Pag e8, WMhy Fr0. Pros, Wodnesday, June 21,* 199 *hi usine Russians inspeci Durham homesaç Q UI TE AN ACHIEVEMENT CHRISTEEN McCaIIum of Whitby was named overali achiever of the year for 1994-95 and won a $500 scholarship at the awards banquet held recently by Junior Achievement of Durham Region. She was president of Devilish Creations, an Oshawa JA company sponsored by General Motors, that was named top company. Presenting the award is Bert Bricknell of GM. Photo by Peter Nilas, Whltby Free Press More sessions for economic strategy Am me.'wi1 b. held tomor- row (IhrMay) night in Whitby as part of tiié third stage in a seres of consultation sessions that make up the development of an economic plan for Durham RbF*n.. Abut 90 groups have so, far participated intii. sessions held by the-Durham Régon Economic Development Adviaory Commit- tee. Tih. third series of meetinqs je focused on "ideas and actions for economic development. Tii. Whitby meeting, one of three in the third stage, willbe held at the. Centennial Building on Centre Street South, 7:30 to ;fý;ýnirmattendance at the. meeting or to obtain copies of notes of meetings thus far held, cl Elaine Johnston at 723-0023. Worker injured in construction accident A 28-year-old Baileboro mian was rushed to Oshawa General Hospital with spinal injuiîe9 after an industrial accident in Whitby Juzie 8. Police say the. man waa work- ing for Rýaymzar Construction, i- stalling form walls for a concrete basement on Ardwick Street, when one of the walls fell on him. H. was freed by fellow workers and suffered a number of broken bones, police say. The victim has since been transferred ta St. Josph's Hospi- tal in Peterborough. Te Ontario Ministry of Labour je investigat- ing the. accident. Today, a delegation of Russian officialsis jeviai'* a construction site in Durham Région te learn more about Canadian home construction techniques, heating technology and other advances in home-bulit methods. Canada je recognized around the world as the. leader in home constructon technology and the. R-2000 pregrm inpartcular je used as a inoe =m unvia to Japan. ii. Rusaan delegation je comprised of government officiais and engfineering/construction- corp rtion prosidente and is .uppoeted by -the Canadian embassy ini Moscow. Their visit te Ontario. includes la stop at a houa. being buIlt by Kassinger Construction in Coutic. Kassinger was asked by the. provincial R2000 progrm management office teshowcasfe nmre of their homes under constructon. Ii. homes visitedb the delegation include one t ia:j being specially tailored for a disabled client and features many accessible features including an elevater and an advanced home electromics netwoe'k. Other advanced features include a new heating system that combines both hot water and space heating and a futuristic heat recoveiy ventilation system which detects indoor pollutants and extracts them. Kassinger Built Homes were honoured wilth. the provincial 'Best R-2000 Home of the. Yeai? in 1994 by the. Ontario Home Bufiders' Association. ANNOUNCEMENT Sarah Stones, Barbara Marsden and Carol-Anne Kendall of Carson Wagonlit Wliitby , ., welcome their Marlin Travel clients ta visit them ln their new Carson Wagonlit office at 3050 Garden St. Marlin Travel now Carsion Wagonlit. On June 16, 1995 Carlson Wagonlit Travel announced that Marlin Travel Whitby, Ajax, and Pickering has joined their Canadian Associate Program. A well known and respected agency which has been in business for 10 years, Marlin Travel with this association will bring to its business and leisure travellers a host of new benefits supported by leading edge technology and world-class standards of quality and value from airline tickets to hotel rooms, car rentaIs and vacation packages. Marlin Travel will retai n their ownership status, but gain increased regional presence and g reater purchasing power through Carlson Wagon lit Travel network. "We welcome Marlin Travel Whitby, Ajax,- and Pickering as a new Associate into Carlson Wagonlit Travel network," commented Alan Bromfield, Managing Director, Carlson Wagonlit Travel. "We benefit from having new partners in more local communities in Canada, and our Associate Agencies benefit from being part of our global travel enterprise. The benefits to the consumer are tremendous in terms of access to information and competitive pricing, while retaining the local spirit and relationships with the community." P. Lawson Travel was founded in 1931 in Calgary, Alberta, acquired Voyages Bel-Air in 1967 and Carlson Travel Group assumed controlling interest in both in 1983, with subsequent ownership in Harvey's Travel Limited in 1986. There are currently 126 branch offices coast-to-coast serving Canada, now operating as Carson Wagonhit Travel. Carlson Travel Group, a part of Minneapolis- based Carlson Companies, Inc. signed a merger agreement with Paris-based Wagonlit Travel, and off icially formed the new mega-agency, Carlson Wagonlit Travel on JuIy 7, 1994, becoming the largest travel management company in the world, with over 4000 locations. This new alliance, would be of particular interest to corporations, for it has set the stage to deliver consistent travel management products on an international scale, and embodies a management information system to foster joint financing of technological ventures, and the creation of a new world standard for the future. "We are looking forward to a mutually satisfying association that will amount to savings and enhanced services to our clients," states Carol-Anne Kendall, Manager of Carsion Wagonlit Travel, Whitby. Whitby Town Square 3050 Garden St. Whitbye 666-8266 Pickering Village 109 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax. -683-8411 Super Centre 1792 Liverpool Rd. 831-8411 Carison Wagonlt Travel" Formerly Marlin Travel Perfrmace ompuersAt fforabl PrcesFor information contact: PeirfmmceQmpuers fforbTe flLï S fcude srs t-bIne sfhsase lites* Encartsa'95 Golf vi O Works 30 Oangrous Crealures Money Seanas. 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The (Pc ono s a trademark of 3D Mieroconpulers tMonnot not ehiglble lof on-st setrce. COn-St serviceis flot anaîlablo inait ameas nf Canada. Poces ad configuration subject 10 change wrthout notice. Pc' Local B us Now Standard _ J -~ ~ b' * ~ .