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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1995, p. 19

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WhitbyFro. Press, Wednosday, July 26, 1995,Page,19 Marigold Co-operative Homes lncorporated TENDER FOR CLEANINO CONTRACT FOR THE COMMON AREAS AND OFFICES 0F A 6 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING SEALED PROPOSALS clearly marked as to contents wiIl be received by the Executive Officer until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY AUGUST 8th, 1995.. Specifications are available from pur Office,' at 121 Ash Street in WHITBY. The LOWEST or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Board of Directors Marigold Co-operative Homes Incorporated 121 Ash Street, Whitby, Ontario *Li N 9H8 k- NEED To KNOW 5OMETAING ...........OUT YO(JR NEW COMMLJNITY? SiNCE 1930 LTO PH-ONE 668-6497 Our hostess wiii bring gifts and greetings, aiong with heiptul community information. Thomas George, Joanne, Maajory & Robert would like to invite relatives and fiends to their parents 5Oth Wedding Anniversary. Thomas & Phylis Tompkins on Sunday, July 30,1995 from 2:00 to 5:OOpm, at Whitby Masonic Hall 203 Cochrane St., north of Fairview Lodge & east of St. Andrews Chur&h - Best wishes only - Youir risit ill renew oôldiiemiories The Cowen's,, Lloyd, Betty Lou &Melissa are happy to announce Troy's graduation from Niagara College in Ambulance & Esiiergency Care, Troy was the valedictorian of his graduation class fromn Denis O'Connor. Way th go TroY 1 CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS YOU ASHOCK OR TWO! t: Just check the CALL A PRO section '~~Yuand let the pros do the job Yucan compare and choose from the senices ýou'Il find there! TREFFERS, MARGARETHA on Wednesday, Jul 5, 1995 at Brockville General Hospital, age 76. Betoved wife of Johan Treffers. Dear inother of Joe (Donna), Martin, (Jeninifeýr), John (Anita). Loving g randmother of Carolynn (Jim Murphy), Robert (Tracy), Craig, Bryanand Laura. Nurse and former caseworker Whitby Psychiatric Hospital* Funeral was in. Athens, Ontario, Saturday- JuIy 8th. Donations to idney Éoundation wilI be sincerely appreciated by the famiy. BAILEY - IN LOVING rnemory of dear father- and grandfat her , Russellt, who passed^ away( July 23rd, 1967. Anotherday, another r ear, Loving thoughts and a sulent tear. Gone are the days we used to share, But in our' hearts, you're always there. If we could have one lifetime wish One dream that could corne true, Vve'd pray to God with ail our hearts, For yeésterday and you. Lovingly remembereci by Ruth, Jim and family., ............. ................ ..... ... . ... ..... :7 > --- ------------- -- - ............ viead. FREE AD r,, is introdLucing column! CL 1-900-451.-4882 Et 47 It's'only $1.99 per màinute. You must be 18 years. or. older r.Person 10 erson FREE VOICE GREETING and have a touchtone phone to use this service. To respond or browse ads. FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 customer service # 1-800-273-5877 LADY FROM CANADA. GAF, 23, 5'2", lO9lbs., long hair, brown eyes, petite, excel- lent shape, seeking slender, blonde SWF, 20.29, for friand- ship, possible relationship. Oshawa area. Ad# 1252 VOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, good sense of humor, ana son, likes rock and country music, walks, fuît moons, stars n the sky, dancing, q uiet evenings ai home seeking SWM 36-47 for riendship, possible relatonship. Oshawa area. Ad# 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 1 281bs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irish, ana daughter, goad sense of humor, easy ta gmlt along with, likas kids, going' Ior, long walks, cuddling, movies, some sports, seaking tai, dark SWMI 20-29. Oshawa aras. