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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jul 1995, p. 21

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Whllby Fr00 Press, Wednesdiay, July 5, 1995, Page 21 1 .... .. . .... ...A..A......D AfE CHLDCAt YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complote lune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery caîl 432-7375. MR. BRUSH - painting and renovations for home or business. Professional, reliable, reasonable, neat, dlean, courteous. Free estimates. Whitby based. Cal 905-571-6453. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Custom Designs - Come seè us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also mens taiioririg available. Tues.-Fni. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, No appointment necessary 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. PAINTER WITH 25 years of experience - exterior painting expertly done. New clients welcome! CalClarence for free estimate 668-5562. RENEW WORKS - we dlean and seal your interiocking brick with our patented, environmentaily friendly products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & decorating by Adnan Pope. Over 23 years experienoe, interior & extenior, walipaper specialist. For your free estimate carIl 655-4254. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, sefications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows, energy conservation. Cal Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. WOOD RENEWERS - make docks, fonces, woodsiding, log structures look like new again. Remnove al weatherinq, stains & paint. Seaier/stain wili not peel or ch ip-l Work guaranteed. 655-3566. ELECTRICIAN LIC. # E-2268. Residentiai, commercial, industrial, 24 hr. service. Free estimates. No job too small. Ail work guarantoed. cail Frank at 905-666-0193. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Repair. Quality work, interior/exterior. Over 20 years ex penonce. No job 100 small. Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. PAINTING - PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & wailpaper. Interior/extenior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too small. For qood pnices & ood work, cali George ai 725-7870. Free estimates. LANDSCAPING - specializing in pruning, ciean-ups lawn & garden care, plantings .Fýree estimates. Reasonable. ticensed & certified iandscaper. Grass cutting & :i in$12 & up. Cali Paul H urst MAC'S HOME Improvoments. Carpentry, iandscapung, decks, fonces, retaining waiis, intortocking brick, eavestrough cleaning, siding cloaning, window cleaning, dryai, painting roofing, .piumbing, eiectrical & fumiture ropaïr, insured, free estimates. Phone 430-2525, pager 721-7321. YOUR AD! 668MO0594 - wood f encing & decks IFREE COMPETI TI VE ES TIMA TES IWritten Guaranteel 1666-96901 The Mutual Group pv~jj HERB TRAN calfor quotation 66-69qb4271 RRJFs ANNITIE _________________ TREE CUTTING & TRUMMING P lease Recycle FuIly lnsured # Free siae This Newspaper pagr 11-7042 MACNEIL'S CUSTOM Upholstery & Refinishing, antiques & modern (repairs). SIrving the Durham area for 25 years. CaRi 430-4585. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine fumifure and cabinetry. Specializ7inQ in entertainment units, libraries and buili-ins. Over 15 years experience. Quality workmanship guarantee. References supp lied. -Designers welcome. For a free quotation cal Gary ai 428-1139. SECRETARIAL SERVICES. Experienced iaw clerk will do overflow work, typing, etc. Have own eâquipment. C ail Dianne 430-2766 DECKS, FENCING, renovations, additions, custom homes, barns, 678093 Ontario Limited. Cal George ai 430-2766 for a free estimate. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a sale, ioving environment for your child? Lots of toys, lots of activities, lots of fun! Call Sherry 430-6161. Wee Primat Home D"yCame The systemn that provides... *Unscheduied home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliabie local back-up covers Provider illness or holiday " Com piete insurance coverage, " Income tax recem pts " ChUdren six wee ks and up " FuIl or part-timne For more Information Cali: 686-3995 a icensed Agency -vro e rastecasfes Rceach 1.3 MILLION Oritarianie acro55 thc province Specializing in Eariy Childhood P- 11If Education. 