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Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 31, 1995, page 35 Rose Coip. plan approved by 0MB Whitby duplicate bridge Noetw4ni* Mal en 1 Ho 60,M».Isobelèery and Rmih Towneond 137à, Ken and Ela Duoson 1)05, FloCIa h.oo and HilthaOka. 12&5. Lonm Bfrd oand H&alidiaîds 1225,Vonie Wharrl enid lîsea Engluid 185, Leana Biais and Bon Tony 118, Dorisanad Don Iiowes 1)9.0, Jlm Allen and Joan Rges104». Pu Adamsanid Carmis KnaNS eDind May Gray 9711, Bohoosiniaid Andrii ojKlisk 152à. Bilenid Olga Howden 1285. Kmen nd Elle Ourso 126.0. ianid May Gray 1255. Ida and Bort Jnivwy 125D. Jack and idon Mole 120à. Ruth Tàwnoend nid May WaIruSoy 120D. Janes Alan nid Jean Rogers 10D95,Pal Adamsand Covile Kno= 1090. Aixat nid Marion Kni*b 10U.. Flo Chideihoseand Helitha 0k1. 0 EAM-W.g May 3 Bil Kerranid John creaden15764. Aileen Stevens nid Chdeais i'5164, Jwie anid Alex Harce 134.73. Jackanid. Marion Mole 1M-0. GordhaniKhdchriaanid lId. Suloni 128-73. islay Bureanid Kart Wagner 122.73. Marguerite 81.11 er end Georgia Bovay 15.09. Albertand Marion Knlbb 1V-.36. Frafl a nid Norma Butii .8.BoeBus aryai nd rnk Hering 100.%MileJubyanid PRennie Robert* 89A6. EmmaSiolfon and J ulus va don Berg 92»01. May 1D Magai Wadge and Rulh Mehvon 1520, Leonafilais and Bon Tony 292 Kart Wagnor aid Ilty Burke 1260, Frank Honing and BoDes Brya* 125.48,chris anid Ron Adair 124-9. Marguerite Selfler and Geargia Bovy 122.73, J unesand Aex Hàwke 120.0. tO' Kenr nid John Creoden 11727. Theresa Ga nid Marguerite Rosai. M855, MN. lmb and Rorv" Rbrts IMM., lEcle Rohds and Lem Bird 103.84, Fric Mmkey anid Nowrma Butse gt64: May 17 Mamans and Bob Kertan 133.5, 5 anid Olga Howdsn 129à, Ken and Ela Dmson 124J). Audrey nad Jkn Wilson 200. Ida and Bert Jniva 114à. Dorsanid Don HI rs 15 Jams Allen anid Jean Rogers 1)9.. Abert nid Maron Kib )0.0, Frnik Hrning end Grs Ogg 90à. Pot Adaruanid Coni. Knox95, Fro Chîdoaos.and HsIiha Oka 79.0. Maky Bohooienenid Georgia Bovay 1575. Art Bor i ch Townssn 1555. Mary Graynd Olga Howden 1M3O, Frank Herning ndBnTony 15U., Jim Wsbon and Mamy Psh1400, Doris Hows and Lum Bird 139.5 Bil Howdn and Tony Jane. 1350. Ancfrzej Kolinskilanid Chris Adair 134.5, inrdvan don Bogand Irons Englaid 131L5, James Allen and MgM aManus 1270,. Pat Adrnis and 81 Gry 1iBà, vanne. Wharrie and Emvna Tackney 1MD, Majori. Keaton and Conrio Knox t115, Franku Macky and Maoen ni., Helkha Ok anid MagueriteStefflor 1030. Eaei-Wa MaX nrzo Kokistdand Taky Bohossian 15 Ruth and David Methven 123â, Leone ii and Bon T.rry 1200. lsay Burke.anid Kart Wagner M35. Frank Mactoey and Tony Jones 1M.5,Lem. ird and 141>1 Rchards 107.5. John Creedn nd Bil Kerr 1)75. Marguerte Stofflor and Georgia Bovay 1)65, Juan. and Alex Huwke 970, Renni. Roats and Mlle Jubty 96à, Erna Stoffon and Julus vn don Borg 76.0. M W in Knibb and Ru.h Methven 1875. Maion Moisanid Jean Roger 1485. Mergaret 'Wntge and BïI Kera5 .,Enwna Stoffon and Mille J uby 141W. isly Burke and Dan Hoaes 1Z.5. ole" ony aid David Melhvon 1M.5, Jack> Mois and Bob Kwon 134.5. Audrey Wilsan and Gladdy NYorris M-.5, Renne. Roberts and Gb*s MoruSe.11D.-Id. Richads ane Je"Coak , rae sOgg and Lona Biais 1285. Helen Alai and Juliu van don Borg 126.0. Mazy Wansl and May tarit 1235, Hant> Heledom and John Cresen 1M3, PRon Adair and Marguerite ROsais9&&5 PROM PAGE 1 study had been undértakén. Howevér, thé 120-mètre stipu- lation had no béaring on the Roseproposal. Durin-g a prè-héaring session, Coîbournie imposed sévère ré- strictions on thé évidence he would consider at thé héaring. Coîbourné décided it was flot; within bis' juriediction té deal with any matters involving an environmental impact study, pro- vincial wetlands' Hliie* o ownérship Of thé lands. During Monday's héaring, Tito's lawyér Doniald Hindson admitted thé ruling "causéd us to, do a 180-dégrée turn.» Hindson said thé fénce pro- posaI. was accepted as a com- proisébeausé of uncértainty abut thé éffectivenesa of plant- inge. of "unfrièndlUy végétation' servig