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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1995, p. 5

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WhiIby Fr00 Prees WOMMY, JuIY 26196,P' s Resident to pitch, commission Soluion o h sdos' io, oe roo ByMark Reosor Brooklin area resident Bob Hliggs says there's a simple way to end the frequent blackouts he's had to endure - eut down a few trees and trim some branches. Higgs, who lives on Garrard Road north of Columibus Road, was without power for a total of 21 hours in the stornis two weekends ago. But that's nothng new. "We've been off seven times in the last five weel<s," he notes, "(and) i the last five years, we've had something like 27 outages and about 23 of them have been due to trees... 'Xvery time we get à wind here, the tree bends, touches the line and. we lose hydro and have to wait two hours for them to corne back and reset the fuse... "(This area) is called 'Herniits Valley'but the guys on the (hydro> trucks eall this the 'money pite because of aIl the overtime they get coming up here refixing fuses and redoing the lines." And that's llkely to continue, he says, since "there's eight dead trees up here which are going to corne down se we know there's eight more cutoifs we're going to get." The trouble is, "we can't get people to eut the trees up here - everybody's fighting against each other and the trees can't be eut." Hydro says they can eut any tree that's causing them "major probiems," he says. But if there's any doubt - "and in my case it doesn't cause them -major problems, they don't think" -- they can't touch it without permission from Whitby parks and recreation department. And parks and rec 'bas got this thing where 'we musn't touch trees because they're preclous,"' hé adds. I guess everybody in this day and age is more sensitive to protecting the trees, protecting the environment and ail the rest of it," says parks and rec director Larry Morrow, 'but, if - there's any potential for interfering with hydro services, then it oertainly takes priority over the tree... "With ail those storms that we've had, we would not in any way stand in the way of getting some of that cieared out of there." Waterfront events planned' for eblidren Waves of the Watexfront will hold several -events at Heydenshore Beach in Whitby. A drop-in arts and crafts However, Morrow adds that, if hydro crews want te remove a tree In a situation where they're doing regular maintenance work, then we try te work tegether with them." "Basically we don't teuch trees unless we're told to by the Town," says Whitby Hydro general manager Tom May. "Itfs a very difficuit thing te eut any tree down or te do any serious cutting." Hydre brings in tree trimmers te do haif the tewn. each ye-ar, he says, and they're teld te keep branches about three metres away DON'T MISS Th1e ('iIcIf>IISCh l>b EVENT 0F 1995 Conrie <it 5its a'..îv29. 1! h nth <t t iver i y Iilive ti ing of tlIlerv wilI I e lusii <îeivities il ir tu gI t Wit wiîîta qIitivýii g piircl îise <il$2500or n Club t)niernibearsî up atl(I tai -hrisi ad lTvdi eligible o lx*tI ue i lima rbary Marshall" of i and yoii miisi lx' I reseilo 1>wiui. *Visitounr store aaId suii a st msigge-stk tutfori "Naine A Sireeli in (Mmris, No Iîr<-lîasC is rneeetssai wviIll x- eh<seii Iy your 1liI:.Ii.Club 1lI a(teitrters fo wivii mers i ainîe mi in Ille Sej)heimler s. '<'ii a t cualifyiimg puru adhorble resin Townm $8.00. (*NOTE: Quail only whilc" supjplies li Learro aixîiih the exclu Chmarisicc i Tc'm<lcs Toi from power lunes. ."Beyond that, we don't eut a tree down without going te the Town for permission and I know everybody seems te be reluctant te eut any trees anywhere." May says he gives Higgs "every spport in what he's trying te, do, it's just that with things the way they are now, we don't dare eut trees that aren't. an obvious probiem te our uines." <Higgs would like te see a lot of trees taken out, says May, and that takes cooperation from the Town "and everybody else... I ;C herlshed Teddlies a~.Çub tu5 th eele>rte I re. ie, a(itrssi eIIs ii ligêîrineî votn becorne Ille officiai iliblx)n lting wvill lx- lrawn by yflur retailer. a sircet itane in the National Irii T jc ki(t ii t i<>L Contesi." ry. on(! winning suggestion rretailer and subm)nitted to x final selection. The national suggestion wilI be published ;ue of The tcsvn Tiller. ýiîsc of $2500 or more, the sign <an be yours for only iiiies arc linited and available last.> isive beniefits available Io «'n;i Mernbears. *Joîn 11e Cu and recciv e a free exclusive Club I rbboi i (Available wlîle supplies lasi. \ îSifor iciii <ir sorefotrxvoe inf<>rnmtiLMi' tu Precius Pae n Thg 475 Westney Rd. N. Ajax- 686-7185I L I 701 Rossland Rd. E., Whiithy - 668-1164 L i 018%itl a a UtiMisé) l .'a 4A onbkt#.e J.aWal..h.fle,,l 'fr. câdi,,', t. Jl ,,k0 hi , ,,*imei ,dwX.-4Ia tixa ki La(-Y think there's a lot of sympathy for what he's saying, he's just got te get the rlght approvals and so on." Higgs has asked te speak at the next Whitby Hydre Electrie Commission meeting. You can entrust your child's -care to Wee Watch. Reliable, supervised day care at a home in your neighbourhood. *Safe, comfortable environments *Stimulating daily programs *Trained, pro fessional Pro viders " ntReliable local back.up for Pro vider's holidays or îllness " Complète insurance cove rage " Income tax receipts supplied *Mont h/y home inspections and;ý we welcome full orpart-tîme care frchildren- from 6 weeks otaâge! 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