Mitchell irked Whltby Frse Pnss, Wsckssay, Jknie 21 signi bylaweepi By Mike Kowalsl "Signe, signe, everywhere signs...breakig up the scenery, Mlwngm minde went the refainothFive Man Electri- cal Bandes bit song of 20 years "but according to Whitby coun- cillor Don Mitchell, the words are juat as relevant today. On Monday, the north ward rersntative took umbrage wihyt another request from a local business for an exemption to the municipality's sign hylaw Mitchell told -,a meeting of Town council'. planning and developmnent committeo thÎat* too many similar requesta were heing recommended-by planning department staff. «Why do we have a sign bylaw if we don't follow it?' Mitchell inquired as committee con- sidèred a request from Pioneer Petroleum for a minor variance to the bylaw. The three-part staff recom- mendation would allow Pioneer slightly larger signe than the hy lw permits to advertise its food court and gas bar at Paisley Court and Consumer Drive. "Were being signed to death in this commu ,wo're eng~ in sign wars,' complamed M-lt- chell. "They don't serve any useful purpose and most are tacky and offensive," ho chargod.' Mitchell argued that the hylawv specifications should only ho wai- yod when «exceptional circurn- stance? warrant it. For examp1e, geographic loca- tion or hamoers may necessitato giiga business some addi- tiniMviibility" Mitchell said, but <that's. not the case ini this instance." Mitchell claimed staff were too amenable to a business' request. "I don't know if rv. ever seen staff ooelooehosaid. .P à onilr aclBrunelle, committee chair, defended the department, saying staff often reject sign variancerequesta but council would have no knowledge sinco only the ipernutted ones reacèh the council floor. «What goos through the' dep.artent and what cornes to us are quite different, he said. "It's not fair and not accurate,» Brunelle termed Mitchell's remarks. However, councillor Joe Drumm foît Mitchell made "sense" and councillor Shirle Scott said she also "wondere about the number of requests. "We do look at a lot of them," said Scott But the chair would not ho swayed. "Ive hieard Peple at this table criticize star or not hein g flexible,» said Brunelle. <'Hère we have a'.fà irlyr signifi- cant enterprise commggim which Mr. (planning- director Bob) Short tried to accommodato with.- out heing too far off the bylaw;, ho said. "I doW't think that's heen taken into account.» Mitchell countered that council was possihly forcing staff into this poiton hy adhering to an outdated bylaw. 'WI thats the case, thon w. should corne forward with a general ainendment to change EA RL Y TREATMENT CENTRE For treatment or prevention Pioneer Petroleum's request will go to council next Monday without direction froma commit- tee. Brunolleand Scott supported the recommendation while Mit- chell and Drumm were opposed. CALL (905) 725-5055 1614 Dundas St. E., Whitby ESSENTIAL HAIR DESIGN Ar4JD L SUNTANNING STUDIO Suu STANNI BOOK 200 IV FOR ONLYS5 200 MINUTE 43 1121 0E F Offering ail insolvency services Coincluding personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA c122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 ....... Saturday & evening appointmnents available. FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH You can entrust your child's care to Wee Watch. Reliable, supervised day care at a home in your neighbourhood. *Sale, comfortable environments *Stîmulating daily programs *Trained, professional Pro viders * RelIiable local back-up for Pro vider's holidays or illness *Complete insurance cove rage *Incarne tax receipts supplied a Monthly home inspections and, we wefcome full or part-time care for chîidren from 6 weeks of age! For information Cali: W e IienedWatch® 686-39%5N o "c Compare the ~supno prfrane f us s syur seinry odk.1 SHOULDER PAIN? SEE YOUR LOCAL PHYSUOTHERAPIST --------------------------