asbarrièr té, prèvént pepie and doméstic animaIs from entering thé marsh. Whilé thé settlémént did not pléase SIX, théré was nothing thé mmup could do téstop it. ehn thé 0MB appéals wèré filéd, LM had not y et béen legilyincorporatéd and did not have officiaI standing before thé board. SLàM eubsequently réceived 'party' statue, aIoig it té, pro- duce évidence and cross-examiné witnéssea, but it did not havé thé full rèférral rights énjoyéd by Tité andthé Eggérts. SLàM chair Pat Pérkins trièd to Cursu e thé mattér with Col- urne, but thé latter eaid hé had no authority té grant it. «Rèferral statue is doné by thé (Durham) Régi'on. You havé party statue, thats as far as I cmn go," hé said. Although SLM can caîl wit- néssèsi a final attémpt té, convinoe Cobourne té,mom-f thé zoning bylaw permitting thé Rose dévelopment, Perkins al but concéded their efforts will bé futile. She complained té, Coibourne that thé appeal process and hie attémpts to médiate thé disputé prior té thé hearing wére flawed. 'For John Q. Public té go through this, thé cost is phéno- menai, said Pèrkins, èstirnating that néarly $70,000 has been sent by SLM and its members on legal and consulting fées. "It e not a matter of being 100 pe r cent critical, but what's facéd bySLM is not wh;at wè want té, sée thé public faced with in thé future,» shé said. Pérkins then suggestéd that Coîbourne use hie influence within thé 0MB to make thé system easier for "ordinary citi- zens» té fight «powerful» inter- este. Whén Coîbourne said that is a subject to bé dealt with byeoliti- cians and not appointed o icials such as himself Perkins said that was part of tË problem. "'It seéme we are deflnitely fightinq a losing proposition,» she said. Méaniwhile thé héaring was té havé résuméd Tuesday. SLM mémbér Tom Moore was one of those schéduled té give évidence, but évén hé admitted it may bé a waste of time. "Iwouild hope hé (Coîbourné) will listen and incorporate some of our concerne inté thé con- ditions of approval,» said Moore, SLM has consisténly main- tainéd that provisions contained in thé environméntal manage- ment plan such as a buffer zoné betwéén thé mareh and dévélop- ment and thé barriér plantinga are inadéquate. ito, who has forméd her own --OD .Concérnéd Citizene for lýn e Mareh -- said a court callénge of Colbourne's décision on thé 120-mètre eetback was considered. "But that would havé béén expéneive. We had no time and no money," seésaid. Ito said thé fence compromise was "thé béat we have to, work with» and is hopéful that it and othêr conditionis such as thé removal of 15 lots on the western portion of thé dévélopment té créate a wider open space zone will be effective. AdvertisernentA1 -'Life lin Ageement with NaZtitire Victoriaville is a private prestigious enclave, a rustie retreat just a stroli from downtown Whiltby. Victoriaville, you see, bas been dedicated to the preservation of its natural habitat. There is a stream, teaming with aquatic wildlife, and trees that will continue to play host to our bird population. The homes in Victoriaville will boast gorgreous and spectacular vistas. And yet, despite its gjenteel, country lifestyle, Victoriaville is just a few steps frorn ail that matters. .emergency healthcare, shopping, dining. s entertainrnent and activities. Victoriaville. ..what a perfect location for active 50 year olds and better, for emptyniesters. for first time buyers. for seniors, and foir fam-illes. Living well is the best revenge. Go ahiead.... jump for joy. Get hooked on the anticipation of your stress-free new life. Anticipate your communion with nature... from- your own luxuious, private and m-osi natural habitat. Information is 1 - available by calling - (905) 666-0255 or by dropping by the spectacular model homer in the A&P Plaza across frorn Walrnart or Mc Donaids on Thickson Road. South of Hwy 2. The Victoriaville Mansions: Where the conveniience of the city meets the cornforl of the country. The Victoriaville Mansions: Excellence without companison. "Evéry