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Whitby Free Press, 19 Jul 1995, p. 14

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77--=" ~ , - Page 14, Whitby Free Pros, WednoBday, JuIy .10, 1995 4fBROOKJLN}v_ Brooklm country< market opens [ Art B yLimaGardner 'SomethinM alittie different' is offered at the Broc lin Country Market on Thickson Road North. Shrubs, antiques, new and used items, woodwork,~ collect- ibles, miniature collectibles, Vie- torian crafts, gallery prints with custom framnework; fruit trees and a vegetable stand that in- éludes maple syrup produets are just mornie of the items available at the store, formerly an Oshawa Garden Service location. According te Louise! Thibert owner of the market that opened in April, customers are looking for. «thinge that are different or unique ... something you can't alwa!ysrbuy in a store. «Very few of my vendors have 'bought merchandise,' itsail spe- cialty type stuff,» says Thibert, who used te, work at Oshawa Garden Service, ini property. maintenance. Stimmer sc~urnds 31 J The Whitby "Braus Band will perform at 'Summer Concerts in the Park' on Thursdays, July 6 and 20,,Aug. 3 and 17, 7:30 p.m. Bring- a lawnchair te the Rotary Park Gazebo, Brock Street Southi Whitby. ANNE BUSST and Gordon Longman were clonned in perioci costum as they pre- pared strawberries for the i 25th birthday celebration of St. Thomas Church in Brooklin r .Meto by Peter Mias, Whitby Free Press The Optimiet Club of Brooklin wiil hold the f Summer Art and Sports Camnp96' in August. The event is for 45 students fromn Brooklin and surrounding area, in ý' two-week *program (Aug. 21 tè 25, Aug. 28 to Sept. It will be a Burns Preshy terian Church in Ashburn. Students wiil be* instructed by artiets Emeli Reiart and Debra Stotland on printmaking, etching, painting and more. Students wiil participate in various coed team sports and games with Renee Ayotte. A pizza lunch is provided on Fridays by Joe's Pizzeria.. Registration fee is $100 for the first child in family, $50 for each additional child. Application forms are available at the Brooklin Bulletin and Video fimage at 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin as of Aug. 1. Only the first 45 applications received at the Brooklin Bulletin wiil be accepted. For m ore information, cail Matt at 655-4434. Tomtojuic aidtohat are cres for 'skunk sniell SKUNK ALEKT IBy Steve Loahy Ies three in the morning and the dog is wbining te go outeide. Remembering the 'accident' he had the last time you ignored his pleas, y ou stumble out cf bed and open the door. You've just rested your head on the door fr-ane and there's a commotion outaide. You cal the dog bock in before he wakes up the neighbours. And though you're cly half awake you notice this smell-.. this reaily strong, pungent, tangy odour outside. You close the door quick but then, in a long, slow moment realize the . meil is inside. In fact, it's going ail through the house as the dog tries te escajpe the stink permanently embedded in bis fur. It was a long and skunky night. Skunks have been ighted out and about Broolin the past couple cf weeks and more thon one* dog has been sprayed. There are a lot cf products avoulable these days which dlaim te eliminate skunk odours. They don't. One cf them heada off any complainers with a label stating if it doesn't work you didn't use it right. Well, it wasn't like you're not trying.. Tomato, juice, the old stand-by, works as well as anything. WVhich is te sy, airing out the house and frequent washings of the dog wil be required for a few weeks. Ketchup can be used instead of jtuice and so can tcothpaste. Now there's a nice odoiferous combination - eau d'skunk and ketchup with a hint of fresh-înint flavour. By- the way, the theory on toothpaste is that it absorbs the skunk oil .and keeps' it from spreading ail over the dog. <ettin4g the stink out of your house can be a lot more trouble. Even if only inside for 20 seconds, a sprayed dog acts like sme kind of electric paint sprayer on a -power surge. The entire house, and moet of the contents, although untouched, become contaminated. Soon, beongings cf every description will be hanging ini the garae on the front porch, on the backyard swing set, on tep of the barbecue, on lawn furniture, in the woodshed and on top of fence posts. Inside, its white baldng soda, vinegar pots and scented candles everywhere. PAW, Whitby's animal control unit only removes skunks from yards and neighbourhoods if the beast is a rabies suspect. Otherwise it is up -te the homeowner te, use a live trap they are happy to, provide. Rabies is a concern if the dog has had a tussle with a skunk. Skunks are the second most likely wild animai to carry rabies although there are only a couple cf dozen cases each year. in Durhamn. The dog wiIl be fine if it bas had a rabies vaccination in the past year. However you should wear rubber gloves when bathing the dogjust te be sure. Prevention is the easiest way cf dealing with these skunks. Doge shouldn't rn loose and comnpost heaps - the reason skunkcs are hanging around - should be critter-proofed. SUMMER FAIR Although. not -as beloved as the Brooklin Spring Fair, the Oshawa and Whitby Summer Fair is just toc close te Brooklin te miss. lhe ever-present ýdemolition derby will kick off the 127th Oshawa and Whitby Fair this Thursday, July 20, on Garrard Road just south cf Winchester. Many of the events that make the Spring Fair so wonderful will be a part of this sumnier fair -- saddle and heavy horse show, baby show, pet show and of course the midway. The, fair continues from Thursday through te Sunday afternoon. Some of the unique events includes- Thursday's motorcycle rodeo, Saturday afternoon's monster mud bog demonstration. Yep, it looks like they wflI be creating a giant mud hole and trucks with giant tires, will try te spin their way through. There is aiso a new event featuring hundreds of miniature cars and trucks. Evenings you can attend (and participate in?) a laser karaoke show.* Tickets,$7 and $6 for seniors on Thursday and Friday from 4 p.m. te midnight and $8 and $7 respectively for Saturday and Sunday. Important note, admission includes ail midway rides, attractions 'and parking. Children under- two wiil be admitted free. MEET BIG BUAT GLENNWOOD TROUT, HATCERY For those that don't know, 'Big. Bd is a humongous rainbow trout that many a fisherman dlaim as the one that got away ... Well, he's hiding out at the Glennwood Trout Hlatchery Aquaculture Centre in Ashburn. Along with finding ail about fish culture, you. can watch a short film on Brook Trout, pet a few rainbows and watch the fi sh feeding. There are Aibino and Sun Trout as well and there's even a cartoon for the ida- The visitor's centre is open Tuesday te Sunday.from 10 a.m. t6 p.m. To get there follow Myrtle Road wrest tili you corne te Dagmar Road (one Ilometre before Lakeridge Road) and head north.1 For more informnation oel 655-4352. SteeLahy's column appeaiv eveiy week Hearn be reched at 65-4398 or 655-5888 (fax). The WHISTLF STOP AT MYRTLE STATION STOP655-3541 Breadi Tarts a Cookies HOME MADE BAKING >Orjust treat ~4the family to lic.e cream canes where you get more for. your hard earned dcollar! à

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