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Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1995, p. 6

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PAe . lIy Fr.Prose.lr W~r*insy, May 24. 1MQ The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: ONTARIO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 990/ of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburfl & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSORIPTI ONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published eVEryW dnsayb 677209 Ontario Inc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town:. 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor- Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newspriflt with minimum 20% q recycled cQtent using vegetable based inks. %l ID Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposeS without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine to the Whitby f ree Press. Ask candidates about lInk To the odItor: Before the June 8 provincial election, Whftby residents have a chance ta phono the candidates and ask whether they support or oppose the route propased by the NDP gavernment for the eight-lane north-south troeway that will link Highway 401 with thé future Highway 407. Whitb council and the people ai WestWhitby and Macedonian Village have continuously and publicly made known their strong apposition ta the proposed route, known as DMZ. Sa tar these prtests. which include a petition with mare than 1,000 signatures, have madie no differonce. The proposed route DMZ, one ai several studied, is at the extreme east end ai the wide open space Thanks To the editor: On behaf aif the Pregnancy Help Contre ai Durham, we thank the businesses and community services who supparted aur recent fund-raisinq walk-a-thon. The increased community participation resuted in four times as many walkers as in previaus yoars and more than twico as many donations. The generosity will benefft many von wha deal with crisis pregnancies in the coming year. Thankç you for your interest and involvement in the Pregnancy l-elp Centre af Durham. Walk-a-thofl committeê Tro the odîtor: On behali af the Salvatian Armny and aur Womon's Ministrios ai Whitby, 1 wauld liko ta express thanks for the many times the staff have run notices tor us during the past year. We have fauInd it a pleasure ta came ta your off ice and be greeted by such friendly peaple, not only this yoar bu in past years as woll. E. Roberts Whitby auththey (CAiand aparen Unt air goverfmeflt competition the 9ovemmelt-runflfinanced pro- duction and installation was Day. Marquis,> now Liberal candidatefor the provincial election. Privaé cwftractors now are reafly wornedc. Did the 'Liberal' Mr. Marquis really change his platform tram governmeflt-rfl enterprise or did Mr. Marq uis ont( change his profile by preaching pnivate enterpruse now ho is runninq for a. more important position, in the hope to increase hîs influence in the government-tinanced construction tfield?, <But what do wo expect, from him wtion ho moves up from the one provincial job ta the other and again in a position af spending our tax monies? Will ho keep pWayng bail between diff erent provincial departmeflts or will ho go for the lowest tendered pric when moved? That's something ho doos inot agree with naw as a board member of the CA, and which board declared a few months ago to the landscape association that they are f irm believers in J govermment-opraO<d construc- àtion jobs away fram the pnivate strade and that they will stay like that.Bon de Boer <Ashbumn To the edItor: gr go tai pi or he etween the residential areas of d jax and Whitby. ft is tess than a af aif-mile fram the residential ares P )f west Whitby which now extends rm West Lynde to Raossland Pl Joad and which may, in the f uture, h. xtend further northwards. $1 Hf this route is adopte the fil rail ic noise will force people in ir ist Whitby to keep their windows ijosed al year round . They may a, Bven b. driven indoars in summer i ao escape the roar tram the , aight-lane f reeway tha wîlli b.rf continous, nat just in aur time, but9 through the generatians. 24 haurs b a day. t Sarne ai the other routesp çansidered, but sotf ar rej ected ' are E about haltway between the resklential aroas of Whitby andC Ajax. In order ta minimize the f nos pollution, the gavernnientC should b. proposing one of these routes. Why is it not daing so? Believe R or not, the reason is that its study of the alternative routes, carried out by anonymolis bureaucrats, assigns a weighting af anly five per cent ta the notorioiJs noise impact but assigns 29 per cent ta the impact on the natural environment, 14 per cent ta the impact on agriculture and 16 per cent ta the impact on the ecanomy. Even the impact on culture gets nine per cent. Ail these environments are substantially the same throughut the wide open space beîng studied. .Vet the govemment report lists overy triviai. and oven temporary, diii erence betweon such things as watercourses, vegetatian removai, wildlife habitats and woodiots. These trivial and temporary diff erencos are thon