminate the deficit and' then engage in massive tax decreases on the other...that's simply not possible.» Without mentioning it specifi- cally, Martin was referring te the Tories' pledge cf a balanoed budget and 30 per cent personal income tax cut if they win the election. The Liberals, for their- part, have promised a balanced budget and five per cent tax eut over five years if they form the government on June 8. «Not one cf the eight provincial governments that have balanced their budgets have engaped in massive tax decreases, said Martin. "As finance minister, I know it can't be dene,» he insisted. Martin's remarks came during a brief foray into Durham Centre riding in support cf Liberal can- didate and Ieng-time friend Allan Furlong. Accompanied by other Liberal candidates from the area, the two 'mainstreeted' in downtewn Whitby before adjourning te, Pimentes Restaurant for an in- formaI discussion with chamber members. Martin flielded questions on SER PA C.I,*32 .. .. .. ........ .. 1 - .. . .. . . . ... irory tax cut

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