Whhlby FmsePum, Wchnesdy, June 21, 1996 Page 13 ufBROOKIIN}g Strawberries event next Wednesday nigeht W SueveLeahy Tii Brooklih United Church Womenvés popular 1Strawberries in Grass Park' wil ho held on Wednesday evening, June 28, startJing ai 7 p.m. For sirawberries,ý ice cream, entertainineni and good friends, admiiéoeina $4 for adults and $2 for ida under 12. Preachooer are frme.. Tikets are available frorn a UCW member or by cafling 655-8025 or 655-4141, or cmn b. obtained the. evening ofithe social. Grass Park in located ai, the cSornr <Cassoas Lad Easi and Rin location in the United Church hall. SROSES Nexi Wednesday tihe Brooklin Hotiuturl Society welcomes ail rose-loyers te fistien te, the wisdom cf AI and Jean Fous.-- re-grnern extraordinare. Thyllsow you how you can grow fabulous roses and rake in the moe"lata rose and flower show.. The. soieiy will also have a show of roses, early flowers and T~hemeeting starta at 8 p.m. l r enge wiil hoat the Muoni M onCasSsla Ld East -- jusi acrose from the Unite~d Church.,' Fr. admission and ailar welcome. rILDRENOS CILUB RE1MNDER This Saturday morning the librazy will show the movie iThe' Litile Mermaid.' h tarte ai 10:30 SUMMER LIIBRARY PROGRAM The main branch in Whitby is offering some excellent thinga te do for idi aged 6 te 12 -- especially duning ihose difficuli first weeks of summer holidays. For example: On Thursday morning, July 6, chldren w:l% Ioarn about the. ancieni North American native peoples art of lu îtatoe&"Margaret Cornfoot spirit of their, aort nmlt 1f. on the. surface of a atone. SSounds fascinating. Other activities include drama and puppet workahopasiorytlling, music and.songwriting. The Brooklin branch has a brochure outlining the. timea and detaila regarding programa. Children must b. registered te attend, so cail the main branch ai 668-6531. BROOKLIN OPTEMISTTENNIS The Optimist Club of Brooklin will run a 1 three-week instructional tennis program on Thursdays, 6:30 te 8:30 p.m., starting on July 6. Eighi youths aged 9 te 13 will receive professional instruction te learn ail the fundamentals for only $5. Applicants are available ai Brookllin Bulletin Signs (corner of Way and Baldwin). SUMMER IN THE FOREST Once again -the Central Lake O>ntario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) is running their Earth 'Keepers Day Camp ai EnniAkillen Conservation Aiea. The day campera willi do pond and atreain studi's, go hiking and orienteering, learn to track aunmais ,and identify insecte as weil as play games and make crafts. There are eighi one-week sessions to choose from and a inùximum of 40 campera aged ive to 12. The cost is $90 per child. Enniakillen is a 15-minute drive east of Broolin. Cail CLOCA ai 579-0411 te register or for more info. à 9 StwZLmhysoedam. p It9604.998or & qb6 q (f6'cl Dancing 1n the streets -at 'carnival. There will ho dancing in the sfreets July i1 ai the County Town Carnival. A sireet dance, comiplote with disc jockey, is planmed for down- The Whitby Public Uibrary board will hosi a celebrity auction on July 1, 7 p.m., as pari of the County Town Carnival celebrations. Celebrities have been invited te donate meniorabilia, and some will ho malcing an appearance. Ail proceeds will go towards the joint community projecis sponsored by the carnival weekend, which include the new library building projeci and the arena projeci. Rosidents' can write a choque for the new library building project, either as a donation, or as an accepted bid on an auctioned item. To donate an item te the auction, éither as a iodai celebrity, or as a representative item of some weil-known person (auuhor, sports, hero, politician, oic), cail 668-6541, ext. 29 and beave a message. Ail donations of items muai ho regisiered hofore June 23. KATS to be performed Ilh. casi of KATS (Kid Actera That Sing) will ho performing songe froni popular inusicals of the last decade live ai the Whtby Courthouse Theatre July' 1. The performnances will take place on the Iawn of the Cenien- niai Building from noon te 5 p.m.; Courthouse Theatre mom- hors will also offer tours of the theatre. KATS, which has a cast of 50, ia hing presenied ai the theatre thisTh1ursday te, Saturday, beffinni gat 7:30 p.m. Ticketsî are availabie at Lafon- tain. Tradin g Post, 116 Dundas Street West. iown Wihtby Saturday night from 8p.m. to 1la.m. U Lv. music will ho featured on a stage set up ai the four corners (Dundas and Brock streets) ear- lier ini the day. Six groupa are scheduled to perform between moon and 6 ýj m.; two of thein, Johari's Win- ol'and «TMe Brown' will com- pete in the Battie of the Bandsata Soccer City that evening. "We're trying te cater te ail age brackets,» notes Town parka and recreation di*étor Larry' Mor- row. «It's a reai variety.» The other performers will ho .The Sweet- Adelines,' 'Barber Jayees invite parade participation *The. Whitby Junior Chamber of CoenmereW4Jayesm invites com- munity grops and individuals to, regiater te participate i the second annual Canada Day Parade te ho heid by Jayces on July i. Everyone in attendance i. encouraged te bring, a Canadian Iflags preferaby one which i. h-oenemDe Tlu parade wil begin ai 10 a.m. ai Cochrane Street and Dundas Street Wesi and procoeed eas on Dimdas Street, thon turn south on Brock Street and conclude ai Rotary Park. For more information, contact Aine Bradfield, parad chair, Whitby Jayeesai 668-1529 (phone) or 668-5424 (fax). and Watson Knucklea' and Sunahine.' wl ~UkratCuts Quality Haircare Affordable Prices HAIRCUT After2:3Opm $00O SPECIAL until 7:OOpm 16 PERMVS $25.00 and up COLOURS $25.00 SPIRAL PERMS $55.00 and up34 MON. TO FRl. 9:00 - 7:00 - SATURDAY 900 -6:GO 209 DNA T . HTY PSOFFICE (IN THE WHrTBY OORPORATE CENTRE) 0 HWY02 DUNDAS (ACROSS FROM POST OFFCE L1 Spend Canada Day aât the CRV v 'A M: MJa m ll6 i(ai DOWNTOWN DISCOUNT HOBBIES Planes -, Trains - R.C. Cars Rackets Plastic Models - POGS *Role Playing Games 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 430-2236 I NUTRIT(ON CENT:RE[tNC. ~ .......... 121 Brock Street North (just N. of the four corners) p rhs, SOPEN MONDAY vr TO SATRDA plussta O NL $1 e'9 moth resdenial Duo' 'Brasa 'Mo, iayn and 'I