4 For Peace of Mind Perry House Child Care Servces 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 COMING EVENTS MERLE HAGGARD - MARTY STU- ART - IAN TYSON - Goods - Gary Fjellgaard - Ron Hynes - Patricia Conroy - Wayne Rostad - August 10-13, Havelock Country Jamboree. Camping 1-800-539-3353. Tickets. For flyer send seîf-addressed stamped envelope 10 Box 100, Havelock, Ontario KOL iZO, c/o Jack Blakely. HALIBURTON LEGION BLUE- GRASS FESTIVAL, Country Show, Talent Contest, JuIy 21, 22, 23, 1995, Globe Park Haliburton. For tickets or information, P.O. Box 129, Haliburton, Ont., KOM iSO or (705) 457-2571. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. Government aid, assistance, grants and boans money available. For new or existing busi- ness. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. CAREER OPPS. HEATSET PRESS OPERATOR REQUIRED. Experience an asset. Opportunity for a coldset operator to expand 10 heatset. Send resumé 10 P.O. Box 1150, Windsor, Ontario. N9A 6P8. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneer-. ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooî of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with our great home-study course. Caîl for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School 2353-38 MoArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Ki L 6R2. FOR SALE 'TRAMPOLINES: FACTORY DIRECT* Excellent for famiîy fun. Save $$$. Parts and service on ail makes. 1 -800-663-2261 ýor 1(604) 222-1263. ORDER NEW CASSETTES and CDs by Tommy Hunter, Carlton Showband, Stompin' Tom, Frank iiib, Graham Towiisend. Aiso Box Sets of 4 WiIf Carter CDs. 1-800- 465-7829. EI..TE-CRETE Concrete Stamping Tools 10 piece slate set $1,850.00; Soîdier Course Tools $149.00 each. We stock release powder, colour, RELIABLE DAYCARE in My home, 10 years expenience. Quiet court. Ail a g s,. receipis given. Garden/Manning area. Cali Donna 430-7052. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, mother of 2 iooking to came for your child(ren). Non-smoking home. Beilwood sohool area. Cail Toni 432-2750. sealer and colour hardeners. Con- tractor inquiries 1-800-667-5496 Fax 519-638-3801. HELP WANTED ATTENTION: COUNSELLORS, Therapists, Medicai/Dental person- nel, Professional Sales Consultants, Motivational Speakers, Teachers. New career opportunity. Excellent income, paid e xpenses. Information: Alandel School & Clinic 1-800-765- 6661. Established 1980. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589. LIVESTOCK OSTRICH BLACKS, TWO CAPE- FEATHER Trios, Excellent Produc- tion! 165 eggs already laid in 1995 season! Also selling 1995 eggs and chicks. VANTEN FARMS LTD. Julie (403) 782-5710. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Caîl your psychic friends. 1-900- 451-3783. Live 1 on 1, 24 Hours. $2.99 per min. 18+ "Botter Living Through Awareness." Friends of 1 ,000's. PERSONALS GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE. Buy and read DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Cail 1-800-561 - 5808. 1lOam-l1Opm 7 days a week . REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'Il take it! Ameni- cas largest, oldest resale cîearing- house. Resort Sales..înternational 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE... Manufacturer Direct. 16x24 $2,822.00. 21x30 $3,235.00. 32x40 $5,958.00. 34x48 $6,988.00. 40x54 $9,544.00. 40x66 $10,988.00. 46x120-' $20,554.00. style. Pioneer 1 -800-668-5422. THE LAST BUILDING you'II ever need. Future Steel Buildings is the recognized leader in affordable, top quaîity, arch-style Steel Buildings. Why pay more? Cali 1-800-668- 8653. *tI IAffordable *aItt Fast a ftk eEasy e On. BilIDoes It Ai ,Northern Ontario $63 -, Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162,, Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available Cali this paper for details! Whity Fee Pess* 66-61il .Offce [our: Modayo Frday 9:0.ar....:00p.n. Fa.66805... CLASSIFIED MARKETPLAC E "~Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" CALL A â"'IEýJ mr. trmn Ian& gairdela Services e Grass Cuttîng: # Sprinq Cfean-up s Landscape Design & tnstaliafion e Fertîliz irg & Weed Co.ntroI a Tree and.S$hrub Pruning *Seeding & Sodding ( ~* ince 1975 ",uo, 623-971 1 Landscape A onaro 34 9428. -J

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