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Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, We&iesday, May 31, 1995 Voting at advanc poils begins this week. Quallfled votera unablo te vote on election day, will have the opportunity te cast their ballot at advanco poils te be hold on Thursay, June 1, Saturday, June 3 or Monday, June 5. Hours for voting at advance polesare il a.m. t 8 p.m. Voting in the office of the roturning officor aIse takes pace from Saturday, May V7te Tuesday, June 6. Sundays exlu ed twoon il a.=. and 8 The Durham Centre returning office às located at AUl Saints' Anglican Church hall on the northwest corner 0f Dundas and Centre streets. Cail 665-0690 for more information. 4fBROOKLTN}~ Fair leveirI By Steve Leahy At last, and for the 84th time, the fair has come.to town. That means summer isn't far boblnd. Thinge are already bustling over at the fairgrounds. This is a really busy week for the many, many volunteers who make the fai*pssble., Don't forget to say thankswhon you run into one on the weekend. There are lots of events at the fair -- demolition derby, tractor pulls, midway and so on. But there are some lesser. known activities which are really terriflc for ail ags.- In the agricultural tent, there will be lots of demonstrations such as, cheese-making, honey-making and butter-mak- ing. Watch the sheep-shearing demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Forget those noisy, smoky tractor pulls, the real action is on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with the light and heavy horse pulls. Imagine getting two massive draft borses top rance backwards, guided by d-held reins, hitching them literaiy on the fly to a steel'boat fiiled with several tonnes of concrete and then dancing out of the way as the horsos etrain and the boat flues forward. Whew... Who says ifs hard to get good food at the fair? Al you have to do is stop by the Brooklin Scouts pizza booth right in the midway area. Get pizza at a good price and support Brooklin's Scout program at the sanie tixne. For my money, the pet show is one of the fair's best and funniest events going - Sunday starting at 1 p.m. Brooklin's Girl Guides have been baking up a storm over the last few weeks' and their wonderful goodies will ho for sale in' the arena ail day Saturday -- or as long as they last. The food je good, the service terriflc. And what boter way te get over that low-energy. Sunday-after-the-fair feeling than an all-you-eat pancake and sausage breakie? So go on down te, the communlty centre and lot the Boy Scouts do the cooking and cleaning. Cost le $3.60 for adults and $2.50 for children under 12. ST. THOMAS ANNIVRSARY This past Saturday, St. Thomas Anglican Church -- the white wooden building at the corner of Anderson and Winchester -- celebrated its 125th anniversary. It stili looks pretty much like it did in the previous century and the parish and community should ho commended for the upkeep of one of Brooklin's finest buildings. St. Thomas will hold other anniversary activities tbrough the summer, including a homecoming, weekend on the Canada Day weekend. 407 OPPOSITON? Reidents along Halle Road and those living in Macedonian Village continue te actively oppose the planned link hotween thé 01 sud the proposed highway 407. But when je, the reet 0f Brooklin golng te wake up and tbink about the impact of.an eigbt-lane suporhighway running through our community? The Lung Assocation holieves air pollution (primarily caused by car and trucks) is a serious health threat «- especilly for children. This is not just a T«oro problem, the air is little botter in Durham. Sure, we have more fuel-efficient cars these days. But the number of cars and trucks on the roada bas nearly doubled in the last 20 yoars. The 407 will result even more vehicles on the moade. How many thousanda of acres of our top quality farmland will ho paved over or forced out -of production by the highway? Once dug up and paved over, farmland ie gone forover. And God isn't makdng any more. On a quiet evening you can hear the roar of tmafflc on the 401 BROOKLIN PHARMACYO. EFJ65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN LOB 100 905- 655- 3301 BO>RED? Take a country stroli i :3Opm. The Renascent through the rolling Centres are non-profit countryside around the recovery centres; which Village of Brooklin and since 1970 have helped enjoy a barbecue on the more than 10,000 mon and lawn of the Sulivan House. women recover from "Polk-A-Roo" will be there addiction to alcohol and for the kids. drugs. The Renascent Centres wil be sponsoring their annual For more information on a .."WalkA-Thon" on