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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 6

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page 6, WhlbiFe msWdneddyJune i,~9 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY »'_________ COMMUNITY NEW$PAPER CICUATON NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as welI as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERFED WVEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GST Pubtished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: .1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycied content using vegetabîe based inks. CAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by a ny means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and, is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shoutd bear a credit lme to the Whitby Free Press. Watertront 'feel' has been disrupted To the edilor: Re: Construction ad the Whitby dock. 1 have nover seen such arrogance, disruption and lack of acesta emengency services, and the negative impact, a feeling of suppression ta the style and deinafOur habur waterfrant dockkng facilties, a place thai is supsd ta bo a pole place. What1h. Tow;"of hitby has doreis la ff ectively remove accesîbility for the dsabled who were once 'able ta drive their vehicles to the waterfnont dock. Maybs some counicil memburs are unaware thai many seniors and disabled people were once able ta drive ta the harbour ta f ish and many ta pass lime watching the y achts moving in and out of the harbour, while marry came ta write artiles, and others just ta read. Our Whitby council, in thein wlsdom, has remnoved healthy, sociloicai, inexpensive pleasures once snjoyed noi anly by yaung people but aiso by the disabled and senior citizens of the tawn, including many fram Oshawa and Toronto. The quarnied stan. walI planted within 10 feet of the sidewalk should bu moved back 50 or more feel ta aliow movement af vohicles, and parking would accomplish what was there in the f irai place. Why should ws accept a fancy winding path just ta accommodais bicycles thai conrtmite no tax dollars ta traffîc raad cost and bidges? Please give back whai: we had belons, irncludin a paved parking lot on the watlerrnt. Shauld council have problems rewarking this major project, then 1 suggsst thsy contait one of aur Whilby public schois. The stdnt ill bu pieased ta give the public works department some needed advice. D.D. Stewart Whitby Just enforce the Iaw To the edilor: The Worona famnily must bu commendid for thein continued efforts ta move authorities an the issue of transport safety. They have thousands ai names on a petition toa spport the cause. Thousands af names were collecled ln support 0f 1he Whitby General Hlospital and Lynde R4ash crusades. Time wil tell just how effective this approach will bu but the prognosis is not good. Perhaps sronger action is requirod. On. novel idea would bu la enforce th. Hlghway Trait ic Act. As many people who travol th. 401 wvill agies, trucks spesd and they lailgato. tiow about getting some of 1he OPP cruisers oui from 1h. parking lot et 1h. 'Whitby station and begin enforcing the laws that already exist. Thsrs are enough negulations on transport safety ai the moment ta fi a book the size af a large phone book. Wo don't need more studios, we need action and penhaps 1he next lime someone is injured on kiled by a truck, the survivars shauld take action against the ministry concenned. That mght gai people's attention if ail else fais. Leonard Arthur Whitby Viewp*i.n Make 'informed' choice By Paul Pagnusia The Ontario Taxpayers Federation Thé time for eleclion hype and fonce sitting is aimost aven. Afler weeks of hearing from the palitical spin doctars and polling experts, Ontarians are now faced -with the democratic responsibilfty of deciding which poiftical party can best run aur province aven the course af the nexi four ta f iv. years. On June 8, we go ta the polIs tao lect aur next provincial gomerment. The choices are many but making the right ans is far from easy. Do we vote for ans af the three major parties, ans of which we know wili' form the next gomerment? Wiil it bu Bob «Make Na Pmomise Ras and his governing NDP party? How about Lyn Mceod and her eLittle Red Book 2w Liberals, or Mike Harins and his Common Sense* PCs? By now mast *0f us have narrawed our choîces and weedsd aut those parties we won't be voting for. But before coming to a f inal decisian, it might be worthwhiîs to rot led for a moment and to think back to what made up aur minds in past elections. The chances are gaad that we've ail been disappointed at ans lime or another with the party or candidae we decided ta, vote for. AIl too oflen what we thaught we were gettinig, wasn't what we ended up with. For exampie, in the ies federai eleclian was your decisian infiuenced by those expensive image building campris and the sîuk radia and TV as? Or perhaps it was based an nostaigia -- a longing for the ugaad aid days" and the party in power ai the time. How about family tradition? Where you've always stuckç with the same aid party because that's the way yaur parents voted. Maybe it was the charisma af the party leader ar the local candidate -- the full head of hain, the cute smie, the "pressing of f lesh* which won over yaur vote. Ornwere yau swayed by media biases -- the oditariai views of newspapers who tnaditionally have aligned themseives with the ideology of a particular political party? Experience has shown that if wo continue ta choose from amang these superficial criterma, we most certainly wiIl gel the govennment we deserve, whuch may not be the government we need or want. On J une 8, we need ta make an informed decision based on objective and comparable criteria. To thre editr.,., THE NOTAWSAGA TRIP How about Club Ed?- To the editor: Re: 'Councllors defend need for seminar ai Nottawasaga,' Free Press, May 31 Mike Kowalsk's article about 1he Durham Reglan staff and councillors' seminar put great mpasis on the location for 1h. metng. I wonder if Club Ed was consldered as a possible location. Club Ed, I learned, is thé name given <by many of 1h. local polilicai candidates) ta 1he sumptuous Durham Board of Education, hsadquarters building. In 1he cost justification for this building, an incarne potontiai was indicated from renting oui parts af the facility. More important than -location is the meeting agenda which wiil focus on long-range planning. This would bu an excellent management procesa particularly in these tims of changlng government piorities, focus and reven ue-sharing. As memburs af the Region management team, participation in this session by staff and councillors should bu mandatory and focused (no phono cail intorruptions). W. need thoir leadership and participation in this essential Make themn sandwiches To the edItor: I arn looki*gfor volunteers. The Fre.ePtess article (May 31). *Couneiibors defend need for somia adNotlawasuaastades wA two-day bnainstonm session for rei ianal cauncillors and senior staff Wil b. hsld ai 1he popular meort in Alliston, northeast ai Toronto. The nexi paragraph says the session wiIl casi $5,000. .Furthen in 1he article, Mayor Edwards le quoted as saying "OW. gaI about 60pep1oinvlved and 1 dan't know whad th. requirements- are, i haven't looked." If Ihese figures are right, aven if ail 60 people are not slaying overnighl for the Juno 14-15 seminar, R wilI cost the taxpayens a mere $8333 per persan atending, for accommodation. This lse ns hof a a deal. But ai thle price 1 find Rt hard ta imagine food and beverags could .bu included. Wauld anyone cars ta donate or volunteen ta help make sandwiches. Gene Peacock Whltby meeting. Art Murcott Ashburn Grow up To 1he edllor: Re: 'Gouncflilons defend noed for seminar aI Nottawasaga,' Free Piss, May 31 Another new cà uncil, aniother resontidaitaxpayers' expenso. Five thousand dollars is not much monoy in the, big picturs? Vos,# i l. ft il my tax dollar paing for councillors la go ta aa nice resort. Again, 1h. noasanings. .Thon. won't bu phono interruptions and people leaving in the middle ai a meeting -- g rawup, guys. Have a secrelary tako a message or take 1h. phono off 1h. hok Show somo discipline and stay fon a full seminar. You are getling paid for il. f we don't havo 1h. facilities in Durham 10 use, perhaps we aro not as big and important ta go ta Ihese seminars in 1h. first place. ht is a disgusting wasle of taxpayena' money. Gord Woodcock Whilby

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