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjays alternative music seekIng SWM, 19-22, for frlendship, gaing ta con- certs, hanging out.Oshawa ares. Ad# 362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 511". modal, enjay maovias, seeking, rW,1-5', 6'6«+, for friandship passible relstionship. Whitby aras. Ad# 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 51", dsrk blonde hair, green eyas, son, 10, enjays g ets, shooting pool, ouldoors, orses, Harlays, seeks rugged- 1 handsoma, SWM, 33-36, I siai hair a plus, '5'8.i, for possible ralationship. Oshawa aras Ad# 9495 LET'S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 53X, red hair, blue eyes, anjoys intermediate ballraom dancing. laves dogs, waiks an the beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whitby aras. Adn 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34. 55", brown hair, blua eyes, enjoys country music, talking, dancingcamping much more, saeking SWM, 39M- 45, muat lika chlidron, similar Interests. Oshawa, ares., Ad# 2208 l'L GET 8ACK TO YOU SWF, 30 prfessionsi, attrac- tive, ion g blonde hair,' green ayas, anjoys bands, basebsil, camping, workingouf, -out- doors,. seaks SWM profession- ai, similar Interests, for friand- shlp, possible romance. Whtby aras. Ad# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, ouI- doors, leaaring, seaking SGF, sny aga, with similar interests, friands first, msyba .mare. Whitby ares. Ad# 1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW momn 19, 5'4', 128lbs., blonde hair, blue ey as, ana daughter, smeking SWM, 20-29, for friendship, mayba mare. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeks hanast, sn-, cere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high marais and anoys the bettmr lifa for friand- shpsand along tarm commit- ment Whitby ara. Ad# 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 5V8, brawn hsir, sllghtiy overweight, wears glassas. ana son, likes country music. dining out,, mavies, nature wahks, seeks sensitive, fun-ioving, patient SM, 37-47,' who Jikas klds Whitby aras. Ad# 1485 IF YOU WANT TO SW momn 19, 5'4. 128ibs, blonde hair, blua eyes, one daughler, saaking SWM, 20-29, for friandship, maybe more. Oshawa aras. Ad# 5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinkar, rad hair, brown ayes, new ta Oshawa, saaking SWM, 25-35. N/S, ta gel together with, must ba ln Oshawa ares. Ad# 1433 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF, 30, 5'4», sightly full fig- ured, long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+, ta talk ta, go ta clubs with, for friandship aniy ta stsrt. Oshawa ares. Ad# 8092 LET'S TALK SBF, 19, 6V, 114bs., attrac- tive, Intelligent, mature, cartng, ramantic, sealking SWM, 30s- 40s, no, head gamnis. Whitby, aras. Ad# 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 5V6, 11lSlbs., no chil- dran, anjays running races, csnaaing, mountain biking, movies, dinlng ouf, seaking SWMV, 35-39, for long term rea- tionship, Whitby aras. Ad# 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20, mom of ana, anjays dancing, walking, fsmiiy lite, home lite, seeking down ta earth, employad, SWM, 22-32, must lika kids, for honest rea- tionship. Whilby aras. Ad# 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF,33, seeks dawn ta earth, hanest, SWM, 29-41, for iasling reationship, possible romance. Oshawa aras Ad# 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, 56V, no childran, vag- atarian, anviranmentalisl, anjoys running, mountain bik- ing, -skilng, kayaking, traval, raading, seeking SWM, ta share Intareste. Oshawa aras. Ad# 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4", ll21bs., anjays alterriative music, saeking easygolng, honest, SWM, nath- ing. sariaus, just hanging