Sunday great day cail "Trish Burns" [ June.4th from 8:3Oam until at 655-8486. mniles away. The 407 will dramatically and permanontly changour quality cilife here in Brookl*n. Sound pollution le but one impact, it. wiil aise be a concrets wail dividing our cern- munity in haif. It takes an incredible amount ,rgavlad sand te build a suprighwaY. And ail 0f that will bo tom out of the Oak Ridges Moralne -- the most naturally ignficant and beautiful piece of land in the region. Evoryono thinke new road mean lesu trafl¶c congestion. Ini the past 10 years, road planners the world over have learned that new ronde neyer reduce trafic congestion. Los Angeles and many othor cities have stopped buillding freeways and are building rail transit as fast as they can. If there is a transportation problem, mostly the result of commuter trafflc, surely the beet solution' je te croate local jobs. That way people don7t bave te waste their time or foui our air travelling te work. The 407 le on the political: fast track, se it in time te start thining about what the highway je gong tedo te us. Ifwe don't cosdr the impacts thie thing will have on us, no on. oIe. wiil. &OT.pL LEO YARD SALE Saturday, June 10 is the date for St. Leo Church's annual yard sale. Piles of great stuif will be on view and on sale from 8 a.m. until its ail done or 2 p.m. -- whichever comes firet. Space is available te rent and donated items would be approciatod and picked Up. Contact Jim or Cora Vernooy at 655-3562. The church is located on Baldwin Street (Hlighway 12), just south of Brooklln Concrets. Ail proceeds go te the church. SA9&eeL a/s C01UM0oappearsI àtPBà4?or tfd5-86'8(I Renasccent walkthn on Sunday The Renascent Centre of Brooklin will sponsor their annual walkathon on Sunday, June 4, 8:30 a.m. te 1:30 p.m. There will be a barbecue on the lawn 0f the Sullivan House. ' Polkaroo' will be there for the kIds. The Renascent Centres are non-prft recovery faeilities whch since 1970, have helped more than 10,000 men and women recover from addiction te alcohol and druge. For more information, oeil Trish Burns at 655-8486. i à & , # , , % %,! ,, *0*à d 4 3U 0A CHRIS MITCHELL, Grade 3 student, heads to the finish line at Meadowcrest Public School's'recent track and f ield meet. Photo by Peter Nilas, Whltby Free Press ParlBy nalex hepepor Hate literature. Ini Durham, it in being spread b cowards who, under the cover of night, strew this vile material aloeig our roadsides. My introduction to it came when a constituent came to my office with a large envelope filled with approxixately 2,000 leailets he and hie wife picked up on a road north of Courtice. Each leaflet, about an inch and one-haif wide and three inches long, had a swastika on it along with a message, "Stop Non-White Immigration!" Others read, "Fight Crime ... Deport Niggers."i d.Frankly, I find this sickenng, as ]Pm sure the maqjority cf you The rise of facist governmente gives us élues as to how people who spread this stuif get started. They dweil on other people's misery. The inability to find a job, financial insecurity, crime. The point at minorities and blame social and economlc juse on them instead of evaluating their own shortcomings. "I would have a jobif we didn't allow so much non-white immigration," some say. Nonsense. I have great difflculty with pole who 'say out of one aide of their mouth, "immigrante are taking wa«obs from Canadians," andin the sam reat,"imgrants are lazy. My understanding is that racist leallets have been turning up for years around Durhamn. rmn amazed there hasn't been an arrest. I've been told no one bas actually seen anybody distributing this material. AIse the criminal code makes prosecution difficult. Allan Rock, Minister cf Justice, says bis department is reviewing the wanse in Canadian law that allow this material, and those who print it, to survive. The problem for hlm je to muzzle those who distribute hate literattire while ensur-ing Canadian nj1freedom of expression. Ini Durham we muet bediligent in assisting police to get convictions. By reporting the distribution, or even evidence ofit police will have a better chance cf getting those responsible. 17m directinfg my remarks at whoever distributes the garbege: youll ho caught and you'll expoct ffl protection fr-om the law, by the law, when you appear in court. These wiil be the very laws that you could argue protecte the lazy immigrants and visible minorities of this country. You'fl get yours. Alex Shepherd i. MF for Durham ridi'g whick includea Whitby, noth of Taunton Rxudl b reach hicoensti*uency offie, cou 721-7570 <Ohawa).

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