multiplied by the idiotic weightings ta bring; the praposed route DMAZ slightly, but only slightly, ahead ai routes in the middle aif.tho open spaco. One ai these alternatives would groatly reduce the noise pollution in residential areas. ht will. b. intorosting ta find out if any of the candidates is willing ta support the people ai Whitby and Whitby council by apposing this absurb method ai selecting a f roeway route. Uavld Hwit.r WhItby Landscàpe contractors and tree aowers are getting more and more pset about regional and provincial overnimonts who give. grants ward so-called" provincial inservaition authorities for roduction and installation of tree lantings, in direct competition ith the private trade. Mariy such private envir- nmentally important businesss ave tallen by the roadside over ýe last few yeairs becduse of the lmpingby government agencies 4 atei and jobs below cost nces. Seedlings advertised and sold by >rovincial nurseries for 10 cents lave cost Ontario taxpayers over 4> in production costs and have lied most private seedling growers n the province. Prices quoted by conservation authorities for trees and thoîr nstallation are siÀsidized by grants and tax exemptions) f rom the region and the province, those irants, sadly enough, paid partially by taxes levied from the private rade itself who now claim they are paying taxes towards their awn execution. Although this wholesale waste of tax monies for trees has gone on o®r many years and includes the dumping af trees into an already To the edItor: At a Whitby council meeting an May 8, I was maved by the appealance ai some very distingliished veterans wha iaught in World War Il. Equally mavinig was the playing af The Last Post and Reveille as well as the presentation af a beautiful plaque struck in bronze with an inscription honouring those valiant saîdiers who madie the supreme sacrifice trying ta iberate Halland 50 yeas aga. Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards delivered a superb and moving address prior ta the dedication ai the plaque. Before an audience in the cauncil chambers as well as on cable tolevision. ho madie tho dedication on bohaif ai himseff as mayar anfd named each Whitby counicillor so inscribed on the plaque. This is whoro I was no longer moved but tharoughy disgLsted. For the mayor and cuncillars to b. so full ai themselves and witli their sickoning egos ta, stoop to such selff-servlng arrogance. tc have their names lnscribed on sudh private growers yearly are destroyiflg Part Of their cropa). stubborn provincial and regional authorities keep subsidizing their provincial conservation buddies for the sake of favouritismT, something which has gone on for several' decades -- whelping a f 0w at, the expense Of nmany.w .Large landownOrs are the winners. The uplayinq baiu between diff erent provincial departments ad the expense of the Ontario taxpayer has cost the livelihood of many landscape contractors. When a delegation* of Landscape Ontario, an association of about 1,200 landscape contractors, last year contacted the Lake. Simcoe Conservation Authority, a stronghold of government tinanced production and installation in Newmarket, they were very bluntly tald by the board of the autharity ta please get out and mind their own business. The sut hority had decidod ta go on with the government-subsidized con- struction, regardless ai existing opposition by the private trade, they said. Landscape Ontario had hoped ta lobby for a change towards a more competitive system and -less waste of taxes, but was given no chance. Somebody on the board of the a perpetutoLis tribute, is despicable. u bu n Their narnes took u bu n quarter ai the inscribed area. t - shauld have read. dedicated on behaif af the Town ai Whitby. Aiter ail, it was the residents af thîs tino commlJnfty who willingly pald for this mast desorving tribute, not the politicians. They are takers not givors. Their unprecedented grand- standing and selffindulgence is Politicians honour themselVeS would not abject ta have it redne in gaod teste. The mayor and counicillors should b. ashamed ai themselves. Il is my hope that Legion members, vetorans and vetorans' associations inform the mayor ai this audaciolJs insult ta those whose numbers decreaso with time. 30,000 sign truck petition Cap>' of letter to provincial electifl candidates and their leades On Jan. 31 ai this year aur daughter and sister, Angela, was killed when a truck wheel separated from a trailor on the 401 and hit her car head an. Since this time aur family has started a petition calling for stricter enforcemTent a0 existinçi truck 30,000 signatures. Wo have came ta roalize this is only one aspect ai a very omrplex problern which will not reconcile itself. ln the wake ai continuing incidences (18 wheols in three manths). w. are convinced that unless rigaraus and. immediate governmênt intervention takes place. Angela, and James Tyrel (a SEE PAGE 31 CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER àAzoqtrIATIflN 4 I m ................................................ jkn prion Whftby

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