out, concerts, mare. Oshawa ara. Ad# 6362 RELATIONSHIP SWF, 47, 5'7". slim, looking for tali, SWM, 40-50, sincere, hon- est, intelligent. Whitby aras. Ad# 4242 CALL ME SWF, 38. lave and interest for lite, honast, attectionate, strong family and social values, saeks SWM, 35-45. Whitby ares. Adn 7892 ENJOYS FUJN SWF, 33, seeks sincara, hon- est, SWM, 30-41,Ifor friandshîp, long tarm ralaionship. Oshawa arma. Ad# 2360 OUTDOOR NUT SWF, 40, 148lbs., laves flif, horses, gaflng, basting, beach- aes, basabaîl, holding hands, theasre, dhning ouI, saaks SWM,- 40-55,, wilh common intresîs. Whilby aras. Ad# 5122 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, going out, good imas, seaks autgoing SWM, 36-40,10o share interesîs. Oshawa arma. AdO# 1800 HEY LADIES GBF, 27, spantaneous, seeks GFE 18-31, for friandshhp, gaing out, msybe mare. Whitby ares. Ad# 3903 SINGLE PARENT SWF, 25, two children. many intrests, easygoing, dawn ta earth, -ampiayed, seeking SWM, 38-40, similar qualitias. Mississauga ares. Ad# 7838 NICE CATCH SWM, 25. self employad, gaod background, likes many thunps. seeking sincere; gaad loakmng SWF, 20-26. for frlendship, possible ralalionship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9321 RELATIONSHIP SIBMV, 37, 511l,, iSObs., fun,. easyging. likes movias, music, dining, comadys, going for drives, going ta the park, saeks attractive, sîtactianata SF, 18-50, for an ongoing rea- tianship. Oshawa ares. Adn# 2835 GOOD NATURE SWMV, 34. 510", brown hair, hazai ayas, siim build, lîkes waiking. talkîng, kids, seeks gaod naturad SWF, 18-40, for friendshlp, passible relation- sthip. Oshawsareas. Ad#'3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18, 5'9". brown hsir/eyas, mu scular built, smaks good oaking SWF, 22-25, for friendship. posshble relation- ship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5368 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, works shift work, pretty quiet, pretty shy, lîkas countr music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for fniendship, msybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE SBM, 50, likas sparts, ouldoor activities, saaking anergatic 56F, 35-45, for friendship, maybe mare. Oshawa aras. Adn# 8868 CARS ARE FUN SWM, 36, 62-, 2001bs., likas the ouldoars, camping, gaing out and walching auto rscing, saeking SWF. 25-99, for friand- ship, possible raiationship Whitby area. Ad# 2061 GOOD RELATIONS GWM, 25, 6'l", vegetarian, no children, likes going ta clubs, sparts, making people iaugh, seeking N/S SWM, 20-40, wilh simfilar interests for a possible long term reiatianship Whitby area. AU# 2402 CAN MEAN SOMETHING SWM, 26, brown'hair, blue eyes, N/S, lawyer, funny, likes tennis, cycling, 9aing out, learning, seeking li1vely, eéner- P etic, professional SWF. 20-38, or a meaninglul relationship. Oshawa area.,Ad# 8801 GO FOR IT SWM, 35, 5'8', 200lbs., aver- age iaaking, ana dépendent, awns harses, likes country music, ouldoor life, barbeques, dining out, family, seeks SWF, 29-40, for friendship. Oshawa area. AdU 5834 THANK YOU SWM. 30, 6', brown hair, green- eyes, enjays camping, mavies, music, beach at night ta hear waves, gaing oufta parties and bars, seeks sincere, honest, csring, siim, SWF. 24-33. Oshawa area. Ad# 8390 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 23. 