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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1995, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Pros, Workaosday, JuUy 26, 1995 0F.EUIO.........ERVICES. YOUR 411 SEW1NG CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10%'Seniors' discount. Complete tune-up fromn $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicmans. For free pick-up & delivery cal 432-7375. LAN!DSCAPING - specializing in pruning, clean-ups lawn & garden care, plantings. -Fýree estimates. Reasonable. icensed & certified andscaper. Grass cutting & trmig$12 & up. Cati Paul Hurt WOOD RENEWVERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, Iog structures look like new again. R move al weatherinq, stains & paint. Sealer/stain will not peéel or chip. Work guaranteed: 655-3566. PAINTING - PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & wallpaper. Inteniorlexterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too small. For good prces & ood work, cal George ai 725-7870. Free estimates. RENEW WORKS - WE dlean and seal your interlocking brick with our patented, environmentally friendly products. Free estimnates and aïIl work guaranteed. 655-3566. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Customn Designs - Corne seè us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also mens tailoning available. Tues.-Fni. 10-5,30, Set. 10-3, No appoinimnent necessary. 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes rX30-ý6550. MR. BRUSH ~ PAINTING and renovations for home or business. Professional, reliable, reasonable, neat, clean, courteous. Free estîmates. Whitby based. Cali 905-571-6453. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do t". Reliable, experienced, quality wo rk. Special rates for seniors.Flexible hours, prompt service, free estimates. Phone George 666-116a. MARIGOLD WINDOW CLEANING $25 for ail exterior windows hand-cleaned, $20 for townhomes. 100% satisfaction or don't pay. Please call Ray 668-0070. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Repair. Quality work, interior/exterior. Over 20 years ex perience. No job too small. Free estima tes. 1-800-423-0823. "HANDYMAN WITH a van" wiII do household moving, clean-ups and removal, general repairs and electrical work. Cail Doug (905) 434-7874. PAINTING UNTERORIEXTERIOR quality work, best material used. For those who deserve more for their money, cail Joe 721-2706, please leave message. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive q uality portraits. Studio or in home. Babie s, children, families. Packages from $29. Also: weddings from $299, old photos copied & restored corporate & promotional. No GSTI (905) 427-9164. HOME RIENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, . inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, electical, windows, energ» conservation. Caîl Jacques of AI1 Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON 'et4M O a &ed a4dt CALLA E1EW Tepir u0ail akes INUSRAL& OMETI 11 DNDS T. .BWIB PeteI6-37 LOV1NG DAYCARE available in my home. Warm & canng atmosphere. E.C.E., prima r teacher, Masters degree in psyÉchology. Hot lunches & snacks. Excellent references,. reasonable rates. 668-8403. CFIILDCARE IN MY HOME starting Se ptember. Any age is welcome. Be llwood school area. Cali 404-0031. EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER available to provide quality homecare for your înfant/toddler. Clean, safe, Ioving, s moke-free environment. Daily outin gs, toys, music crafls. OeIl Charlene 430-6à09. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy nioment for your child. Nutntious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). «Thickson & Rossland. A ges 6 mos. & uip. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. Speciaîizing in _ Early Childhood' Education. For Peace of Mind. Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129,Per!ry St., Whltby 668-9476 TREE CUTTING ~ __________ Fully Insured* Free Estîmates ,.~ . .... S. AR... 431M 4» 304622 ~ CM OAIN pager 721-7304 v N - wodfenin &decks FORE CMPTITVEESTMATES IWritten Guaranteel 1666-96901 yvYIIUIiy %lrm iîr L' Ulcir JIl house with two others. Use of facililies. Must be non-smoker. Close to transportation. Parking available. Cal 668-8388, leave message before 9pm. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. WaUk 10 ail amenities. Pilease caîl 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. COMING 1EVENTS, MERLE HAGGARD - MARTY STUART - IAN TYSON - Goods -'Gary Fjellgaard - Ron Hynes - Patricia Conroy - Wayne Rostad - August 10-13, Haveiock Coun- try Jamboree. Camping 1-800-539-3353. Tickets. For flyer send self -addressed stamped envelope to Box 100, Havelock, Ontario KOL iZO, c/o Jack Blakely. GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gas Era Village, antique cars, sawmill, threshing, parades, fiddling, crafts; fea- turing pre-1960's lawn & garden and chalnsaws display. Caledonia, August 5- 6-7. 