roadblock has been put i SLM'B way. It started with Ruth Grier.» Thé comment was a référence D to th fomerOntario environ- ment minister's decision exempt- ing thé Lyndé Shores projet fom an énvironmiental asses- ment. Griér féit an environmiental manýagement plan prépared ini conjunction with the proposai was sufficient to proteet thé »marsh from thé impact of déve- Perkins thén wént: on to cité the history of ownership of thé Rosé landsa and while she was careful not té mention any spéci- fie namés shé charged that some individuals made exorbitant pro- fit S. "Ail of this was happening whilé it was goizlg through thé approval process," Perkins clai- med. When Perkins hinted that a "previous membér of provincial parliamient» may have been in- volved and that a '>Judicial in- quiry» is warranted, Pose Corp. lawyer Stanley Stein jumped up. "Thèse are slandèrous alléga- tions » declaréd an angry Stein. iboune concurréd and told Pérkins hée would not listen té remarks of that nature. Following the adjournment of Monday's session, Perkins said she would not elaboraté on hier comments at this timé. But éarliér she téld réporters that SLM may appeal Col- bourne's ruling té the courts. "We have té, make a déter- mination of whéthèr wé have enough évidence and money.» Police look into fraud dlaim Policé are investigating after a man who said hé used té, work for a local néwspaper's ad departmént paseed a bad chèque at a Whitby grocèry stéré. Thé suspect téldl a cashièr a t Bill's No %Ilîs, 303 Brock St. S., that hé had Ibat hie wallét while glifing, Baye Insector Walter "Hé advised her that'hé uséd to séIl advertising té No Frilîs through Oshawa This Week and asked thé lady té do hlm a favour by procèssingla pereonal chèÊque for $100," H all says. Thé chenue bouncéd, says Hall, who adds thé identification given by thé suspect indicates Cepsm thé Clarigton area. Policé are invéstigating thé possibility thé suspect has pullèd DATED at TORONTO this 25th day of May, 1995. SUSAN E DUNN Board Secrotary 9~ ~i ENVIRONMENTAL APPEAL BOARD Notice of Wlthdrawal and Cancellation of Hearlng IN THE MATTER 0F Sections 137, 140 and 144 of the Environmental Protection Act as amended, -and- IN THE MATTER 0F an application b y The Repional Municipality of Durham and Courtice Auto Wreckers Lmmited dated August 2, 1994, for a hearing before the Environmental Appeal Board with respect to condition 23 on Certificate of Approval #H120100009-02 for an organic waste management system issued by the Director, section 39, Environmental Protection Act, Central Region, Ministryof Environment and Energy. Condition, 23 states: The aplicant shall forthwith reimburse the Crown for costs incurrèd by the Crown to retain a f ull time Provincial Officer as defined under the Act who shaîl be responsible.for: a) monitoring com pliance. with the conditions of the Provisional Certificate of Approval No. Hi120100009-03 for this Organic Waste Management System including Orçanic Soil Conditioning Sites iisted in Scheduie uBu which is attached to and forms part of this Certif icate; b) monitoring the installation of ail works and ongoin site management and opérations throughout thé life of this program; c) reporting to thé District Manager on ail incidents of non- compliance with the regulations, the conditions of the Provisional Cértificaté of prval No. H120100009-03, the Environmentai Prot eio ct R.S.O. 1990, the 0ntario Water Resources Act, R.S.0. 1990, the Pestkides .Act, R.S.0. 1990, other applicable legisiation and thé approvéd design, opérations and monitoring documents; and d) participating on any relevant Citizen's Advisory Committeé. On May 25, the applicant withdréw the abové-noted appeai. Therefore, thé héaring scheduled to be héld on June 5, 6 and 7, 1995 in thé Council Chambers, Régional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario has beén cancelied. Thé Board no longer has jurisdiction 'in this matter and has closed its files.

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