6', l7Olbs., brown hair/eyes, Oshawa arma, easy- gaing, enijays auldoor and indoor activities, seaking SWF. 19-25, for good imes. Oshawa area Ad# 4582 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33,' anjoys fun imes, conversations, walking, seek- ing friend, pal, buddy, lover in SWF, 18-30. Whitby area. Ad# 3641 *MVR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 6'. lBlbs., blond hair. blue eyes, seeking inter- esting, adventuraus, spanta- neaus, créative, SWF. 22-38. for'friendship passible long retatianship. Oshawa area. Ad# 2339 With Auto Ad taking. just use your touchtone-phone ta answer some questions about yoursetf and the type of persan you wauld ike to meet. Then record your vaice greeting. and we'tt transcribe il mbt a print ad that witt appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Person ta Persan s available for single peopte seeking ratationships. Ads containing explicit sexuat or anatomical language witt not ba pub- lished. We reserve the right ta edit or refuse any ad. Custamer service 1-800-273-5877. M Maie W White H Hispanie NC Native Canadian S Single WW Wldawed F Female B Back A Asian -C, Christian 0 Dtvrcad N/S Non-smaker GOOD CATCH SWM, 40, 5'8-, 155lbs., fuit head ai hair, goad looking, N/S, moderate drînker, scuba diver, enjoys ouldoors, canoeing, hik- ing, biking, golf, seeks SWF, under 27, for passible relation- ship. Whitby area. Ad# 6875 LOVE ME TENDER SWM, 24, Sicilian, enjays movies, bars, bands, gaod limes. seeking SWF, under 27, for possible relationship. Whitby area. Ad# 8270 GOT YOUR ATTENTION SWM, 45, seeking down. ta earth, loving, sînicere, queen size, SWF, for spailing, pam- paring, fine dinfing, mare. Whltby area. Adl# 90 16 SENS! 0F MUMOR SWM, 25, 5'6». 1371bs.. black hair, green eyes, enjoys weight training, long walks, travel, seeking SWF, 20-30, for passible relalionship. Whilby arma. AdU 8460 STILL SEARCHING SWM. 21, 5'10«., 1SOlbs., brawn hiair, blue eyes, enjays quiet limes, mavies, dining *out, eeks SWF, 18-22, honast. sin- cere, funny. with similar inter- ests. Whilby area. Ad# 3480 RIRSTTMME AD .SWM, 24, new ta ares, lives 'atone, enjays cycirg, sports, seaks SF, for friendship, possi- ble relatianship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9446 ARE YOU IN SHAPE? SWM, 27, 5'9", 1BOibs., muscu- lar, darc blond hair, blue eyes. dlean cul, gaad laaking, han- est, romanlic, enjays auldoors, gaing out, seeks SWF, 19-30, similar interesîs, positive atti- tude, friends first. Whilby ares. Ad# 9368 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 40, 6'. 200lbs., good shape, dark hair, blue eyes, smoker, social drinkar. enjoys outloors, camping, fishi- ing, hunting, walks, nature, ani- mals, dancing, coutlnry music, mavies, seeka SF 18-40, for triendship, maybe -maore.ý-, Whilby arma. Ad# 5407 -.rU ep ni th ilsr mt -, aa.~Çtndte tvesOf a poyou wifme ~t . rre .wte t4FO 0 fci rJom your Vols r9 1n wi*wifae r lrihe.paper in 0: Whtla ua d nuniber? A:The 4 digit numnberat the end et yotir prinI ad that ollowa min-* ,glas I*o al and respond Io your Q. Wht la an ecce»s code?' A: Adordideaa 4 digit oWOd tha oniyyaU lcnow, hatsoso. youeoeM 10 your mtdibox.-. O:What are Messages? A: Voice greetinga fram other singles who reaponded * Ioyour ad là Iha nawspapar or thro(igh the ýprowsa. Tlr9istan ta*aur messgsfrF!. catlIz~0 a544 x,4 once every 7 days or 1400-01-4882, Ext. 47 anytma, ai a charge ai$199 par minute. 0: Wliat are estam matolus A- Vo"c. greetînga f rom ather mdvertiers whose matching cri- tarta la the amm or similar ta yours. Yau can listen ta yaur sys- tam matches lnstsntly by cahMing 1-900U5-4882 Ext. 47. ai a charge aofS$1.99 par minute. M: What la Smert Browaa7 A: A spachal featura that atlows you la listen -and respond ta other voice greetings that match the criterta you select. Cati 1- 900-4882 Ext. 47, option 2, at a charge of $1 .99 par minute. 0: llow do I respond ta an ad? A: Cati 1-900786-4882 Ext. 47, option 1. ai a charge af $1.99 par minute. the system wilI ask yau ta enter the 4 digit ad num- ber at the nad af the prînt ad. Press 1tot respond, press 2 ta go on tathe next ad. 0: How do 1 cancel or ronew end ad?1 A: Calcustomer service ai -1

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