905-765-4891. AUCTIONS Auction. Saturday, August 26, 9a.m., Hol- iday Inn, Red Deer, AB. Over 700 lots. Pictorial catalogue $25. Box 456, Red Deer, AB, T4N 5G1. Book rooms early - Auctiori rate 1-800-661-4961. Fax 403- 347-7633, 403-347-7301. .BUSINESS .FOR SALE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Busi- ness. Operatlng sixteen years success- fully ln Northern Ontario. Incorporated. Includes inventory, tools, sheet metal equipment,,vehicle, goodwill. Asking $115,000. Partial Financlng available 705-647-5444. BUSINESS SERVICES: GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs Information avail- able. For your new or existlng business. ,Take advantage of the government grants and boans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING- LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western School of Auctloneering. Next Classes: AUGUSTi 9-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Wood- stock, Ontario N4S 7V93. <519) 537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence cours- es for the Certif icate of Counselling stud- ies to begin July 15 & 30. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Train, upgrade or retire in a powerful new profession. Become a Certifled Master HypnotisV/Hypnotherapist. Free informa- tion package. Alandel School & Clinic 1- 800-718-3811 Ext. 250. FOR SALE *TRAMPOLINES: Factory Direct* Excel- lent for family fun. Save $$$. Parts and service on ail makes. 1-800-663-2261 or i <604) 222-1263. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES'TO DRAW. Make a lot of. money selling chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance., Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. PAY. TELEPHONE SERV. LIVE PSYCHICSI Genuine Canadian Psychics tell ail. Past, Present, Future revealed. Romance, Wealth, Career. Live and personal. 1-900-451-3778. Innervi- sion Crystal Connection. $2.99/min .,18+, 1 -on-i, 24 hrs. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Frlends of thousands. Love, Money, Success, Accurate, Caring, Positive. 24 heurs, $2.99/min. 18+. 1-900-451-3783. RARE GIFTED Psychlcs wlll guide you ln ail aspects of love, success, money, diffi- cuit decisions. Take control of your des- tinyl 18+. $3.99/min. Cali nowl 1-900- 870-2778, Ext. 175. DISCOVER VOUR DESTINVI Powerful secrets revealedl Live Personal Psy- chics, Tarot Card Readings, Horoscopes, Dream Interpretations. Cali NowI 1-900- 451-3297 ext. 511. $3.99/mln. 18+. Touch-tones only. lnfoServlce/Studlo Clty CA, 213-993-3366. LOVE? MONEY? For live psychlc, Tarot, horoscope, dream Interpretation cail nowl 1-900-45 1-3297 ext.403. $3.93 /mIn. 1Z+ only. Touch tones oniy. Infoservice/Stu- dbo City, CA <213) 993-3366. Psychic POWERII LIVE - Personal - Con- fidentiail 1-900-451-4704'. $3.99 per min. Aduits 18+ only. MATEOUS. PERSON >ALS WHEN LIFE BECOMES a battie grounid, your MIND Is your best weapon. Buy and Read DIANETICS: The Modemn Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Cali 1-800-561 -5808, 1 Oam- lOpm 7 days a week. REAL ESTATE GARAGE, HOME, Variety Store, Gas Bar: extremely busy hghway two hours north of Toronto. Vendor III -- says SELLI Asklng $225,000. Dale Austin Realty Ltd. 705-286-4441. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- shlp/timeshare? We'Ii take iti America's largest, oidest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE ... Manufacturer Direct. 16x24 $2,822.00. 21x30 $3,235.00. 32x40 $5,958.00. 34x48 $6,988.00. 40x54 $9,544.00. 40x66 $10,988.00. 46x120 $20,554.00. Others. Endwalls included. Quonset style. Pioneer 1-800- .668-5422. THE LAST BUILDING you'Il ever need. Future Steel Buildings ls the recognized leader in affordable, top quality, arch- style Steel Buildings. Why pay more? Cai 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- Wall type - -not quonset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60xl26 $31 ,314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwal wood/steel and ail/steel buildings, Are- nas, Stables, Workshops, Barns, Etc-. Contracting and Flnanclng Available, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. VACATION/TRAVEL FAMILY CAMPING at Niagara Falls KOA. Ultra, ultra modemn campground featuring 2 outdoor pools, indoor pool w/sauna, hot tubs. Super children's play- ground. Friday welcome party, bingo, wagon-rides. Reservations. 1 -800-KOA- MIST, 1-800-562-6478..- *ItýrAffodabtee *ItkFast aftkEasy eOneDifliDo« ft Ail eNorthern Ontario $63e Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 -, Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available Cail this paper for details! "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE80 To meach a wkfer marke, adoVertlse througho .r e glonal memb.rshlp of the Ontarfo and Canadian Commun<y Newspap:erAssaciatfons. *Central Ontario 50 newspapers - $168 for 25,words -Ail Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words *Ail Canadla 583 newspap.rs - $1,183 for 25 words For furthor information pi« ei al the Whtby FaisPaiesCbWamsd *668411 .. ......... .............. ..... . .... .................... o T.S. Mont a .......... .*, -U ÇAS SI"FI ED MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" Wee wat_ The sse that provides... *Unscedled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Compete insurance coverage " Incarne tax recei pts ChUdren six weeks-and up *Full or part-time For more Information caîl: 686m3995 a icensed Agency 1

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