Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wechiosday, June 28, 1995 HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD.. Cail 668-6111. Ads piaced by Monday at nmon wîll be pubished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save money! Or, prepay with your VISA card when piading the ad. Fax your ad to us at 668-0594. Please enisure you provide ail pertinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S1I. Ads should be mailed to arrive by Monday at noon., You can enclose your payment, or provide billing information. / l , N. 'I bpo We're open 9 arn to 5 prn, Monday to Friday. Place your ad by Monday at noon for Wednesday publication. If your can't make i: ln diiring office hours, we have a mail slot to the Ieft of our front door. CAREERS I un. - . - > M -- -- -- - -- -- - .. AR..............NE... I FOR A CAREER IN micro-computer applications, Durham College's 38 week Automated Office Certificate provides a comprehensive program in office procedures, accounting business communications % micro-computer applications. The next5pogam starts September I1, 199e .Ls caîl 721-3300. 1 A **-fvatiig or HOW MUCH IS YOUR time worth? Don't waste hours figuring ou t how to use your computer. F or fast, customized training and support cal Compeng Associates 725-5407. RESUME & REPORT TYPING printed on 600 DPI laser printer. Great selection of parchment & specialty paper availabte. Cal SpeBuysiness Centre I :1: Y. A a IL: W 0 J- *M I LARGE SQUARE bailing $4.5OIbail - hay or straw. Also round bailing - wet or dry. Cal Mark (9<15) 985-7568 or Wells (905) 985-9842 DISCOUNT FLYING training for private & commercial pilot licenses, continuous private pilot groundschool. Greenbank Airport 1-905-985-7683. 0 08OHAWAk 0 PRIVINO, SCHOOL 12King St. E. suite #301 Osawa *-728-0091 Fuit Drivers Education Courses JULY 4th to 7th Tues. 4 day course JULY 1llth Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course AUGUST 1lst Tues. 4 day course PRIVA TE LESSONS REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE D.S.A.O. AND O.S.L Paper Products, including j newspaper, comprise 36 per cent of the garbage placed ;a! curbside for - *pickup each week. A Yof it it 13recyclable. .- u GUITAR LESSONS. Ail levels. Ail ages. Accoustic or eiectric. Register now. 666-1979-. KINDERMUSIK 0F WHITBY (ages 3- 5):Give your children a love of music. Much sniqadexposure to ail instruments9 oforchestra. Cail 666-8780. WHITBY SCHOOL 0F MUSIC - piano/keyboard, guitar, voice, violin, fute lessons. Also Kindermusik sages 3-5) Qualifled Teachers. Cal 66-8780, 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby. L'Ecote Française smail adult classes in an informai bu t resulits-orie-nte-d environment $35,0OOIR. INCOME potential. Reading books. Toil Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. R-5365 for details. CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Eam $3001$900 weekly. Year round positions. Hirnng both men/women. Free room and board. Will train. Cail, 24 hrs., 1-504-641-7778, ext.. 142 C-23. EARN UP TO $550 A WEEK - we need people to make jewellery (necklace, bracelet, eamng). Jo b available coast, from your home. No expenience needed. Send a self-addressed stamped envetope to: Kevinchris Corp., 332-5060 Tecumseh Rd. E., Ref.: 139, Windsor, Ontario, N8T ICI. PRECISION' SKATING coach required by the Peterboroug h Blades Precision Organization for the 1995-96 season. Must have Level Il Coaching by February 1996. Please sujbmit resume to Patti Spink, 51 Ki ngswod Drive, Peterborough, K9 6N2. HAVE FUN MAKING EXTRA money as a TV or movie extra! Al ages needed. Cal (905) 428-9756. MOULD MAKER required for Scarborough moulding plant. Experience on hig h precision mould. ONO knowledge an asset. A/C tool room. Min. 5 years exp. Full benefit pkg. Top wages. Day shift. Cali for interview between 9am & 4pm 416-293-1529. Out of school? Out of work? Need money for university? Now taking applications for full and part-time positions selling Dickie Dee ice-cream on the streets of Whitby. Cail Lone at 905-666-9539 $40,00OIYR INCOME potential. Home TypistslPC users. Toil Free 1-800-898g-9778 Ext. T-5365 for listings. REGISTRATIONll SUPERNOVA SUMMER gymnastics, once per week or weekly day camp. Cail 430-1313 for details. FAX YOUR AD 668-0594 CAR~Ame. Laidlaw Transit Ltd., is preparing for the 1995/96 school year. We are looking for school bus drivers ln the Whltby area. Please, app l n person to: 6775 Baldwln St. (Hwy. #12) in Brooklln, Ontarlo or cail (905) 6554411. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON 1 IL. MUUUUUUUU:: L-- EË4