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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 27

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whihby Fr.. Prees Weckiesday, June 7. 1995, Paie 27 FlaIherty the faivou rite at sohool forum By Mark Reesor If Anderson CVI Grade 12 and OAC students who attended a- recent all-candidates' debate are any indication, 1(1k. Harris a nd te PC. will coast to an easy victory tomorrow. Ninety one students who've reached voting age cast their ballots ini a mnock élection im- miediately after the debate Thuraday between Durham Centre aniatsDrummond White (NDP), PpwgrsieCon- servative Jim Flaherty and Liberal Alan Furlong. Sixty-seven studeints (74 per cent) voted for Flaherty, 13 stu- dent (14 oe cnt) for Furlong and 121 (1§ per cent) for White (pernntagesrounded off). Flahertyr was frequently inter- rupted by ap _as, drawing the loudeet cheoe wh.n h. men- tioned the Tories promise te end hiring .?qotas and institute wokaefor those on welfare. H. promised a Harris govern- ment would reduce the. number of MPPsand thefr pensions and eut pwvernent programs while leavinç health car., classm eduatonand Iaw enforcement budgets intact. Furlon warned students that tethe &et ameration that can t aepfr. teL better than their parents becaune "there are geoproseed a J4yn, McLeod government would work te gt the economy moving, create i and support education and train- ams. Mlff-tesaid hie govern ment has made the difficuit choices, cut- ting spendinj while maintaining "qaiypublic servie«. -While promising- a Bob Rae government ol balance the operating budget in two years, he warned that if his opponents deliver the spending cuts their leaders have promised, "there ain't going te be much left.» Il. candidates were peppered with questions fromn a panel of five political science students and the audience. Can the Conservative policy of workfare be compared te forced slavery wondered one student. "No, ýbcas no one ia forced te accept the cheque,» Flaherty replied, arguing that there was no reason "able-bodied people» cOllecting welfare couldn t work for that money. The Conservatives plan te "simplyceut off» those on welfare who won articipate in their "Ladies and gentlemen, ifyou do that, the inner cities will b decimated (and) you will have people commng through your win- Convocation on Saturday Guest speakers at the 19 95 uirham College convocation dow because they're hungry ... » Workfare doesn't mean a job or a pay cheque, argued WVhite, "It means sweeping streets... and taking jobs of education assis- tantes(and teachers in the schoola. "Are you not aware you're making it inadverténtly harder for white males te get jobs?" a student asked White. "Isnt it a given that the employer will hire whoever's best for. the job regardless of race, religion,cre or clourr» Thue NDP %i. siply movin1,UP the yardstick so that MY chil en - my son i. white _ will b. able te compete with someone elses son on an equal footing... if a 100 people are hie and your com- munity i. 10 per cent black or 50 per cent women, why wouldn't your hiring practices reflect the communi>y? Whites answer undercuts his position that the NDP doesn't supprjo quotas and numeri- cal tres argued Furlong, who pointeteo an ad from the atter- nLygeneral s depar ent which staedwhtemen ne= not apply; «that tells it ail - that has te b. changed.' Furlong's answer differs from McLeold's position, naid Flaherty, reading from a newspaper aricle in wluch McLeod i. quoted as saying employers «would be for- ced by law te prepare a manda- tory employment equity plan, be3ett u irn oasor mem- ber ofdesgnaedgroupe. "W. think that's wrong..to pple wo don't get hiredand it'. wrong te people who do because alays there's someone behindthi back saying 'Lou got hired because youre a member of a minori1 V. not bec-ause you deserve it. UNIVERSITY of Troronto professor of psy- chiatiy Dr. Ron Clavier spoke to Arierson CVI students as part of Addiction Preven- tion Week. Events were organizedl by OAC geudents. Photo by M" kRossas, WhIlby Free Press Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARYSCHOOL Tums past week at Sinclair lias been an eventful on.Tue week was fllled with many events such as MOGA Madness, Flesta Day, a trip te 'Joseph," the, Grade 9 trip te the Blue Jay gnm., and our flrst LOSSA chamnpionship. rd 1k. to congratulute aur inidget boys! rugby teain on their flrst LOSSA championship. The boys defeated Port Penny 13-10 in the final gaine te capture the chaznpionship. Good luck in DYSSA competition. On the fleld, 43 girls took part in field lacrosse this season. '7he Rookieà! showed the LOSSA PRINGLE CREEK'S junior and senior bands gave a concert recently at the league they are a force te b. reck- oned with by posting a record of 26 wins, seven ties, min. Iqsses. The. girls won two junior varsity tournaments, the Albert College tournament and their own Sinclair invitational tournament. Ail 43 girls participated and played with ,nthusiasm and deterniination. Coaches Curtis and Rozon are very proud 0f-ail the. players and look forward te an exciting spring 0f fleld lacrosse next year. Tii. Grade 9 trip te the Blue Jay gae. and the trip te 'Jos.ph' were both wonderful extperiences for everyone involved. sohool. Senior band drummer CQus Dok- torcikç is shown during a performance. Phtoi by Mark Rossa, WNItby Free Prous Last Wednesday, Sinclair'. first Fiesta Day, was held. Tii. fashion ahow, dances, exluibits, food and music were ail excellent ~reentations of alkidnd of ture. le -name-writing bootha were quit. popular. The. .thnocultural coenmittee did an excellent job preparing eetig for the. event. Thi. food was deliclous, even the susI and donuta. MOGA at Sinclair! Look out, her. cornes Sinclair Secondary te, challenge the rest of the. country's high ichools in our attemt to dlaim the national titI.MG madness i. the National Youth Active Living Challenge for Most Outrageous Group activity. MOGÂ was te b. held today (June 7) fio= 10:50 te, 11:15. Over 600 students and staff were te, take part. Tii. theme was MOGA Madness Mornin Mayhem.' ii. event consista o activities associated with waking up in the morning. The. entir. population of Sinclair was to participate in a morning of music, dancing and having a great time. The students, were te begin with a KellosCarm Pope breakfast in T S; in the paring! lot, a giant morning activity with a variety 0f stretches actions and dances. MOGA'. goals is te associate health, physical education, recreation and dance in a morning of fun.. This event was mnspired by a Canadian FItness Survey showing the. percentage 0f Canadian youth who reaclu recommended fitness levels drops fr-om 96 per oent at 7.13 te 40 per cent by the end o1dlescence.' Congratulations te, Nick Ra. who won a certificat. 0 f distinction in a recent math contest. Nick placed within the top 25 per cent 0f the contest. Surmmer school information i. now available in student services. Remedial and -acceleration courses will be offer.d at Ajax I-ih School and O'eill coegiat. !JJ

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